Watchman, the Path to Hell: “It Is Not an Error That Hate Speech Laws Are Imprecise. These Laws Are Intentionally Vague So That People in Power Can Use Them Whenever They Want. Shall Increase Their Continuous Ungodly Efforts To… Promote UN-Biblical Rights of LGBTQE+E, E for Evil People and Dispute So- called Discrimination. As Believers We Have a God Given Right to Discriminate

HNewsWire: Here are the latest lies from sick homosexual men. Pretending that homosexuals are God’s creation… In a new book and documentary, two researchers claim the original bible never condemned homosexuality. The words “homosexual” and “heterosexual” were first coined as German nouns by Austrian-born Hungarian psychologist, Karoly Maria Benkert, in the late 19th century, who wrote under pseudonym K.M. Kertbeny. Ed Oxford is a scholar and researcher. A gay Christian, as well as a graduate of the Talbot School of Theology, his specialty is the history of the Bible, focusing on Bible translations, with a focus on the Greek and Hebrew translations, especially those that relate to human sexuality. Kathy Baldock is an LGBTQE+E for EVIL advocate and executive director of Canyon Walker Connections, an organization dedicated to repairing “the division that exists between social and Christian conservatives and the…


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