Watchman: Obama/Biden Education AKA Moron Secretary Threatens to Close the Biggest Christian College in the US–The Obama/Biden People Are Demonic Crusaders For Satan

By SRH, During a congressional hearing, Miguel Cardona, the Secretary of Education under demonic Joe Biden’s administration, issued a warning that the Department of Education could potentially utilize its authority to take action against the largest Christian university in the United States, with the intention of closing it down. According to Fox News, Cardona made the threats during a hearing before the House Appropriations Committee in response to a question from far-left Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.). DeLauro criticized Grand Canyon University (CGU), wrongly labeling it “a predatory for-profit school,” to which Cardona responded that “we are cracking down not only to shut them down, but to send a message that they should not prey on students.” GCU was accused of misleading students about the true cost of certain of its doctoral programs, for which Cardona’s Education Department penalized the university…

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