9 mins read

Watchman’s Warning: Without a Doubt, the Most Pervasive Idol in Modern Western Culture Is the New “Magic” of Medicine ”And It Will Kill

By SRH, They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart HNewsWire: There’s a Big Difference Between COVID-19 (Flu) and a Pestilent, If It Kills It’s a Pestilent, the COVID 19 Flu Is a Common Occurrence in Society, Time Will Tell What the Death Angel Has Prescribed I go back to my original statement in January, this is a “Pestilence”, God knew evil men were in labs concocting a virus with the intention of harming humanity. SRH… Reviewed by Evelyne Shuster In Murderous medicine Naomi Baumslag documents the complicity of Nazi doctors and pharmaceutical companies in murderous medical experiments related to epidemic typhus to further Jewish genocide. On the book’s cover is a picture of the shaved heads of newly dead men, frozen in snow, with snow caps as skull caps, reminiscent of the Jewish yarmulke. Eyes and mouths are closed, […]


7 mins read

Watchman: Baby Killers and The Sorcery of Bill Gates,CDC,FDA,Google’s Medicine

Deaths among infants have been skyrocketing since COVID mRNA injections were pushed onto the masses in early 2021. Thank Google’s Dr Gates Kill Shots Expert HNewsWire: “It seems the only thing the COVID ‘vaccine’ doesn’t kill is the COVID virus By SRH, When it became known that a Canadian investigator was looking into sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) instances directly related to childhood immunization, she was suspended and demonized. After nine newborns in Ottawa passed away after their moms received the Wuhan coronavirus “vaccination,” Helen Grus decided to investigate into the situation (COVID-19). Grus was interested in finding out if the shots contributed to the babies’ demise. Grus’ investigation caused some of the families to feel as though their privacy had been violated, leading the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) to strike a settlement with at least one of them. Grus’s […]


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