Trump Is Surrounded by the Worst of the Worst, A Strong Delusion in the End Times

It’s just a matter of time before they wear Pres. Trump down, the deep state will fill the void and tribulations will be a reality, America’s people are in deep trouble and Bill Barr Covers For Deep State, Epstein Died From “A Perfect Storm Of Screw. Ups”. In case you aren’t getting it, Attorney General Bill Barr is a coverup artist for the Deep State.  He is not interested in the Constitution or doing what is right and his loyalty in the past to getting FBI snipers who shot unarmed women with babies in their arms should have told you that, but you believed your President that he was a good guy,  didn’t you?  Now, he’s providing cover for either Jeffrey Epstein himself or those who killed him because not only did Barr say that it was a “perfect storm of screw-ups” that resulted in Epstein’s…


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Epstein Claimed In 2018 That He Was Working With Elon Musk To Find Tesla’s New Chairman

Envy is perhaps the main driving motivation behind far-left ideology, the envy of persons or institutions which have obtained social status and political power by merit or inheritance. They possess a desire for other people’s wealth coupled with a lust for power. Far leftists consider the only thing resembling justice on this Earth is having themselves in power, not through fair elections, but by deception or violence. Besides envy, another driving motivation behind a far-left ideology is a love of carnage and chaos for its own sake. This can be seen with Karl Marx openly advocating in various letters that, once the Marxists are at the helm, they not only are obliged to reenact Robespierre’s Reign of Terror, but also make it even more of a bloodbath, as well as Michel Foucault openly advocating that the left when taking power should be a violent, dictatorial, and bloody power…


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Unanswered Questions About Epstein’s Death

Official: There Is No Video Of Epstein’s Death….. Corruption: I do not believe the government is the solution for everything, but I do not place any faith, trust, or hope in politicians to fix what is wrong with the world. “Come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20) Did Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered?  This is a question that is being debated by millions of Americans right now, and without a doubt, this is the biggest story of this news cycle.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media is already dropping the ball.  Instead of going wherever the evidence leads them, there already seems to be a tremendous effort to marginalize any explanations for his death other than “suicide”.  And it may turn out that “suicide” is where the evidence takes us, but while things are unclear we should not be afraid to ask…


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Former MCC Inmate Says Epstein Suicide Was ‘Impossible’

Part of our condition in suppressing the truth about God is that we become darkened. You don’t just hold it down because you see and don’t like it, but because you don’t even see it anymore. This is why so many will say, “I don’t suppress the truth of God; I don’t think there is any truth of God to suppress.” Paul would say, “The only explanation for such a stance in this world that God has made is a darkened heart — blindness to divine reality.” A former inmate at lower Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center who spent several months in the prison’s notorious 9 South special housing unit for high-profile prisoners told the New York Post that it would have been ‘impossible’ for millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to have killed himself.  “There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve…


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BREAKING: Billionaire Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein Commits Suicide

The Bible mentions six people who committed suicide (Judges 9:54; 1 Samuel 31:4-6; 2 Samuel 17:23; 1 Kings 16:18; Matthew 27:5). None of them were righteous, to say the least. The Bible nowhere explicitly states, “it is a sin to commit suicide,” but the Bible does condemn murder (Exodus 20:13). Suicide is “self-murder,” therefore suicide is a sin since murder is a sin. Aside from the “do not commit murder” command, suicide is also a sin for the following two reasons, one theological and one practical: (1) it is God and God alone who has the right to determine life and death, and (2) suicide reveals a belief that God is not powerful enough to help you solve your problems. Dead Men Tell No Tales Update: NBC News reporter Tom Winter has said Epstein was “not currently on suicide watch when he was found in his…


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