Medical Journals Corrupt To Core!

I discuss the horrifying reality behind “Scientific” Medical Journals using snippets from recent exposé by Off Guardian & a clip from Dr. Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt. REFERENCES:VIDEO: Off Guardian, Perspectives on the Pandemic #13, Leemon McHenry: VIDEO: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny/ Dr. Lee Merritt: VIDEO: Amazing Polly: Epstein, Maxwell & the Control of Science Since WW2: RFK quote about Roger Ailes of Fox TV (SOTT): Canada’s Censorship, Post Millennial: Elitists and Satan Soldiers just don’t seem to get it. Maybe it’s the way their brains work. Maybe they just can’t comprehend the idea that some people will not compromise certain freedoms no matter the cost. They think everyone has a limit; that everyone has a price. They think anyone can be bought, or that anyone can be leveraged into submission. The truth is, many of us can’t. Some of…

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