
“The lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.” “He died for our sins.” “He will reprove the world of sin.” Do you know what these things mean? Well, for a start the word sin, hhatah in Hebrew and hamartia in Greek, means to miss the mark. Plain and simple. So this is what a man does when he sins. He misses the mark. As when shooting an arrow trying to hit the bulls eye on a target. So to know what these things mean we must first discover what the Bible says the mark is at which we are to be aiming our faith. And since most who call themselves Christians have been taught to believe the pagan doctrine of original sin, which is in all actuality just a form of judaism for Gentiles, a system…

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In this time of passover we are reminded that Jesus’ death and resurrection was necessary from before God began His creation. In 1Peter1:20 Peter said God planned it that way from before the world was made. So the fact that Jesus HAD to die is and always has been a foregone conclusion. Heb.9:15-17 says the New Testament’s power is derived from the death of Jesus. So without it Israel would remain under the law “shut up unto the faith” that delivers from death to life. From mortality to immortality. And the Gentiles would be in the same boat because they would still have no covenant at all with God. Because it was only by the death of the testator that the New Testament would have force. And without the force of His New Testament man would remain mortal and simply continue to return to…

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This Isn’t Normal: 20 Large Quakes Have Hit California Within 24 Hours Birth Pains

Strange sounds in the sky, which some call “sky trumpets” or “sky quakes,” have been reported from around the world in recent years. People in the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Russia, the Czech Republic, Australia, and other places have been puzzled by what they describe as low-frequency hums, trumpets, or horns that seem to emanate from the top of the sky or from under the earth. Most of these sounds have never been heard before now, which makes the phenomenon unnerving. These noises have a groaning quality overlaid with a metallic, vibrating sound similar to that of musical instruments. In some instances, the sounds seem to include unintelligible voices. Theories abound about these strange sounds and their origination. The main explanations of the sky trumpets are natural phenomena, alien spacecraft, manmade sounds, and spiritual activity. It has been more…

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When I first learned of the god defined in the doctrine of original sin and sin nature I was shocked at the sheer hatred and ugliness. I was also surprised at just how easily fooled, deluded really, that those are who believe it. And the fact that even though this ultimately leads to a place where there can be no free will, no real love, and no relationship between man and God. And nothing the Bible says we must have for eternal life. And that It presents a god so full of hate that it becomes his will and purpose in creating them that most are meant to burn in the lake of fire for all eternity. Where only a few escape this fate because of a prior pre programming for heaven that forced it upon them because they have no free…

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Update: China Is Undergoing a ‘Second Wave’ Of Covid19 Cases, It’s Called

a “Pestilence”… Most of the locally-transmitted cases were found in China’s Hebei province The daily number of new coronavirus cases has doubled in China, the country’s national health authority reported on Sunday. Mainland China registered 69 cases on Saturday, compared with 33 reported a day earlier. The National Health Commission reported that 21 of those people had been infected overseas. The country also reported 27 asymptomatic cases on Saturday, down from 38 a day earlier. China does not classify asymptomatic patients as confirmed cases. The latest outbreak has prompted tougher movement restrictions. In Beijing, passengers must scan a health code before boarding a taxi or ride-hailing car. 90% Watch video06:26 China: Wuhan one year on Hebei: New COVID hotspot Most of the locally transmitted cases were found in China’s northeastern Hebei province, where more than 380 people have tested positive. Almost all the cases are in Hebei’s provincial capital,…

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Training the Sheeple But it’s not a Shepard I see Anyone of You Readers

Ever been on a working ranch? Now, we’re talking working ranch several hundred cattle, 1000 goats and some sheep I’m talkin old ranch, inherited, methods derived from Great Grandpa and the great cowboys of the day. As each generation fades and leaves a small legacy to those he trained to lead, the chosen will move into the position with a higher education and strive to make it more efficient and thus a more profitable operation. Some things just don’t change and never will, cattle need water and salt. Nothing on this earth can do without water, salt is an essential electrolyte. If we have any cowboys reading this on a computer that’s done roundup they will know about the strays hiding in the brush and about the time involved in going back thru the pasture looking for brushed up cattle.…

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To Black Life Matters and Antifa, the Only One I Kneel To, God Almighty, Unfortunately, You People on the Other End of the Spectrum

  Faith is at the heart of the biblical worldview. Every worldview operates with some faith assumptions.  Even the atheist has faith, most of them believing the universe began with a spontaneous bang and that everything is the product of matter, motion, time and chance.  They believe this beyond scientific verification (which requires observation and repeatable testing).  This purely materialistic worldview is sometimes found even in children’s literature such as the Berenstain Bears Nature Guide, which states that nature is “all that is, or was, or ever will be.”[1]  The Christian worldview operates by faith, and our faith is rooted in Scripture which provides insights into realities we could never know, except that God has spoken.  “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible”…

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“Wild Night With 90mph Wind Gusts” – Bomb Cyclone Unleashes Hurricane-Force Winds In Northeast

Birth Pains, Earthquake Swarms Strike Texas, Oklahoma, San Francisco, And The New Madrid Fault Zone…. We are given a warning: we are not to be deceived, because these events are only the beginning of birth pains There is a whole lotta shaking going on in America right now, and many people are concerned about what that could potentially mean.  Hurricane-force winds slammed parts of New England and New York on Thursday, as the bomb cyclone, we first reported on Tuesday, knocks out power to hundreds of thousands of people, destroys critical infrastructure, and delays air travel in parts of the Northeast. The strong overnight storm “is now parked over southern New England with the pressure equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane,” meteorologist Dave Hennen told CNN. Capital Weather Gang✔@capitalweather Bomb cyclone slams New England with 90 mph winds and 4+ inches of rain.…

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Christian bigotry is rife in America

HNewsWire-Those who wave the banner of ‘love and tolerance’ become so vengeful when presented with a cogent argument that challenges the vacuity of their broken ideas.” The Opposition can’t seem to stop themselves from showing their “two-faced hypocrisy and self-refuting duplicity with their shouts of ‘I can’t tolerate your intolerance and I hate you hateful Christian people. Aaron and Melissa Klein, who own a small family bakery called Sweet Cakes by Melissa, were fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a “wedding cake” for a homosexual couple in 2013. Hundreds of such cases now dot the legal landscape of our country.  If law and politics are downstream from culture, the senators who were willing to impose a religious test in open defiance of the Constitution are reflecting adherence to a toxic culture.  Virulent new bigotry is coursing its way through our nation,…

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Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

Here’s an important clarification in the land of lone-rangers. Jesus is the perfect, sinless God-man — and during his earthly ministry was able to go at it alone if needed — but even he always seemed to have his disciples with him. How much more do we need a team, to go at our evangelistic efforts with a solid brother or sister or two who will not let us be dragged down by the sin around us, and in us, but keep us on mission, intentional to engage and rescue sinners with the gospel of Jesus. Don’t storm the gates of hell alone. Jesus sent out his disciples two by two (Luke 10:1). You’re wise to go with a team. Source Deadly disease. The biblical example are the Pharisees. They criticized Jesus about defying the Law and the Prophets and…

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