5 mins read

Imported Terrorism Things to Think About Before a Future Terrorist Attack–Its Coming to America

  HNewsWire: Under this fraudulently & corrupt administration, it’s just a matter of time…we ALL know it’s coming & our vile corrupt government doesn’t care…. The terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel is having an impact on people all over the world, and the open borders of the United States are once again in the news. “The same terrorists that just carried out this horrific attack in Israel—their hatred and their unwavering commitment… to do harm to the United States—are alive and well,” Mark Morgan, who served as acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection during the Trump administration, said to The Epoch Times. “Nobody in their right mind can say that our border is secure.” “There is already a sizable amount of pro-Hamas sentiment in the United States, particularly among academic leftist radicals and apologists as well as […]


14 mins read

Watchman Sees Changes Coming: DC, Because It Is the Epicenter of Domestic Terrorist Power. A Whiff of the Vatican-CIA Color Revolution Persists,Trump is a Big Part of The EVIL

SRH: There is no one in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not despised. The world has been thrown into anarchy. People who continue to get their news from Facebook, Google, Twitter, FOX Or MSM have made a decision. and keep poking God in the eye. They do not deserve to know the truth. As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. If you are still defending Trump then I’ll say this as nicely as I can: you oughta look into residency at the Arkham Asylum with the Joker himself. If you are new here, we have been debunking *some* of the nonsense and delusion surrounding Trump. I am not going to get into it all here: feel free to peruse our reports, but I’ll […]


17 mins read

Watchman: The Most Deadly Domestic Terrorists Have Taken up Residence in the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, Pentagon, and Crystal City

Politicians should all be wearing ankle monitors—if not shackles. The U.S. government is covertly recruiting Google, which maintains access to swaths of Americans’ personal data and information, to surveil their web searches, a new report from Forbes suggests. For years, the federal government has quietly demanded that the Big Tech search engine company hand over user data on anyone who conducts online searches using key terms. In 2017, a Minnesota judge OKed a warrant directing Google to expose user data for anyone in Edina who searched a certain fraud victim’s name. In a similar request in 2020, investigators demanded the Silicon Valley giant reveal information about “anyone who had searched for the address of an arson victim who was a witness in the government’s racketeering case against singer R Kelly.” In the most recently publicized warrant, which was accidentally unsealed by […]


6 mins read

The Good People of This Country Are Going To Be Turned Into Criminals by Our Own

Elected Officials, Tribulations in Play — It’s Going to Get ugly… There are only two real mandates for the government, only two reasons for its existence in our republic: To secure America’s borders from invasion and to protect the freedoms of the citizenry. That’s it. It is not the job of the government to compel you to take an experimental and questionable covid vaccine over a virus that 99.7% of people will easily survive. It is not the job of the government to create artificial “social equity” by favoring one group or ethnicity over another. It is not the job of the government to spy on millions of Americans because they do not agree with the leftist ideology. It is not the job of government to make war on the very people it is mandated to protect. On Friday the […]


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