30 mins read

Watchman: The World Will Be Filled with Narcissistic, Your Children Will Turn on You, Birth Pains…

Timothy 3:2-8  2 You see, the world will be filled with narcissistic, money-grubbing, pretentious, arrogant, and abusive people. They will rebel against their parents and will be ungrateful, unholy, 3 uncaring, coldhearted, accusing, without restraint, savage, and haters of anything good. 4 Expect them to be treacherous, reckless, swollen with self-importance, and given to loving pleasure more than they love God. 5 Even though they may look or act like godly people, they’re not. They deny His power. I tell you: Stay away from the likes of these. 6 They’re snakes slithering into the houses of vulnerable women, women gaudy with sin, to seduce them. These reptiles can capture them because these women are weak and easily swayed by their desires. 7 They seem always to be learning, but they never seem to gain the full measure of the truth. 8 And, just as Jannes and Jambres rose up against Moses,[a] these ungodly people defy the truth. Their minds are corrupt, and their […]


21 mins read

The Most Protected Man in the Universe, Refused to Hover in an Isolated Bunker

and Managed to Escape Infection for Seven Months, Suddenly Gets a Direct Hit, A Direct Quote From Pelosi, Trumps Leaving the White House Whether if He Knows It or Not, the Problem She is Face With — One Major Problem, God Says Trump Stays in the White House Another Four Years, Now What…This Evil Woman Is Trading on Dangerous Territory… …who targeted the president? “I always trust my gut,” begins AmericanThinker.com’s Sally Zelikovsky, “litigators and trial attorneys tend to do that.” When things don’t make sense or add up but you don’t have a smoking gun, you start nosing around with questioning and investigating to see if your hunch pans out. Zelikovsky notes that,  obviously, she doesn’t have any proof that the recent COVID-19 infections of POTUS and FLOTUS, several Republican senators, and people working on his campaign and in his administration, are truly random events or something […]


24 mins read

America is at War with Itself, No End to This Political Civil War in the Us

The polarization in American politics has become so extreme there seems no longer to be any center ground. The political establishment is consequently imploding into an abyss of its own making. President Trump is being driven into an impeachment process by Democrats and their media supporters who accuse him of being “unpatriotic” and a danger to national security. Trump and Republicans hit back at Democrats and the “deep state” whom they condemn for conspiring to overthrow the presidency in a coup dressed up as “impeachment”. The White House is being subpoenaed, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives wants to access transcripts to all of Trump’s phone calls to foreign leaders; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blasted congressmen for “harassing the State Department” in their search of evidence to indict Trump. Trump calls the impeachment bid a “witch-hunt”. Republican Representatives protest that the US is facing a dark […]


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