Watchman Says She’s a Demonic Trans Activists, Actress Jamie Lee Curtis Attacked GOD Fearing Christian’s in a Recent Speech, Accusing Them of “Championing” Homophobia and Transphobia in the “Name of Religion,” Adding That They Must Be “Exposed and Silenced”

SRH: Once the truth is shut down, this country will fall into complete darkness.  HNewsWire: Recently, actress Jamie Lee Curtis gave a speech in which she criticized conservative Christians. She said that they were “championing” homophobia and transphobia in the “name of religion” and that they needed to be “exposed and silenced.” “These are very dangerous times, and I’m very happy to be in a room with people who are fighting the best fight they can fight,” Curtis told the crowd at the Out100 Celebration. According to Fox News, the event was a red carpet honor for Out magazine’s 100 LGBTQ trailblazers. For some reason, the Halloween star then said that she “prays” that religious people who have different views than her are “exposed and silenced.” SRH: Once the truth is shut down, this country will fall into Complete darkness.…


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Watchman: Law Professor Says Be Gay, Do Crimes, Be Warned They Are Satan Foot Soldiers, Be Sure to Thank Obama/Biden and Google

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Authored by Micaiah Bilger via The College Fix, Law professor will help create health guidelines for ‘trans, gender diverse people’ A Canadian transgender professor who sports a “be gay, do crimes” tattoo recently was appointed to a World Health Organization group tasked with developing healthcare guidelines for “trans and gender diverse people.” Florence Ashley, an assistant law professor at the University of Alberta, is one of 21 individuals on the new taskforce, and about half of them identify as transgender, The Post Millennial reports. Ashley uses “they, them, that, bitch” pronouns, according to the report. Scheduled to meet in February, their goal is to develop international guidelines that will increase “access and utilization of quality and respectful health services by trans and gender diverse people,” according to a Dec. 18 announcement from the WHO. The Post Millennial reports more: The group includes…


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Watchman: A Medical Provider Has Voluntarily Withdrawn From Texas Rather Than Complying With the Investigation Into “Gender Transition” Treatments for Minors, This Is Excellent News. Bye-bye Son of ah B******

HNewsWire: Medical Provider Agrees to Withdraw from Texas Instead of Complying with Investigation into “Gender Transition” Treatments for Minors AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has reached an agreement with Seattle Children’s Hospital in which the institution will abandon all attempts to do business in Texas. Seattle Children’s appears to provide “gender transition” interventions to Texas children at its Seattle, Washington facility. When Texas children depart its facility, Seattle Children’s appears to transmit prescriptions for hormone disrupting drugs to children and pharmacies in Texas, potentially violating state law. Texas’s law known as SB 14 prohibits drug and surgical “gender transition” interventions for minors. SB 14 went into effect in September 2023. In November 2023, Attorney General Paxton opened an investigation into Seattle Children’s Hospital. Instead of complying with requests for documents and additional information, Seattle Children’s sued Texas. Now,…


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Watchman: White House Announces Easter Sunday as a Day to Recognize and Support Transgender Visibility Many People Believed That Evil Was in Charge During Obama’s Presidency and Beyond

Recognize who your true enemy is. Your enemy is Satan, the highest-ranked of the fallenangels who rebelled against God. Satan is your adversary, accuser, tempter, and deceiver.He works by trying to convince you to doubt God’s truth and believe his lies instead. Youopen doors for your enemy to attack you whenever you deliberately disobey God andchoose to sin. It’s vital to run away from temptations to sin and pray against Satan’s plansto hurt you and other people. Be certain of your authority in prayer. Jesus has given you the authority to pray in Hisname and to know that He will answer your prayers according to God’s will and at the righttime. Be confident that you can pray to usher God’s power into any situation. White House announces plans for Easter Sunday to recognize and celebrate transgender visibility Many believed that…


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Watchman’s View:According to the Framework of Scripture, They Are Presently in Hell, but the Final Judgment Is Yet to Come.’Sexist’: Trans Advocate Claims Preventing Men From Competing Against Female Athletes Unfair

HNewsWire: SRH: Biden Demonic Foot Soldiers, the Watchman Warns Transgender– In addition to being the elite foot soldiers, enforcers of evil, and people with Ungodly agendas, transgender people have a bad reputation. By now, it’s clear that the mRNA vaccine is an evil operating system designed to produce evil doers. Homosexual pride flags are now flying over the White House per Joe Biden’s order. Unfortunately, we have elected a group of sinful people to leadership positions.     SRH: What is demonic affliction or oppression and how can we recognize it? Scripture teaches that believers are in a very real battle with the demonic world. In Ephesians 6:11-12, Paul said: Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but…


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Watchman Says Trans Is Like mRNA Vaccines”Deadly”South Dakota Is Forced To Apologize to Transgender Activists and Pay $300,000. The Truth Will Be Exposed Soon!

By SRH, Watchman Compares Trans to mRNA “Deadly” South Dakota must apologize and give $300,000 to transgender advocates. Soon, the truth will out! South Dakota apologized to a transgender advocacy group and paid $300,000 to resolve a contract termination lawsuit against Gov. Kristi Noem and the state health secretary. South Dakota’s Transformation Project, a nonprofit that provides suicide prevention and other services to transgender people, sued Ms. Noem and Secretary of Health Melissa Magstadt last year after the state canceled a contract to hire and train a community health worker to connect LGBT people to health services. At least $39,000 of the contract’s $136,000 state-administered federal grant went to the transgender group, according to its attorneys. South Dakota Deputy Health Secretary Lynne Valenti claimed in the contract revocation letter that the transgender group failed to meet contractual responsibilities. Attorneys for…


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We’re Living In a Generation Where The Sin That Once Snuck Secretly Down The Back Alley, Now Strut Proudly Down Main Street

As pro-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) voices and values grow louder and more insistent in the culture, what about those people of faith who experience same-sex attraction and don’t want it? What are they supposed to do with feelings and desires at odds with their faith? How are they supposed to learn to reconcile their faith and their sexuality? The cultural narrative has become, “LGBT represents normal, healthy variations in human sexuality, so everyone should support and celebrate all forms of sexual diversity. And if you don’t, we’re going to punish you, shame you, and squelch your voice.” Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” There are many other biblical warnings about the sin of pride. But why is pride so strongly warned against? Why is pride a sin? Is it always a…


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