34 mins read

Survey: “Alarmingly High” Rates Of Depression & Anxiety Among LGBTQE Southerners

LGBTQE- E is For Evil, “reprobate” a depraved, unprincipled, wicked person… A newly released survey is just pointing out what the Bible makes very clear and that is that our Creator turns over a people to a reprobate mind who fails to honor Him as God and they defile not only their minds by their bodies in doing so (Romans 1:18ff).  The latest evidence of how the mind is affected by those who engage in sodomy, lesbianism and can’t properly distinguish their gender based on the fact that they have a reprobate mind, is demonstrated in a new suvey of LGBTQ Southerners from the Campaign for Southern Equality. The report which was produced by the Campaign for Southern Equality in partnership with Western NC Community Health Services as part of a Southern LGBTQ Health Initiative is hardly a right-wing report. Yet, […]


34 mins read

When the Ungodly, GLAAD, LGBTQE-E for Evil Dictate the Rules to a Christian Organization, Know What Time It Is…

HELL ON EARTH… One of the nation’s largest homosexual advocacy organizations is greeting Chick-Fil-A’s divestment from Christian charities like the Salvation Army with tepid praise and further demands, including an “unequivocal” denunciation of the brand’s history and values. GLAAD (whose name is an acronym for its former title, “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation”) demanded “safe workplaces for LGBTQ employees” and an apparent denunciation of the Christian ministry Focus on the Family, responding to Chick-Fil-A’s decision to stop donating to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program for needy children and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which serves historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). The full statement from Drew Anderson, GLAAD’s director of campaigns and rapid response, names more steps the fast-food chain must take to prove its genuine repentance: If Chick-Fil-A is serious about their pledge to stop holding hands with divisive anti-LGBTQ activists, […]


10 mins read

I stand uncompromisingly AGAINST the “Pride” of the LGBT community. Pride is of Satan

I stand uncompromisingly AGAINST the “Pride” of the LGBT community. Pride is of Satan. Lucifer fell from Heaven because of his pride (Ezekiel 28). Proverbs 8:13 says “to fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate PRIDE and arrogance, evil behavior and PERVERSE speech.” This verse describes the LGBT movement perfectly. They are filled with pride, sinful behavior, and most definitely perverse speech. What exactly are they proud of? Have you ever pondered that? They are proud of being what God dubs “a sinner”. They do not repent of their wicked abominable lifestyles, because they could care less what GOD thinks. They FLAUNT their debaucherous sin. They even go so far as to take God’s ancient symbol of His Covenant with mankind, the Rainbow, and make it a symbol of their rebellion against God. Yet, again, many of you […]


5 mins read

Bud Light will sell beer in rainbow bottles in June for Pride Month

When God revealed His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to the wickedness of those cities, Abraham asked God to spare the people. In fact, Abraham engaged in a lengthy conversation to mediate for the cities. First, Abraham wanted God to spare the righteous people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. He asked, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city. Will you then sweep away the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous who are in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” (Genesis 18:23-25). Second, Abraham’s nephew Lot lived […]


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