Our Three Enemies Are Self, Society, and Satan Despite what Christian Pacifists Would Have us Believe, God is Not a Pacifist

HNewsWire: The Bible is filled with examples of God taking bloody vengeance on His enemies (Isaiah 63:3–6; 65:12; Deuteronomy 20:16–18). And those examples are not limited to the Old Testament. It is impossible to read the book of Revelation without seeing the Lamb of God in His role as the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5; 19:11–15). The imagery is clear that Jesus will overcome His enemies with war (Revelation 19:19–21). This is the same Jesus who is quoted by pacifists to support their cause. Pacifism is opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes. Pacifists refuse, on moral or religious grounds, to bear arms or engage in any type of physical resistance. They believe that all disputes can and should be settled in peaceful, non-violent ways. Pacifists are usually conscientious objectors in times of war. Some religious groups, such as the Quakers, Mennonites, and…

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