7 mins read

Watchman: Calling These Euthanasia Kill Shots a Vaccine Is a Big Part of the Psyop! Though Highly Recommended by Bill Gates and Google et al.

By SRH, Calling These Assisted Suicide Shots a Vaccine Is Essentially a Psyop! Despite Bill Gates and Google strongly recommending it, Even rats can’t escape Fauci’s grasp! Alright, Rats? The experiment was first imposed on humans! What a deception! With the “safe and effective” marketing, they pushed this joke on expectant mothers, and when their son is diagnosed with autism years later, they’ll ask why. One issue with the injections is that certain side effects take time to manifest. According to a Turkish study, female rats injected with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination produced children with reduced brain neuron counts and autistic symptoms. The peer-reviewed study, which focused on autism, looked at the connections between COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations and neurodevelopmental disorders. It was published in the Neurochemical Research journal on January 10. It examined the progeny of pregnant rats given COVID-19 […]


4 mins read

These Doctors are presenting their Educational Research Information about ‘How they Combat Cancer and Cleaned Out their Own Arteries’.

January 11 , 2024 The actions of the current Governments’ are that they are Intentionally introducing GMO and MRNA Technology to our Food and Drink Supplies with Nano Metallic Particles Engineered with Artificial Intelligence Bots and Synthetic Biology, Weather Conditions created with Geo- engineering by the Democrat Party, Bill Gates, George Soros, Barrack Hussein Obama, Big Pharma and Military Industrial Complex causing constant attacks on our health with their Spike Protein COVID-19 Gene Therapy ‘Bio-Weapon Injections and CHEMTRAILS it is encouraging to hear from Physicians who have presented their Educational Research information as how it improved their own health. These videos are not Info-Commercials or selling any products. The following information is not to taken as any Medical Advice it is being provided for your review only for information and education purposes. After your review it is strongly recommended that […]


4 mins read

Ban The Jabs! Open Message To Governor Jay Inslee And Every Governor In Every State

January 5, 2024 Ban The Jabs! Open Message To Governor Jay Inslee And Every Governor In Every State Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/ban-the-jabs-open-message-to-governor#media-8c908728-7ca1-4ec8-9fe5-d21c66719129 —————————- SUGGESTION : PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU CHOOSE TO OPEN ANY OF THE EMBEDDED ARTICLES OR VIDEOS OF THE ARTICLES PLEASE USE THE TOP LEFT ARROW OF YOUR BROWSER TO CLOSE THE CURRENT ARTICLE YOU REVIEWED TO GET BACK TO THE MAIN ARTICLE TO OPEN AND CONTINUE TO THE NEXT ITEM YOU WOULD LIKE TO REVIEW. —————————- GOP Ban the Jab Resolution Authored by Joseph Sansone, M.S., PhD “Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid 19 and Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons, 1 Whereas Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects, 2 Whereas an enormous number of humans have died and […]


3 mins read


January 3, 2024 MEET THIS BRAVE NURSE   “When she refused to follow the orders of the Hospital to FALSIFY THE REPORT BY NOT STATING THE ACTUAL DEATHS WERE CAUSED BY (Deaths actually were caused by the THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S EXPERIMENT UNTESTED SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 GENE-THERAPY ‘BIO-WEAPON’S ‘  * ) COVID-19 INJECTIONS SHE WAS FIRED.” * Our words not her’s —————————— Fired Nurse Blows Whistle , Exposes Mass Vaccine Deaths Frank Bergman,  January  1, 2024 https://slaynews.com/news/fired-nurse-blows-whistle-exposes-mass-vaccine-deaths/ THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WILL BE KNOWN ! NORMAL BLOOD CELLS OF A UNVACCINATED PATIENT VERSUS A VACCINATED PATIENTS BLOOD SAMPLE UNDER AN ELCTRONIC MICROSCOPE IMAGING EQUIPEMENT. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. jOHN 10:10 YOUNG HEALTHY CHILDREN ARE DROPPING DEAD SUDDENLY DURING SPORTS TO IN […]


1 min read

“This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early?”

December 14, 2023 Pierre Kory of Front Line Doctors along with Mary Beth Pfeiffer, a Investigative Reporter, filed the following article on Hill.com that confirms what the Independent World Wide Scientist, Doctors and Medical Professionals have been warning that The Democrat Party’s Experiment Untested Spike Protein COVID-19 ‘Bio-Weapon’ Injections’ aka VACCINES’ are causing excessive death. This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early? by Pierre Kory and Mary Beth Pfeiffer, Opinion Contributors – 12/12/23 https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/4354004-this-is-bigger-than-covid-why-are-so-many-americans-dying-early/ ========================== REFERENCES AND SOURCES ALLEGEDLY DEMOCRAT PARTY’S COVID-19 INJECTIONS’ HIDDEN AGENDA IS TRANSHUMANISM https://hnewswire.com/allegedly-democrat-partys-covid-19-injections-hidden-agenda-is-transhumanism/?fl_builder&fl_builder_ui =============================== PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND EVEN FOES.   ALL AROUND THE WORLD YOUNG HEALTH INDIVIDUALS ARE EITHER DROPPING DEAD SINCE THE SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 BIO-WEAPON INJECTIONS BEGAN DROPPING DEAD ON SPORTS’ FIELD OR JUST IN THEIR SLEEP Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email […]


2 mins read

Finally, the Domestic and Global Elites’ Global Warming, Climate Change and Carbon Imprint proponent’s Hoax has been exposed !

Dinesh Kaushiva November 22 , 2023   A new report has now exposed the fact that “ these World Elites who are only 1 % of the World Population are actually themselves guilty of producing more Carbon than 66 % of Humanity’s Carbon Imprint .” In reality, they have been using the above mentioned ‘Mantra’  for long time only to hide their true agenda to implement their TRUE HIDDEN AGENDA AND GOALS ; mRNA Gene-Therapy Injections, Medicines, Food, Drinks through Nano Particles with Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Biology to ‘TRANSFORM HUMANITY INTO ‘CYBORGS’ One World Government. Control over every Human Being- take everyone’s property, assets, treasures, children. Digital ID. Digital Currency. 5G Microwave Radiation Impulses and Signals. One World Religion. 24/ 7 SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING.                ——————– World’s richest 1% emit as much carbon […]


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