6 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional, A Wicked Person’s Corrupt Sinful Nature Actively at Work in Them Means They Will Continually Come Up With New Ways to Do Evil and Bad Things (Romans 1:30)

This is why the world we live in is becoming increasingly evil as the end of the age draws near, as Jesus predicted in Matthew 24:12 that lawlessness and evil would increase, leading many people to harden their hearts. And the multitude of evil perpetrated by ungodly people living according to their evil desires is constantly inventing new ways to fulfill and satisfy their sinful fleshly desires. But true believers pursuing righteousness should not be surprised by this, as Jesus Christ foretold this a long time ago, and even the Old Testament predicts that evil will be rampant before the end of the world, because Satan knows his time is short. If they continue to reject God’s love by living in deliberate sin, hell awaits the vast majority of these wicked individuals with eternal chains of darkness. The Bible warns […]


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