HNewsWire: Dinesh Kaushiva   May 23, 2023   “Ex-CIA AGENT EXPLAINS DEEP STATE AND THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT………” Unless one is living under a rock almost every adult American by now should have heard the term ‘DEEP STATE’ at least once and wondered if that is only a political conspiracy term or in fact it actually does exist. There have been many speculative reports alleging how this Entity ‘Deep State’ Operates and what involvement, influence and controls do they actually have over the U.S. Government, Politicians, Businesses, National Security, Legal and Judicial Systems and also almost upon every other aspect of the American Citizens’ Existence. Now you do not have to wait, or wonder, about this any longer. In the following video report an ex-CIA Agent Kevin Shipp exposes Deep States’ organizational structure and their mode of operations in the United States…


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The Weaponization of American Government Justice by Obama, Sorso, Most of the Democratic Party and a Large Majority of Republicans, all in the Reset Camp of the New World Order,Biden, One of Satan’s Foot Soldiers, and Jill, a Fake Dr

HNewsWire: The trouble between Democrats and Republicans, some people still believe in the FBI, But not many! Are they not paying attention? That’s like a citizen of the former Soviet Union stating they trusted the KGB to suppress dissent and imprison government opponents in a Siberian gulag. The evidence is compelling. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been renamed the Federal Bureau of Fear. Alternatively, the Federal Intimidation Bureau, whose abbreviation would be FIB, as in the Big Lie. Nothing the FBI has said in the six years since it collaborated with the Democratic Party to create the Russia connection fiction can be taken seriously. Is it necessary to go through the entire laundry list of lies and fabrications that the FBI has dumped on the American people with the help and comfort of the Justice Department? Start with FBI…


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