12 mins read

Watchman: The FDA and CDC Withheld Data on an Increase in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated—Documents Reminder: “COVID Cases and Deaths” Is a Cover-up for mRNA Kill Shot Nanoparticle Bioweapon “Undesirable” Side Effects, Including Death!

  HNewsWire: The Plandemic Inc. Mouthpiece Once Again Signals the Next Planned Event… Back in 2020, we were told to prepare for the “Next One” that will get people’s attention. There are two possible variants for the “Next One” they have announced publically: Smallpox and Marburg. Smallpox HNewsWire: By Zachary Stieber 9/3/2023 Updated: 9/3/2023 COVID-19 cases among vaccinated seniors soared in 2021, according to newly disclosed data that was acquired by U.S. health agencies but not presented to the public. Humetrix Cloud Services was contracted by the U.S. military to analyze vaccine data. The company performed a fresh analysis as authorities considered in 2021 whether COVID-19 vaccine boosters were necessary amid studies finding waning vaccine effectiveness. Humetrix researchers found that the proportion of total COVID-19 cases among the seniors was increasingly comprised of vaccinated people, according to the newly disclosed documents. […]


10 mins read

The FDA’s Ties To The Gates Foundation

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Authored by Maryanne Demasi via The Brownstone Institute, In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Under the MOU, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures,” such as diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic. The FDA has MOUs with many academic and non-profit organisations, but few have as much to gain as Bill Gates, who has invested billions into pandemic countermeasures. Experts are concerned the Gates Foundation could have undue influence over the FDA’s regulatory decisions of these countermeasures. David Gortler, an ex-senior adviser to the FDA commissioner between 2019 and 2021, says he is “suspicious” of the MOU. “If the Gates Foundation establishes an MOU with a regulator on a […]


23 mins read

With the detailed information presented in this dossier by these very qualified Independent Scientists you have to decide NOW if Impeaching Biden ‘FIRST’ is more urgent than to get the ‘Democrat Party and Republican Elites’ to immediately STOP using their alleged Bio-Weapons on American Citizens.

Dinesh Kaushiva Septmeber 17 , 2023 According to the Independent Scientists SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 PLAN-demic was a well  CONCEIVED, PLANNED AND EXECUTED WORLD WIDE GENOCIDE  EVENT and required the Democrat Party Controlled Federal agencies to change and create new sets of Medical Research, Treatments, Protocols, Terms and Definitions for them to able to implement their One World Order , Control and Depopulation Agenda through the U.S. Department of Defense Bio-Weapons instead of the usually being managed under the Civilian Control. This unusual change was confirmed by the Ex-CDC Director Redfield during his Congressional Hearings earlier this year. That is why it is very Critical that immediately all of their NEW MEDICAL RULES OF 2019 of The Democrat Party Controlled Agencies need  to be junked and the all the old one restored otherwise they will continue to use their EXPERIMENTAL UNTESTED […]


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