Hated ‘hate group’; “Christian” left-wing crackdown on their right-wing views..

Google and other social media companies are pledging to rid their communities of terrorists and those that inspire them, but there is concern about policing beliefs that some simply don’t like.  You wrote, ‘Muslims do not know God because they rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned,” Sanders told Vought. “I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who is what this country is supposed to be about.” Sanders’ blasting of Vought’s religious views sparked outrage due to the U.S. Constitution forbidding a “religious test,” and there are similar concerns brewing over the First Amendment right to express views that the Left deems “hateful” or “bigoted.” Under tremendous pressure from Europe, where free speech rights are less robust than in the U.S., social media giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter have agreed…

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Google promises YouTube crackdown on online extremism, also Faith Base Groups that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is promising to be more vigilant about preventing terrorist propaganda and other extremist videos from appearing on its YouTube site amid intensifying criticism about the internet’s role in mass violence. Its crackdown will involve both computer programs and an expanded group of people dedicated to identifying videos promoting terrorism so they can be blocked from appearing on YouTube or quickly removed.  Google is making the commitment in the wake of violent attacks in the U.S. and elsewhere. A van struck a crowd of people outside a London mosque Sunday, the second time an automobile was used as a weapon in that city this month, and less than a week after a gunman attacked GOP lawmakers on a baseball field. And earlier this month, British Prime Minister [Theresa May](http://www.chron.com/search/?action=search&channel=business%2Ftechnology&inlineLink=1&searchindex=solr&query=%22Theresa+May%22) called on governments to form international agreements…

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Trump confirms he’s under investigation

WASHINGTON  — President Donald Trump confirmed Friday he was under investigation and appeared to take aim at a senior Justice Department official, in a tweet that seemed to encapsulate his frustration with the ongoing focus on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election. “I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt,” the president wrote in his tweet. In another tweet earlier Friday, Trump writes, “After 7 months of investigations & committee hearings about my ‘collusion with the Russians,’ nobody has been able to show any proof. Sad!” The Trump tweets come after the top lawyer for his transition team warned organization officials to preserve all records and other materials related to the Russia probe. An official of Trump’s transition confirmed the laywer’s internal order sent Thursday. The…

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HNewsWire blames violent rhetoric, “Terminate the Republican Party FakeBook Post.” “The Ugly Left”

The shooter, who has since died from gun battle with police, has been identified as James T. Hodgkinson. His Facebook page featured a photo of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at the top, and was filled with left-wing political posts throughout. His entries were highly critical of President Trump and supported Sanders’ socialist political philosophy. The 66-year-old man was a member of a Facebook group called “Terminate the Republican Party.” And according to authorities, Hodgkinson came to the ball field with enough firepower to terminate many Republican lawmakers. During an appearance on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the increasing intensity of hostility on the Left. “Whether it is a so-called comedian holding up the president’s head in blood, or it’s right here in New York City a play that shows the president being assassinated, or…

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Fakebook is either the savior or destroyer of journalism in our time.

Illustration by Jim Cooke Depending on whom you ask, Facebook is either the savior or destroyer of journalism in our time. An estimated 600 million people see a news story on Facebook every week, and the social network’s founder Mark Zuckerberg has been transparent about his goal to monopolize digital news distribution. “When news is as fast as everything else on Facebook, people will naturally read a lot more news,” he said in a Q&A last year , adding that he wants Facebook Instant Articles to be the “primary news experience people have.” Facebook’s stranglehold over the traffic pipe has pushed digital publishers into an uneasy alliance with the $350 billion behemoth, and the news business has been caught up in a jittery debate about what, precisely, the company’s intentions are. Will it swallow the business whole , or does…

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Free speech is one of the pinnacles of a free society. But it’s often the first thing to go when a free society is in decline.

Free speech is one of the pinnacles of a free society. But it’s often the first thing to go when a free society is in decline. Certain forms of unsavory speech are deemed as “hate” speech, and speech that doesn’t conform to the status quo is regarded as potentially terroristic speech. It’s a very slippery slope, but it’s how fascism creeps in and topples a nation. The United States is blessed to still maintain some level of free speech, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. But certain elements of this precious liberty are being eroded, as is the freedom to bring up certain topics without serious backlash or ridicule. Fortunately in America, you won’t necessarily go to jail for talking about almost anything that doesn’t involve committing a serious crime. But with the way things are going…

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Washington’s open mockery of human rights and freedom of speech is finally challenged and stopped, TRUMP HATERS.

Recently behind-the-scenes rules and restrictions being used by Facebook have [fallen](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/may/21/revealed-facebook-internal-rulebook-sex-terrorism-violence) into the hands of Guardian reporters. According to their report, moderators employed by the tech giant are entitled to decide what exactly the 2 billion users of this social network can or cannot publish on their pages. This report has provoked a massive discussion on the absence of any ethical norms that could prevent the tech giant from exercising censorship, along with disputes about the determination of US intelligence agencies to spy on their citizens in violation of the USA Freedom Act. The fact that the US created the Internet as a tool of exercising control over information space, as a convenient environment for espionage, collecting dirty facts and spreading lies has been established long ago. For those naïve few who refuse to believe the facts, one can only be reminded of…

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The End of Twitter, Hopeful ,There Bad News..

  The End of Twitter: In other words folks our elitist word Masters will control the narrative, I predict they’ll be relevant in a short period of time.. HNewsWire – – – – – – By Joshua Topolsky [](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/the-end-of-twitter&text=The+End+of+Twitter&tw_p=tweetbutton&url=http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/the-end-of-twitter&via=newyorker) []() [![Twitter might rebound in the wake of Jack Dorsey’s reappointment as C.E.O., but the service is still in trouble.](https://i1.wp.com/www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Topolsky-End-of-Twitter-690×460-1454087442.jpg?resize=650%2C433)](https://i1.wp.com/www.newyorker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Topolsky-End-of-Twitter-1200.jpg “View larger”)Twitter might rebound in the wake of Jack Dorsey’s reappointment as C.E.O., but the service is still in trouble.Credit Photograph by Richard Drew /  It wasn’t that long ago that I—and many other people I know—would have argued that [Twitter](http://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/jack-in-a-box-can-twitter-be-saved) was more than just another social network. I would have told you that Twitter was more like a utility, a service so fundamental that I could imagine a scenario in which it was literally underwritten. Twitter *needed* to exist. A…

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Its a problem,Twitter Shadowbanning HNewsWire, Conservatives, Trump Supporters..

Former Breitbart news editor Milo Yiannopoulos is familiar with the suppression of free speech and the First Amendment by the politically correct left, having a speech at UC Berkeley canceled after [violent riots](http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/04/22/milo-yiannopoulos-plans-comeback-at-uc-berkeley.html) by the politically intolerant left. Pundits have dubbed the suppression of conservative speakers on campus the “heckler’s veto” which allows the arbiters of political correctness to deny a forum to those they disagree with. Yiannopoulos is also familiar with another form of suppression of free speech, this time in social media forums such as Twitter called “shadowbanning”. Tweets of the kind President Trump is famous for are banned from being seen by other than a given account’s followers, limiting visibility. Twitter and its support team claim it is merely spanking those who violate their rules and terms of service, but Yiannopoulos thinks it is political correctness run amok with…

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