Disney Stock Has Dropped by About $180 Billion in Market Value, or 50%, in the Two Years Since the Company Went “Full EVIL Awake,” Prompting the Watchman to Issue a “Burn to the Ground” Warning. Ingenious Plan: Satan’s Demonic Army; Satan’s Defeat; The Google Bud Light Strategy

They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart HNewsWire: As you are aware, my slogan from the beginning of the Woke Terror has been: hang in there. This will not endure. I was certain of this for two reasons: 1) being awake is a breach of human nature, and 2) this is still America. If you spend all of your time on social media and watching cable news, particularly Fox News, you may not realize that America is still America. But if you get out of that poisonous echo chamber and spend some time with actual people, you’ll realize that Americans of all shades are exactly like you. They just want to be entertained. They are unconcerned with skin tone. People whose whole identity is dependent on what they do with their sex organs are annoying and tiring to them.…

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