21 mins read

Watchman Take Note of Food Lines in America: This Level of Idiocy Is Real! Without a Doubt, the Government Will Handle This Issue With Its Typical Flair—That Is, by Making It Worse

HNewsWire: In an effort to address what they see as the region’s rising food insecurity problem, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors overwhelmingly adopted a proposal on November 7 to establish a new Office of Food Equity. Supervisors Lindsey Horvath and Janice Hahn wrote the plan, which aims to strengthen the county’s Food Equity Roundtable—which was founded in 2021 to link food producers with public and private nonprofits. The coalition was financially supported by the Annenberg, California Community, and Weingart foundations. According to Ms. Hahn, the creation of the new organization would allow the county to improve its food system. This is the real deal in foolishness! The government will undoubtedly handle this situation with its signature flair, which is to exacerbate it.   Beautiful automobiles to load up with free food. How many of the people getting free […]


12 mins read

This Is Just the Beginning of Global Widespread Social Unrest. Sri Lanka’s Economic Troubles Are Metastasizing Into Social Unrest as Households Crushed by Plandemic Inflation,They Can’t Afford Essential Items Like Food and Energy

HNewsWire-According to a governing party member, Sri Lanka’s cabinet has resigned amid growing public dissatisfaction with the government’s economic policies, which have resulted in increased living expenses and a currency crisis. In an interview with reporters in Colombo late Sunday, Education Minister Dinesh Gunawardena said, “We have submitted our resignations to the Prime Minister stating that we are prepared to depart at any moment.” A decision on what to do next will be made after consulting with the President. Sri Lanka, a small island country, is suffering from a currency crisis as well as food, gasoline, and pharmaceutical shortages that are becoming worse. Mass anti-government demonstrations over rising living expenses prompted a 36-hour curfew this past weekend. In response to demonstrations in the capital and outside the president’s residence over rising prices and widespread rolling blackouts lasting up to 13 […]


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