Watchman: Are you a Fake Christian and a Member of the Do not Judge Cult? What is a fake Christian?

I Think the Answer Depends Upon How You Define “Christian,” the Bible says that a Christian is one who has faith in the person and work of Christ as his/her only means of salvation; that is that they’ve been put to death and raised into new life with Christ. A Christian is one (like Abraham) who trusts Christ alone as their only means of righteousness. Watchman Cry’s Out: False Churches, a Convenience for the Soft Christian–Hell Bound And Sin Virus Proud! In the last few days, and over the past several months, I have noticed a growing trend that has become very popular: defending evil and unrighteous practices, under the guise of “do not judge.”  You would think this would be coming from mouthpieces for Satan, but it is in fact coming from so-called, self professing CHRISTIANS. These fakesters love to twist scripture to fit…

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If You Are Ridiculed for Being “White, Conservative, Christian

Then Be Glad! It Means You’re Not Bending the Knee.. or *Blending In, You Can’t Have It Both Ways! Joshua 24:15… There comes a time in everyone’s life when they have to make a choice: do they serve the gods of this age, or serve the living and true God? Do they serve the god of their fathers that has held them in slavery to sin, who has held them captive, and who has oppressed them, or will they serve the God who forgives, heals, and grants them His favor and blessing? A true Christian (and not one in name only) will have to be a disciple of Christ as well. That is, he has counted the cost and has totally committed his life to follow Jesus. He accepts the call to sacrifice and follows wherever the Lord leads. The Christian disciple completely adheres…

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It begins: Canada now ARRESTING Christian pastors and prosecuting them for teaching the Bible… the war on Christianity escalates

One of God’s warriors…… The typical insult from the non-religious crowd is to refer to believers as “ignorant,” “stupid,” “brainwashed,” or to otherwise suggest that those who have faith are less intelligent than those who do not. When a Christian stands up intelligently for his faith, the terms change to “bigot,” “extremist,” or “zealot.” When people who know that the believer is kind and loving hear this, the atheist starts to look like the fool that he or she is (Psalm 53:1). Most non-believers have no personal reason to see Christians negatively, but they sometimes hear so much from the loud anti-Christians that they just assume it is so. They need examples of Christ-like living to see the truth. If you think the Leftist assault on freedom of speech and the First Amendment here in the United States is bad,…

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