Watchman: The Enablers, Instead of Helping These Misguided Individuals, They Coddle Them, Pretending All Is Well with Trans-People


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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To be spiritually dead is to be separated from God. When Adam sinned in Genesis 3:6, he ushered in death for all humanity. God’s command to Adam and Eve was that they could not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It came with the warning that disobedience would result in death: “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’” The phrase “you shall surely die” could be literally translated “dying you shall die.” This signifies a continuous state of death that began with spiritual death, continues throughout life as a gradual degradation of the body, and culminates in physical death. The immediate spiritual death resulted in Adam’s separation from God. His act of hiding from God (Genesis 3:8) demonstrates this separation, as does his attempt to shift blame for the sin to the woman (Genesis 3:12).

Unfortunately, this spiritual – and eventual physical – death was not confined to Adam and Eve. As the representative of the human race, Adam carried all of humanity into his sin. Paul makes this clear in Romans 5:12, telling us that sin and death entered the world and spread to all men through Adam’s sin. Additionally, Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death; sinners must die, because sin separates us from God. Any separation from the Source of Life is, naturally, death for us.

A Conversation With Transgender Granite Staters

By THE EXCHANGE  21 HOURS AGOThe ExchangeShareTweetEmail

On Thursday, May 16th, The Exchange talks to three members of the New Hampshire transgender community who have participated in "Ask A Trans Person Anything" panels held around the state. It has been one year since New Hampshire passed a law that protects against discrimination based on gender identity, and there is more conversationnationally and in New Hampshire around transgender issues. ListenListening...57:18Listen to the full hour conversation with our panel of transgender Granite Staters.Our Panel:

  • Chloé LaCasse - (she, her, hers) Storyteller, educator and advocate. She came out as transgender in 2016, and found her voice on the historic Freedom NH nondiscrimination campaign. Today she offers companies and organizations lighthearted in-depth trans 101 inclusivity trainings, helping diffuse myths while providing thoughtful and inclusive best practice policy to their growingly diverse team members and employees.
  • Liam Magan - (he, him, his) 25-year-old transgender male living in Keene, NH. Born and raised a female, he realized his transgender identity at the age of 22 after many years of depression and confusion. He graduated from Keene State College in 2016 and is now a licensed septic system evaluator in the state of NH. As an advocate for transgender rights, he openly shares his life via social media and YouTube in an effort to be the person that he needed to when he was younger. He is passionate about educating others about the transgender experience.
  • Alex McEntee - (they, them, theirs) Alex came out as genderqueer a couple years ago.  Since then, they have been involved in education and advocacy for non-binary and fellow transgender Granite Staters. They have been part of 7 "Ask a Trans Person Anything" panels across  the state. Alex has also testified on behalf of themselves and others like them,  numerous times at our State House.

Submit your questions and stories:

 Your questions for the panelists:

What would you like to ask about their experiences as shaped by their gender identities? Topics could include their relationships to family, friends, and significant others; their daily lives; their work life, and education.

Your stories:

Especially if you identify as part of the LGBTQ community, what do you want other listeners to know? What questions do you wish people did (or did not) ask you? Source

Transwomen & Sexualized Violence

There are numerous other reported incidents (assaults on women and children, indecent exposure, public masturbation, covert photography etc.) by disordered “transgender” men (; there are over 250 media reported stories at this link alone.

From that link:

88% of the transgender population, those people who are protected by gender identity and gender expression laws, are, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, males with a psychosexual disorder. (1)

Many men with psychosexual disorders practice their fetish in the privacy of their own homes. But as many as 13,946,348 of them in the US, at the time of this writing, will be free to practice their fetish in public, in front of your children, in women’s locker rooms, in the girls bathroom at school. (2) This will be enabled by current and pending transgender legislation throughout the US. (3).

Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior.

This is what transgender does:

Rape and kill 6 year old girls

are sexual predators and

T. rape women

TW rape women

TW rape women

TW rape women

Dallas: Convicted serial child rapist Paul Ray Witherspoon was reported to law enforcement by a woman who was frightened by him in a hospital restroom designated for use by women and girls. Witherspoon was wearing earrings and a skirt and a large bulky ankle GPS device worn by paroled felons deemed likely to re-offend. His parole had been previously revoked at least twice: in 2007 when Witherspoon was charged with assault and returned to prison until 2010, and again when he was arrested in 2011 for sending out pornographic photos of himself over the internet.

California: Male rapist claiming “transgender” status placed in CA WOMEN’S prison:–Male-rapist-put-into-women-s-prison#

David Megarry (“Sandy Jo Battista”), a convicted sex offender who has molested girls, expects tax payers to pay for his feminizing hormones.

Kenneth Hunt (“Katheena Soneeya”), who was trying to get the State of Massachusetts to pay for hair removal and sex reassignment surgery was convicted of murdering two women.

Robert Kosilek (“Michelle Lynn” Kosilek), then 39, was already transitioning when he killed his wife, Cheryl McCaul, during an argument. He strangled her to death, nearly decapitating her in the Mansfield, Massachusetts home they still shared.

Other “transgender” males presenting as women claiming access to women’s restrooms:

36 thoughts on “Transwomen & Sexualized Violence”

  1. Pingback: Alguns motivos para ser CONTRA o Projeto de Lei João W. Nery | Nosotras, las Brujas
  2. Stupalski (@AmbientDiscord)says:October 27, 2014 at 8:43 amcan we look at this blog you just linked?Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4)source is pay-walled so i cant check right now.Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: source and using a 100% statistic is really weird in any context.60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.this part also has no source but i suspect that this is what the author based the 100% figure off of. the problem is that these numbers when taken together make zero sense. if you combine those 3 numbers then it says 124% of sex offenders have a transgender fetish which is obviously not a possible statistical set.primary = 60%, tertiary = 40% (these 2 already add to 100)
    secondary = 60% of 40% which is 24% of the whole
  3. .Transgender Law and Policy Institute estimates the Transgender population at 2 – 5% of the US population. National Center for Transgender Equality reports that only 0.25 – 1.0 % of the US population are Transsexual, persons suffering from a complete psychosexual inversion whose body identity disorder/ body dysmorphia disorder takes the form of an obsession with having the primary and secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex.I found it to be fully BS that 2-5% of the US population is transgender or that .25 to 1% are transexual.I found the “source” for the 2-5% quote here: 2-5% number is never sourced but they give a vague criteria of what constitutes a transgender individual. “i.e., experience some degree of gender dysphoria” there’s a good chance they consider me transgender because i once wore a dress.on top of that, i checked their first source and their numbers were blatantly incorrect when compared to the source.“Recent statistics from the Netherlands indicate that about **1 in 12,000** natal males undergo
    sex-reassignment and about **1 in 34,000** natal females.”here is a link to the source for that number: right in the abstract it says: **1:11,900 males and 1:30,400 females.** You could say it was a typo but the lack of source on the percentage then the (un)intentional(?) misrepresentation of the Netherlands study make me inclined to ignore the Transgender Law and Policy Institute’s entire fact Source page.Reply

The leftist push to force both private and public entities to open their bathrooms and locker-rooms to gender identity has recently exploded in the media. The governor of North Carolina’s decision to reject such an ordinance by signing HB 2 into law has taken over the spotlight. The left has cast the law as bigoted, along with all those who agree it. Baseball legend Curt Schilling was even fired from his job at ESPN for expressing opposition to the ordinance and proclaiming that “a man is a man no matter what.”

One conservative argument against the leftist push goes as follows: some men will abuse the bathrooms and locker-rooms open to gender identity rather than biology by falsely proclaiming womanhood in order to gain access to women and children for motives of malice. Such facilities could become easy-access breading grounds for predators. Thus, it would be common sense to keep the facilities separated based on biology rather than identity to protect women and children.

Predictably, the left has vehemently denied that such a thing would ever happen—or worse, that this is a price we must pay for “inclusivity” and “equality.”

Here are 5 times "transgender" men abused women and children by exploiting such facilities:

1. A Seattle man, citing transgender bathrooms laws, was able to gain access to a women’s locker-room at a public recreational center while little girls were changing for swim practice.

In February, The Daily Wire reported that a Seattle man who walked into the women’s locker-room—on two occasionsand began undressing, cited the “new state rule that allows people to choose a bathroom based on gender identity.” You know, those laws the ingenious left has been pushing because of “inclusiveness.”

“It was a busy time at Evans Pool around 5:30 p.m. Monday February 8,” reportsKING5 News. “The pool was open for lap swim. According to Seattle Parks and Recreation, a man wearing board shorts entered the women's locker room and took off his shirt. Women alerted staff, who told the man to leave, but he said ‘the law has changed and I have a right to be here.’”

Subsequent to this new rule, no one called the police on this man who reportedly came back a second time when young girls were changing into their swimsuits for swim practice.

2. A Toronto man claiming to be transgender was arrested and sentenced to jail for sexually assaulting several women in a women’s shelter after he gained access to the shelter and its shower facilitates as "Jessica."

As Life Site notes, “A biological man claiming to be ‘transgender’ so as to gain access to and prey on women at two Toronto shelters was jailed ‘indefinitely’” in early March.

Christopher Hambrook, 37, using the name “Jessica,” was able to gain access to Toronto women’s shelters.

“Her tights had been pulled down past her bottom and her bathing suit had been pulled to the side,” reads a court document of one of the incidents. “She yelled at the accused, demanding to know what he was doing. He simply covered his face with his hands, said ‘Oops!’ and started giggling.”

Per Life Site:

Court also heard evidence of Hambrook terrorizing a deaf woman living in the shelter. “The accused grabbed the complainant’s hand and forcibly placed it on his crotch area while his penis was erect,” court heard.

The same deaf women reported that Hambrook would peer at her through a gap between the door and its frame while she showered.

3. A Virginia man was caught and arrested for peeping on and filming two women and a 5-year-old child in a women’s restroom after receiving entry by dressing in drag.

“Richard Rodriguez, 30, filmed a woman in a bathroom stall at the Potomac Mills Mall, Prince William County Police said,” reported NBC Washington. His victim was a 35-year-old woman who was in a bathroom stall when “she saw a bag moved toward her under the stall divider.” According to police, Rodriguez had been filming her.

Apparently, when the victim rushed out of the stall to confront the man, he had already moved to another woman just one stall over. “The victim alerted the woman and then contacted mall security of the shopping center on 2700 block of Potomac Mills Circle in Woodbridge, Virginia,” noted NBC Washington.

Reports suspect that this was not Rodriguez’s first time peeping on women by dressing himself up as woman to enter a restroom; disturbingly, he likely spied on a 53-year-old woman in May of 2015 and a 35-year-old and her 5-year-old daughter back in October.

“Rodriguez, of Fredericksburg, was charged with three counts of unlawful filming of a non-consenting person and three counts of peeping,” reported NBC Washington.

4. A Los Angeles man dressed in drag, entered a Macy’s department store bathroom and videotaped women under bathroom stalls.

As The Daily Wirereported in late March, charges were filed against Jason Pomare, 33, for allegedly disguising himself as a woman, sneaking in to the women’s restroom at a Macy’s department store and secretly videotaping hours of footage of women in bathroom stalls.

Pomare reportedly disguised himself with a wig and fake breasts; he kept his video camera with him in a small purse.

The suspect "was charged Tuesday with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification. After his arrest, investigators said a video camera found in his purse had 'hours' of video of women using the restroom inside the store," reports NBC4 News.

5. Two male students were caught at the University of Toronto exploiting “gender-neutral” facilities to peep on women in the shower with their cellphone cameras. Source

But it is not just inherited sin that causes spiritual death; our own sinfulness contributes. Ephesians 2teaches that, before salvation, we are “dead” in trespasses and sins (verse 1). This must speak of spiritual death, because we were still “alive” physically before salvation. While we were in that spiritually “dead” condition, God saved us (verse 5; see also Romans 5:8). Colossians 2:13 reiterates this truth: “And you, who were dead in your trespasses . . . God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses.”

Since we are dead in sin, we are completely unable to trust God or His Word. Jesus repeatedly claims that we are powerless without Him (John 15:5) and that we cannot come to Him without God’s enabling (John 6:44). Paul teaches in Romans 8 that our natural minds cannot submit to God, nor please Him (verses 7-8). In our fallen state, we are incapable of even understanding the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:14).

The act of God whereby He makes us alive from spiritual death is called regeneration. Regeneration is accomplished only by the Holy Spirit, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we are regenerated, we are made alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2:5) and renewed by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5). It is like being born a second time, as Jesus taught Nicodemus in John 3:37. Having been made alive by God, we will never truly die – we have eternal life. Jesus said often that to believe in Him is to have eternal life (John 3:163617:3).

Sin leads to death. The only way to escape that death is to come to Jesus through faith, drawn by the Holy Spirit. Faith in Christ leads to spiritual life, and ultimately to eternal life.

StevieRay Hansen

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Like Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament who served secular kings, we are called to serve everyone and help them fulfill their divine destiny. Jesus made it clear that people who want to lead or be great must be the servants of all. Serving is the way of leadership in the kingdom.

Forcing our way onto the world is not great leadership. Some accuse us of doing this very thing because we speak up on moral issues. It is important that we speak up on issues, but it's also equally important that we love everyone no matter their persuasions.

Someday Jesus will rule the world; in the meantime, we should just serve well and let our good works speak of our Father who loves everyone.

Evil Exists So Spiritual Warfare Becomes Necessary!


Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Watchman: The Enablers, Instead of Helping These Misguided Individuals, They Coddle Them, Pretending All Is Well with Trans-People

  1. Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don’t marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

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