A simple, but a very controversial, decision by  a Middle School Principal surprisingly improved the conditions for the students and even their GRADES !

December 5, 2023 The other very amazing part of the story is that his school is in the State of Minnesota.  In our opinion Minnesota has one of the most Radical, Liberal and Anti-American Democrat Governor and Administration IN AMERICA today. —————————- SUGGESTION : TO REMAIN ON THIS WEBSITE AFTER YOU HAVE UPLOADED ANY OF THE EMBEDDED ARTICLES OR VIDEOS AND COMPLETED YOUR REVIEW PLEASE USE YOUR BROWSER’S LEFT ARROW TO GET BACK TO THE ARTICLE TO REVIEW THE REST OF THE ARTICLE. —————————- Following is the article which will provide you with more specific details about this Middle School Principal’s successful story: Minnesota middle school bans student cellphones: ‘The kids seem happy’ | On Balance Dec 1, 2023 https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/minnesota-middle-school-bans-student-cellphones-%e2%80%98the-kids-seem-happy%e2%80%99-on-balance/9220268/ SURELY A ‘ WIN WIN’ END RESULTS FOR THE STUDENTS AND THE SCHOOL STAFF. CONGRATULATIONS PRINCIPAL PATRICK SMITH FOR CARING…

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Homosexual & Bisexual Men Threaten Children. Shocking Facts!

229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual… Homosexual activists deny they seduce children into their lifestyle, yet the evidence is clear. They recruit our Public School Children by using words, such as: safety, tolerance, and homophobia—all tactics to promote their agenda in our nation’s schools. For example, Gerald Hannon is a pedophile who openly lobbies for the abolition of age of consent laws. While these laws vary from country to country and state to state, each set a minimum age below which an adult is prohibited from having sexual relations with a child. But Hannon and his homosexual allies want to decriminalize sex with our children. As part of his campaign to legalize sex with children, Hannon and homosexual militants are pushing for aggressive recruitment programs in public schools.…

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