Watchman:The Further a Society Drifts From the Truth, the Stronger the Delusion Will Take Its Place. “It Is Better to Be Divided by Truth Than to Be United in Error. It Is Better to Speak the Truth That Hurts and Then Heals, Than Falsehood That Comforts and Then Kills–The New World Order Will KILL!

By SRH, As U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin said, “Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” When a culture abuses its democratic power, the result is chaos and ruin. Either a democracy, guided by self-control and morality, keeps itself in check, or it crashes. So we’ve demonstrated that the Bible commands Christians to submit to the government and pay their taxes. But what does the Bible teach about defying authority? The general premise is simple: we disobey the government when it orders evil. Christians obey God rather than the government when the government orders what God condemns or condemns what God commands. Please Help Donate GiveSendGo Be a part of it. Give immediately. Make a donation today to help me continue. Join the cause. Donate now. They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart HNewsWire: As…


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The Rebuilding of the Third Temple, the Bear of the North—Russia Coming Very Soon

SRH: Subsequently over a time, there was a great temple that had fallen into destruction. The people longed for its restoration, for it held great significance in their hearts. They believed that its rebuilding would bring them hope and prosperity. In a distant land, there lived a mighty bear, known as the Bear of the North. This bear was strong and powerful, commanding respect from all who encountered it. It possessed great influence and had the ability to shape the destiny of nations. But as the bear roamed the land, a series of calamities and natural disasters began to unfold. It seemed as though the world was being shaken to its core. The people were filled with fear and uncertainty, wondering if these events were a sign of something greater. Little did they know, these events were intricately connected. The…


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Facebook Bans Bible Professor’s Post Critical of Biden’s Transgender Order. Why We Are Not Surprised.

A New Testament theology professor says Facebook’s ban of his post affirming a friend’s criticism of President Biden’s executive order promoting transgenderism in the military is heavy-handed censorship meant to suppress open dialogue on sexuality. Robert A.J. Gagnon, professor of New Testament theology at Houston Baptist University, responded Thursday on Facebook following his 24-hour banishment from the social media platform. “Censorious, left-wing FB administrators, emboldened by the hard left-wing Biden-Harris administration are using the false charge of incitement to violence as a pretext for cancelling anyone who doesn’t celebrate transgenderism. They are the book-burners of present day. Lacking a defensible argument (apparently) they cannot allow a full public discussion of the controversial promotion of other-sex pseudo-transformation.” Claiming Gagnon’s post “goes against our Community Standards on violence and incitement,” Facebook indefinitely blocked his post affirming Laurie Higgins, of the Illinois Family…


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