1 min read

Watchman’s Warning: Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA “Vaccines” Include the Highly Carcinogenic Simian Virus 40 (SV40), Yet at Least Two Other Labs Have Successfully Replicated Them. Government-Approved Death Vaccines

HNewsWire: MIT Human Genome project leader Kevin McKernan and his research team’s discovery that highly carcinogenic simian virus 40 (SV40) is present in all of the DEATHVAX™ offerings have now been reproduced by at least two other labs. This is huge. There is no possible way to deny the fact that these “vaccines” are deliberately contaminated by SV40. From the above Subtack article: McKernan also has established that the DNA contaminants found in the COVID-19 “vaccines” result in the genetic modification of the human genome, which has and will continue to set off all kinds of autoimmune diseases. Which brings us to the latest bombshell: This Substack warned long ago that these slow kill bioweapons alter your DNA, and now we have irrefutable proof of this: An important distinction must be made: this is anything but accidental contamination, but, rather,…...

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14 mins read

Watchman: COVID Vaccine mRNA Has Been Found in Vaccinated Blood. The Kill Shots Are Working!

HNewsWire: A new study was just published by Castruita et al. The scientists, while studying “something else” related to hepatitis, decided to test blood samples of their patients who got vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA vaccines for the presence of vaccine mRNA. Their approach was comprehensive: They looked at vaccinated and unvaccinated persons to have a control group. They distinguished between vaccine mRNA and viral RNA of Sars-Cov-2 They were careful to avoid contaminants showing up as positive reads for vaccine mRNA They distinguished, in their analyses, between Modena and Pfizer mRNA genetic codes. These two vaccines encode the same spike proteins but contain different nucleotides (this is called codon optimization)   I am proud of Castruita et al. for being meticulous with their analyses. I wish all “COVID research” was done with such in-depth safeguards against mistakes. This is what they found: We surprisingly found fragments of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA up to 28 days […]


24 mins read

The Death Angel Visits America Once Again — Vaccines (Kill Shots) the Plague a.k.a Pestilence and The World Number One Wanna-be Health Expert (Gates) Doesn’t Have a Clue

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