Do You Understand What Satan Soldiers Youtube, Fakebook, Parler and Twatter

Think of You? Your a Basement Dwellers That Deserve to Be Controlled, Take a good look at YouTube’s HYPER REPROBATE Chief Product Officer Neil Mohan trash-talking idiot, his is NOT a Christian That For Sure, In Fact The Google Groups Hates Christian… YouTube’s Chief Product Officer has insulted his own users as basement-dwellers who deserve to be relegated by the algorithm in favor of “authoritative” mainstream sources. DC COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate to Shop, Dine Goes Into Effect — We Have Enter the NWO Death March — Traveling Papers Are Required — It Looks Like Social Media Has Lied to us — YouTube the Biggest Fraudster!! Neil Mohan made the remarks during an interview with Protocol’s editor at large David Pierce after he was asked if YouTube had to switch its approach to moderating content given the ever-changing advice of health…

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