1 min read

Watchman: Looks Like the White House Has Become an Extremist Group,the State Department Has Allowed Members of the Notorious Azov Brigade AKA Nazi to Use US-Supplied Weapons

By SRH, The State Department has supplied Ukraine’s ultranationalist and neo-Nazi Azov Brigade with US weapons. Previously, the unit’s vicious ideology prohibited weaponry flow. The CIA told the Washington Post on Monday, “After thorough review, Ukraine’s 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade passed Leahy vetting as carried out by the US Department of State,” referring to legislation that bans military aid to human rights violators. The State Department found “no evidence” of Azov’s infractions. Ukrainian officials made lifting the ban “a top priority” in their lobbying, the Post reported. The Western-backed Kiev coup in 2014 created Azov, a volunteer brigade that fought the Donbass breakaway republics. Current and past ultranationalist, neo-Nazi, and far-right football hooligans. In the 2000s, unit co-founder Andrey Biletsky was a white nationalist. He has recently softened his language and denied neo-Nazi links. However, many Azov fighters have […]


6 mins read

Something Doesn’t Smell Right With Chinese Surveillance Balloons, and the Truth Is That the State Department, CIA, and Others Are Lying to the American People in Collaboration With the Biden/Obama/Satan Soldiers Administration. What a Surprise, Huh?

Government vs. People—State vs. State—Governor vs. Governor—Mayor vs. Mayor—Government vs. Government—Neighbor vs. Neighbor— Tribulation… It makes no difference if the next threat is a military threat, an environmental health crisis, or something altogether different; you must protect your freedom and individual liberty no matter what.” All decisions are made with God at the top of the priority list. “It is not enough to just “throw up your hands in despair and panic and rush down the path to obedience to government dictates.” HNewsWire: OFFICIAL US DID NOT ASSESS LATEST OBJECT TO BE MILITARY THREAT TO ANYTHING ON THE GROUND -OFFICIAL SENIOR U.S. THE OFFICIAL SAYS THE OBJECT SHOT DOWN WAS AN OCTAGONAL STRUCTURE, BUT THERE WAS NO DISCERNIBLE PAYLOAD. The Pentagon is scheduled to hold a press briefing about the downed item at 5 p.m. ET. Update (1548ET): According to […]


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