Watchman:The Anti-Christ Intends to Alter the Calendar in Order to Eliminate Any Reference to God, Aiming to Establish a Completely Secular Calendar. Satan Seeks to Establish a Godless World, With the Obama/ Biden Administration at the Forefront of This Movement,Tribulation

By SRH, On March 29th, President Biden shamelessly signed a White House proclamation acknowledging March 31st as “Transgender Visibility Day.” Can you believe the audacity? This day, which coincided with Easter Sunday, was overshadowed by this abomination. Of course, we must strive for fairness, even towards those we disagree with. However, let’s not forget that “Transgender Visibility Day” has been on the calendar since 2009. Biden merely chose to emphasize and glorify it further by signing this proclamation. To equate these two celebrations is an affront to all that is sacred and righteous. It is an outright attack on morality and the Christian faith, perpetuated by a government that has long been eroding our values. Christians are even facing persecution through the manipulation of laws. When I first heard about this proclamation, my thoughts immediately turned to Daniel 7:25, a…

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