8 mins read

Watchman Holds a Strong Belief That Caution Should Be Exercised When Dealing With Doctors, as Their Intentions May Not Always Be Trustworthy. COVID Misrepresentation

SRH: What has transpired since the spread of COVID at the hands of doctors—who are more appropriately referred to as “sorcerers and magicians”—has been precisely the same: “all the nations were led astray” and many people have been “killed on the earth” due to these medications. And here’s another verse in Revelation that uses this same phrase; it seems to have foretold the COVID hoax that killed so many people: Even after these disasters passed, the humans who survived continued to worship inanimate objects made of metal, stone, wood, and other non-living substances rather than repenting for their sins. Furthermore, they showed no remorse for their robberies, sexual immorality, murders, or magical abilities. Revelation 9:20–21 Warning: Americans Have a Prone Record of Disregarding the Law in the Interest of a Supreme Law or God-Granted Rights; Our Rights Are Not Granted […]


19 mins read

Watchman’s Update: Don’t Get Sick Because When a Patient Enters a Hospital, All of Their Rights Are Lost. The Watchman Warns They Will Kill for Profit. Informed Consent Was Not Even a Distant Memory in the Abusive Hellscape That’s in Our Medical Facility–Hell On Earth

Family Says They Saved Dad’s Life by Sneaking Him Ivermectin During 200-Day Hospitalization HNewsWire: by Rose Williams Left: David Dentz during his COVID-19 hospitalization. Right: A poster from the “Save Dave” protest outside of Methodist Hospital. (Photos provided to Alpha News) One man’s family took his care into their own hands when he was hospitalized with COVID-19. As a result, they believe they may have saved his life. Shannon Fletcher, daughter of David Dentz, spoke with Liz Collin this week to share her dad’s story and long battle with COVID. Dentz was hospitalized with COVID-19 for 208 days, one of the longest COVID stays in the state. Not until his family began slipping him ivermectin did his health begin to look up, Fletcher said. Early days Dentz’s own father was hospitalized with COVID-19 in the fall of 2021 at Mercy […]


8 mins read

Plandemic: Dishonest Doctors Sounded the Alarm After Thanksgiving: COVID, Flu, and RSV Cases Continued to Climb, Creating a Triple Threat That Pushed Many Hospitals to Capacity. States Intentionally Restrict Hospital Beds

HNewsWire: CDC Director Refuses To Tell Senators How Many CDC Employees Are Fully-Vaxx’d – Truth Be Known She’s Not Vaccinated either That Goes for 98% Of the Elitist They Have Not Taken This Vaccine From Hell nor Will They Ever, It’s Only for the Little People… Since So-Called health experts have been pressuring Beijing to expedite the clearance process for new vaccinations to battle Covid-19 variations, the Chinese government has abruptly reversed its ultra-harsh ‘zero Covid’ policy in recent weeks, potentially causing a large breakout. Sinopharm and Sinovac In order to combat the 2020 Wuhan strain of Covid, Kill Shots have been provided to the vast majority of the Chinese populace. However, traditional immunizations may be ineffective against variations. A Beijing-based advisor to the Chinese Center for Disease Control told Financial Times, “We can’t depend on outdated vaccinations which are now being used […]


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