First Satan Soldiers Tried to Steal the Election, Then They Tried to

Manipulate the COVID 19 Death Numbers in an Effort to Bring on the New World Order, They Have Been Exposed at Every Turn, Be Assured They Are More Dangerous Now Than Ever… At the time of this writing, the United States currently maintains the highest number of Covid-19 deaths and ranks 11th for the highest deaths per capita. There have been approximately 262,000 recorded Covid-19 deaths in the United States, which is certainly a concerning number.  However, a new study (link removed but now available at published by Dr. Genevieve Briand at Johns Hopkins University notes some critical accounting errors done at the national level. The study – which is still being vetted – simply examines the raw data that should have been questioned months ago. The overall conclusion is that Covid-19, at least according to collected data, is not the killer disease that it is currently hyped…

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