33 mins read

Update: 6/8/22 @ 6:15 Armed Man Arrested Outside Brett Kavanaugh’s House; Planned To Kill Supreme Court Justice: We Will See Terror Related Incidents in America Going Forward This Will Become a Common Occurrence. Tribulation on Steroids, Death Will Become Common Place

HNewsWire: Armed Man Arrested Outside Brett Kavanaugh’s House; Planned To Kill Supreme Court Justice An armed man who meant to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was apprehended outside the Supreme Court Justice’s home approximately 1:50 a.m. on Wednesday.According to the Washington Post, preliminary information suggests that the guy was enraged by the recently leaked Roe v. Wade judgment, which overturned the constitutional right to abortion. According to the Post, he was also enraged by recent major killings. A protester stands outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house in Chevy Chase, Maryland, on Monday, September 13, 2021. After taking a cab to Kavanaugh’s house, the individual, who was not from Maryland, was apprehended without incident. He was stopped near the property, but not at it, according to officials. “A guy was apprehended near Justice Kavanaugh’s home at 1:50 a.m. morning. […]


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