The Left Is Fighting Tooth & Nail Against American Energy Independence In Light Of Ukraine Invasion.


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Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania has sent a sharp response to a letter from House Republicans on the Energy Committee urging him to relax limits on Pennsylvania’s gas reserves and alleviate market uncertainty created by the Ukraine crisis.

The United States’ greatest natural gas reserve sits underground in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. There are about 100,000 operating oil wells in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, chairman of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, penned the letter, which was signed by 14 other members of Congress on March 1.

It begs Wolf to persuade neighboring states to lift pipeline development limits so that liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be transported to New England states, which now buy LNG from other countries, including, according to the letter, Russia. The letter also requests Wolf to lift the moratorium on natural gas extraction in the Delaware River Basin, something he has previously supported. Wolf is also urged to assist Pennsylvania’s abundant oil, gas, and coal businesses, which have the potential to meet the world’s energy demands.

“For the sake of the free world, you must encourage the extraction and refinement of our resources.” “Put an end to your fight against fossil fuels and acknowledge the gift of energy and productivity that lays beneath our feet,” the committee wrote.

On March 3, Wolf responded in a letter, claiming that Republicans are taking advantage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the following humanitarian crisis to boost natural gas sector profits and obstruct climate change action.

Wolf wrote, “I find your politicization of this tragedy reprehensible.” He didn’t reply to some of the letter’s issues, such the Delaware River Basin concern. He did, however, provide some information from the US Energy Information Administration.

• The United States is a net exporter of natural gas, with Liquified Natural Gas shipments to Europe reaching historic highs in recent years. • Due to expanded pipeline development, net natural gas exports from Pennsylvania have approximately doubled since Wolf took office in 2015, accounting for more than half of the LNG imported to the continent in January.

“Despite your wringing of hands over Russian LNG tankers entering American ports, you should be aware that the US imports virtually no natural gas from Russia in any form.” If you’re unsure about any of these items, I recommend consulting genuine statistics from the US Energy Information Administration,” Wolf stated.

According to the Energy Information Administration, the United States does not import LNG directly from Russia.

“In 2018-19, there were a couple of LNG cargoes brought to the United States from France and the United Kingdom that may have originated in Russia,” a spokeswoman for the administration told The Epoch Times. “These were declared as imports from France and the United Kingdom.” The source information on these imports is anecdotal because we don’t track the original source of LNG import quantities.”

However, Wolf makes no mention of oil in his letter. According to the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers website, the US purchased an average of 209,000 barrels of Russian oil per day in 2021. Oil imports are still going on.

Wolf is true in stating that the United States is a net exporter of natural gas and a major source of LNG imports into Europe. In 2021, the US, Qatar, and Russia together will provide 70% of Europe’s total LNG imports.

Wolf, on the other hand, can’t take credit for it. LNG exports to Europe increased dramatically in 2017, the year Donald Trump assumed office. Prior to it, Europe used very little, if any, LNG generated in the United States. Trump tried to increase LNG exports from the United States to other countries.

“The United States no longer requires energy imports.” Our European partners no longer have to be subject to unfriendly energy providers, thanks to an abundance of American natural gas,” Trump remarked at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020. “We urge our European allies to tap into America’s tremendous energy reserves in order to achieve true energy security.” We are on the verge of almost endless energy reserves, including traditional fuels, LNG, clean coal, next-generation nuclear power, and gas hydrate technologies, thanks to U.S. corporations and academics paving the way.”

Wolf’s letter defends his environmental record and implies that he would not change his energy policies.

“I’ve taken steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions as well as diversify and reinforce our grid.” This latest attempt to stymie progress on climate change by tying climate action to events in Ukraine is merely a continuation of the conspiracy theories for which you are well known,” Wolf said, addressing Metcalfe. “We are at a critical juncture in the world’s history. This is not the time for narrow-minded ideologues or armchair energy experts to try to profit from tragedy for the benefit of their donors.”

Metcalfe said he was surprised Wolf responded so soon to the letter because it usually takes a month or more for the governor to respond to a letter from his committee.

“His administration has repeatedly attempted to impose a heavy regulatory hand on our oil and gas industries in order to discourage investment, output, and development.” He should also take the initiative and work with the UN General Assembly to stimulate increased production of our oil and gas, which the world urgently requires. “There’s no reason for any state in the country to be forced to utilize Russian gas or oil,” Metcalfe told The Epoch Times.

“We have the resources here in the United States, as long as we can get Wolf, Biden, Kerry, and others who are working to further their science fiction perspective on what’s going on in the world.” If they faced reality and saw all these people dying in Ukraine, they wouldn’t be able to bankroll the operation.”

The left wing green deal delusion inarguably must at the very least be put on the back burner for such uncertain times. Now we’re seeing members of the democratic party resort to calling their political adversaries ‘conspiracy theorists’ to stifle the inevitable energy independence that America requires in time of potential war. The green energy agenda cannot and will not be ready for implementation any time soon due to the already massive deficit we’re already in thanks to plandemic legislature. This is blatant sabotage of the well being of the land and people of America.

No one man can make sense of this elaborate illusion cast over the common man of society, but collectively we can point out each limitation forced upon us and bring it forward as an injustice to the public. In Matthew 10:34 Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” We’re meant to go down preaching the gospel and guiding others to salvation. This could be considered the bravest task a man or woman of faith could undertake, but make no mistake it will bear fruit in the kingdom of heaven. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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