10 mins read

Watchman: The Final Battle Will Be Set Up by Arab Countries Cutting Their Connections With Israel. Everyone Has Agreed That This Battle Has Prophetic Significance, but None Is Prepared to Say Just How. In a Way, the Evangelicals Are Hedging Their Bets

HNewsWire: By SRH Other indications that our Lord and Savior will soon return, The historic and much-needed peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (and now Bahrain, with talks about more countries joining the line) was signed at the White House on September 18, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. Subsequently, Yeshua (Jesus)-following groups have proliferated throughout Israel, and it is common to witness Jews and Arabs participating in joint worship. I saw firsthand how once-natural foes embraced and shared communion at a conference in Jerusalem intended to spread this reality throughout the larger Middle East. They were recalling how the “Prince of Peace” had shed his blood for them both. Thus, hearts are linked together in honor of the King who will reign forever (Isaiah 9.7), symbolizing an unending state of peace. Political calm, however, might only last moment, […]


20 mins read


First, I have a new Rumble channel at which I am posting videos because my old computer won’t let me sign in to my other channel. To see them and subscribe go to https://rumble.com/user/Olowery So, as I said last time in my first message covering the first several verses in this Rom.11, once more as Paul often expresses in all of his epistles we can not, we must not allow works to persuade us that they have anything to do with salvation in any way. But, only trusting in Jesus as He trusted the Father while He lived as a man on earth. As Paul shows us justification is by the faith of Christ in Gal.2:16. And not by any works. Especially the works of the law.   Jesus showed us what righteousness is by submitting His will to the Father’s. […]


16 mins read

THE “BRICS”: PROPHETIC TAKEDOWN OF THE HARLOT In Rev.13 we see a beast that rises up out of the sea. This beast has 7 heads and 10 horns. The sea it rises out of is all the peoples of the earth that have a desire for peace and safety. Paul says of this beast in 1Thes.5:3 that there will be peace and safety. And while the people are saying peace and safety then comes the sudden destruction of the great tribulation. So the time just ahead that comes out of this attempt by the woman riding the beast to stake her final claim over the world will be the time of peace and safety Paul spoke of. As this time of global peace and safety arrives, a time many refer to as the dawn of the age of Aquarius, it’s […]


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