9 mins read

Upate: 12/17/22 The Department Of Defense Continues Its Political Purge Of God Fearing Unvaccinated Service Members.

Four Republican senators joined Democrats in shooting down an amendment to a massive defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine. The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the Senate 83-11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40. The unvaccinated devout in the US Air Force will be unable to “aim high,” as individuals requesting religious exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccinations are being grounded and discharged. The Air Force announced that as of March 15, 2022, it has rejected 5,259 religious accommodation petitions and […]


4 mins read

More Soldiers Discharged From Service For Refusing COVID-19 Experimental Injection.

The Army has just discharged 27 soldiers for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the army, which also confirmed that another 24 soldiers were just recently discharged. “Army commanders have removed a total of six Regular Army leaders, including two battalion commanders, and issued 3,275 general officer written reprimands to Regular Army Soldiers for disobeying the vaccine order,” according to the Army. “Vaccination percentages will change slightly as the Army accesses and discharges Soldiers and continues to optimize data monitoring methods.” Last Monday, the Army became the latest branch of the military to reveal that service members have been separated, confirming that three troops had been discharged for refusing the vaccine. The Army’s deadline for receiving the vaccine passed more than three months ago, and Army Secretary Christine Wormuth instructed commanders to begin the process of separating those […]


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