Watchman: The American People Are Bearing the Financial Burden of the Fake Planned War. Iran and Israel Are Engaging in Missile Launches Against Each Other for Amusement.

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 19, 2024 – 10:20 AM There has been no Iranian response against Israel for the overnight Israeli retaliation attack on the Islamic Republic. US officials have since confirmed that it was in fact an Israeli attack, yet all the while Iran’s leaders are trying desperately to downplay it, saying it inflicted no damage, and that several reported explosions were actually the result of Iran’s air defenses intercepting a few drones, particularly over the city of Isfahan, site of a key nuclear facility. Importantly, as we predicted, Tehran is saying it has no plans for further retaliation following the oddly toothless, performative response from Israel. Officially, Iran and its state media are even referring to the attack incident as having been done by “infiltrators” while not readily naming Israel, also declaring that the aggression ‘failed’.…


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Watchman: Does It Appear to Be Hamas Fighters Are Employing American Weapons Intended for Ukraine. This Was a Planned Event

HNewsWire: Washington’s arms, which were transferred to Kiev and abandoned in Afghanistan, are about to be “uncontrollably used” all over the world. According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the weapons used to assault Israel could have come from Afghanistan or Ukraine. The weapons Kiev’s Western backers actively supplied to Ukraine have found their way to Hamas militants and are now “being actively used in Israel,” former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said in a Telegram post on Monday, adding that any future military hardware supplied to Kiev could also end up on the black market. “It will only get worse from here,” Medvedev warned, saying that the world should “expect missiles, tanks, and even planes from Kiev to be available on the black market very soon.” His remarks come after reports that Hamas militants in Gaza had obtained some US-made weapons before…


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Watchman: Iran Starts an Airborne Strike That Sweeps Across Israel, Accompanied by Sirens and Booms in Christ’s BirthState. Its Going To Get Real

Israel will survive, never trust Biden, only God. Iran on the other hand along with others including Russia will not survive the Ezek 38-39 war, they will be completely destroyed by God Himself. By SRH, Iran launched dozens of drones from its own land at Israel on Saturday afternoon, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. “A short while ago, Iran launched unmanned aerial vehicles from its territory towards the territory of the State of Israel,” the Israeli military stated in a statement. “The air defense array is on high alert at the same time as the Air Force planes and Navy ships that are on a mission to protect the country’s skies,” the statement said. “The IDF is monitoring all targets.” The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has published a statement confirming its attack on Israel, claiming it was in reprisal…


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Watchman: The Battle Will Be Over in a Matter of Hours: At Evening Time, Behold, There Is Terror! Before Morning They Are No More. Such Will Be the Portion of Those Who Plunder Us. And the Lot of Those Who Pillage Us.Isaiah 17:14

By SRH, According to Israeli media sources, Iran was reportedly planning a significant attack on Israel. However, it appears that the strikes were postponed or altered following the attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus by Israel. The delay or change in response may have been influenced by warnings from the United States President Joe Biden’s administration. Iranian news agency Mehr initially mentioned that the attack could occur “maybe tonight,” but later deleted the video containing this claim. Axios reports that a senior U.S. military officer will visit Israel on Thursday to work with the Israelis on defensive plans in case Iran launches an attack. In Damascus, Syria, this week, Israel carried out targeted airstrikes that claimed the lives of several members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), among them a general of the Quds Force at a high rank.…


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Watchman’s Update Gives Warning: Gog and Magog Have Taken Shape as the Banking System Collapses, New Leaders Are Emerging to Oppose the Davos Crowd, Led by Four Countries That Are Leading the Rest of the Non-western World Today: China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran— Biblical Hell on Earth!

Things To Come: It has been 7 years on 17th/1/2023 since ‘the little horn[son]’ -the Bibi[baby] son whose name /number adds to 666 renewed the Mosaic Covenant with Pope Francis in the Synagogue in Rome. …7 year Biblical cycle….I believe we now might enter the Last Week- watch for his ‘covenant with the many’ acceptance speech?[42 month authority left]. ….building the New Temple…then the Last Two Prophets come a measuring ?…Merry Christmas & New Year,,,,Maranatha Shalom….old Messianic Jew. A Friend Of HNW. HNewsWire: Several former military officials said that the United States could face significant shortfalls if there is ever a conflict with the Chinese regime over Taiwan, coming as U.S. military jets shot down a Chinese spy balloon that drifted across the United States. “Unfortunately, talking broadly and in overall terms, the Chinese have dramatically increased their air, sea, space, cyber, and…


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U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor Advanced Fake Gaza ‘Intel’

HNewsWire: By Jordan Schachtel Retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor has seen his profile rise to stardom over the past couple of years, thanks to his frequent guest appearances on Tucker Carlson’s Fox and Twitter/X shows, during which he has developed into a voice for Western military restraint in the war between Russia and Ukraine. The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. But like many current and retired U.S. military officers in the 21st century, Macgregor appears to have advanced a plethora of bad intelligence concerning the war between Israel and Hamas, and it might be sourced to shadowy foreign actors. In the days and weeks following the October 7 Hamas massacre in southern Israel, Macgregor, a longtime critic of the Jewish state, quickly repositioned himself…


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Watchman Warning: America Is Done: It’s Biblical, Everybody Wants To Hop On The BRICS Express—End of an Age

HNewsWire: In a move expected to fuel the ongoing de-dollarization trend, the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have announced plans to introduce a new trading currency backed by gold. The official announcement is slated to take place during the BRICS summit in South Africa in August. This development comes as central banks worldwide have been increasing their gold reserves to diversify away from the U.S. dollar—especially those belonging to the BRICS nations. In fact, the Chinese and Russian central banks have purchased no less than 130 tons of gold in Q1 and Q2 2023 alone. In 2022, global central banks added at least 400 tons to their reserves. Source: US Global Investors Analysts view the potential gold-backed currency as a significant step toward challenging the dominance of the U.S. dollar and increasing the international credibility of…


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President Trump’s multiple prior pledges to “bring the troops home, That was a Lie

Truth: 20,000 US Troops Have Surged Into Mideast Since Last Spring To ‘Counter Iran’, Who Do We Believe? I’m Personally Laying Odds on a Grand Finale, Meaning the Antichrist Will Soon Appear on the World Stage and Have All the So-Called Answers, the Problem, Life as We Have Known Never Be the Same… Everything is right on schedule and, now, the time is come to remove one of the final obstacles standing in the way of a New World Order:  The United States Constitution – even if, over the course of many decades, it has already been greatly diminished by the B.E.A.S.T. system; or, more specifically, BS Emerging As Strategic Totalitarianism (B.E.A.S.T.). High-Tech & Reddit Engaged in Heavy Censorship of Truthful News Sources The Associated Press reports a staggering surge of US troops into the Middle East since last Spring: “Over the past eight months, the United States has…


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Iraqi Shiite Cleric Holds Anti-U.S. Protest in Baghdad

There is more trouble on the horizon”No, No America” – Mass Protests Erupt In Baghdad Demanding U.S. Troops Withdraw… Al Jazeera English is reporting that thousands of Iraqi protesters have hit the street in Baghdad after the influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called for a “million-strong” march to demand the withdraw of U.S. coalition forces from the country.  NBC News Tehran Bureau Chief & correspondent Ali Arouzi said hundreds of thousands of protesters marched across Baghdad on Friday, demanding U.S. troops leave the country and close all military bases and embassies.   100’s of thousands protest in Baghdad, calling for all US troops to leave Iraq, close all bases & embassies, if they don’t they will be considered an occupying force.— Ali Arouzi (@aliarouzi) January 24, 2020 Protestors held signs that read “no, no to America” and “no, no to occupation” amid a sea…


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The Us and Iran Are Having a Debate on the Chinese Internet

And Facebook and Its Fellow Silicon Valley Titans Have Banned From the American Internet. Isn’t It Ironic…? BEIJING — They accuse each other of inciting violence. They denounce one another as corrupt. They call each other terrorists. As tensions between the United States and Iran persist after the American killing of a top Iranian general this month, the two countries are waging a heated battle in an unlikely forum: the Chinese internet. The embassies of the United States and Iran in Beijing have published a series of barbed posts in recent days on Weibo, a popular Chinese social media site, attacking each other in Chinese and in plain view of the country’s hundreds of millions of internet users. It looks the US and Iran are on the verge of an all-out meme war. Over the past few days, as the aftermath of the…


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