The NWO AKA Satan Soldiers in New Zealand State Has Already Decided


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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to Remove People From Their Homes and Place Them in Quarantine Facilities (Detention Centers Controlled by the Military) TRIBULATION…

As Time Goes on There Will Be a Lot of Politicians, Police Officers, Judges That Will Take Cover in Other Words They Are Going to Remain Neutral Out for Fear for Their Lives. You Are On Your Own, Prepare For The Worst, Pray for the Best –Tribulations Will Be Very Ugly

I Want Everyone to Know, Never Take Anyone’s Word for the Gospel, Especially Revelations, Here’s How It Works. When You’re in the Word God Will Speak to You Through His Holy Spirit He Will Move You in the Direction He Wants You to Go. Please Stop Looking For That Individual Here on Earth That Has All the Answers, They’re Not Here and That Confuse You.. That Includes Anything I Say, Always Test Every Spirit. Every Word That Is Uttered Out of Any Man’s Mouth Must Be Verified Through the Holy Spirit… Stevieray Hansen

I Have Never Seen The Righteous Forsaken or Begging For Rain…

These Governors and Politicians Are Caught up in Their Own Destruction, the Plandemic of All Scamdemic Has Turned on Its Creators and Will Wreak Havoc…

Events of the Tribulation

In the Great Tribulation 2 ½ million die every day for 42 months. In Auschwitz, less than a thousand died each day. That means 2500x as many people die every day. Or to put it in Auschwitz terms—the number of people that died every day at Auschwitz will die every 30 seconds in the Great Tribulation! Or in other terms living on earth will be like living in an Auschwitz death camp—and in death toll there will be the equivalent of an Auschwitz Holocaust twice a day for 42 months!

A brief look through the pages of Revelation chapters six, eight, nine, and sixteen–describe the living hell you can avoid if you are saved this morning. Here are only a few of the dreadful disasters that take place during the Tribulation:

  • One out of every two people will die during the Tribulation (see Rev. 6:8 and onward), some through the ravages of war, others by starvation, and amazingly many others by the ‘beasts of the earth’. So, whether by death that comes instantly and thus less dreaded or a slow and painful death that is lingering and agonizing-50 percent of all people will die. The world’s population was 6,415,574,176 yesterday, so that means at least 3,207,500,000 will die. Does that amount to just about eleven times the current population of the United States-can you imagine that? And remember that the population of the world is doubling every 39.5 years. So every day the number of people who will die becomes larger and larger.
  • One-third of all vegetation will be burned up. All grass, every tree, everything green will be destroyed (see Rev. 8:7).
  • The sun and the moon will be darkened as nature goes into revolt (see Rev. 8:12).
  • The gates of hell will open and hordes of locusts, the size of horses, will come upon the earth. Those locusts will be allowed to sting men like scorpions and the pain will last for five months. The Bible says men will beg God to let them die but they will not die (see Rev. 9:3-6).
  • There will be worldwide famine, unlike anything the world has ever seen (see Rev. 18:8).
  • There will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel. This will be the Battle of Armageddon (see Rev. 14:20).
  • All told, during the Great Tribulation, as many as half of all the people on the earth will be killed.

Among many similar globalist states, The UK State is a public-private partnership between government, financial institutions, multinational corporations, global think tanks, and well funded third sector organisations, such as so called non governmental organisations (NGO’s) and large international charities.

Through a labyrinthine structure of direct funding, grant making and philanthropy, the UK State is a cohesive globalist organisation that works with selected academics, scientific institutions and mainstream media (MSM) outlets to advance a tightly controlled, predetermined narrative.

This designed consensus serves the the interests and global ambitions of a tiny group of disproportionately wealthy people.

This group of parasites, often misleadingly referred to as the “elite,” exploit all humanity for their own gain and to consolidate and enhance their power. They control the money supply and the global debt, which is a debt owed to them.

Human beings are forced to pay tax which, via government procurement, flows directly to the private corporations they own. War, security, infrastructure projects, education and health care provide profits and are used by the parasite class to socially engineer society.

Globally, they fund all political parties, with any realistic chance of gaining power, they own the MSM and spend billions lobbying policy makers.

Through think tanks and the actions of “independent” political activists, such as the FPAction Network, they directly fund political campaigns in exchange for the politician’s loyalty to them, not to the electorate.

Through their tax exempt grant making foundations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), they control the scientific, medical and academic orthodoxy.

This global network of oligarchs is moving towards the final stages of its long held plan to construct a single global system of governance. Often referred to as the New World Order (NWO), it is a collaboration between supranational political organisations, like the United Nations and the European Union, controlled scientific authorities, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), global financial institutions, including the World Bank, IMF, ECB and Bank for International Settlements (BIS), globalist organisations like the World Economic Forum (WEF), NGO’s like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and policy making thinks tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission.

The UK State is one, prominent tentacle of the emerging global governance system. It has capitalised on the COVID 19 crisis to create the conditions for a new global economic and political model. While COVID 19 appears to be a nasty strain of the common coronavirus, in Part 2 we will discuss how the UK State has spun a fake narrative about the disease to further the interests of it’s globalist, oligarch masters. Managing a response to a pandemic is merely the deceptive justification for the planned re-engineering of society.

In partnership with Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the BMGF, the WEF were chief architects of Event 201 which plotted, in quite precise detail, the global lockdown and the world’s media response to a global coronavirus pandemic. Event 201 was staged merely a matter of months before a global coronavirus pandemic broke out. Both the government lockdown and MSM response have proceeded exactly as they predicted.

To say this is all just a coincidence, and not worthy of further scrutiny, is beyond obtuse. The WEF’s extensive and detailed COVID 19 Action Platform was up and running on March 12th 2020. The day after the WHO declared a global COVID 19 pandemic.

It is clear from the WEF’s own words, that they see COVID 19 as a fantastic opportunity. They state:

The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making…….As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”

This is a proposal for global governance which supersedes national sovereignty. It is as simple as that.

It is remarkable that there are still so many who accuse any who point to this long standing New World Order plan, extensively documented and spoken about by political leaders for generations, of being so called conspiracy theorists. One wonders if these people can read.$/embed/Political-Leaders-And-The-New-World-Order/d483fc4c68665ae1436e55f77ef842bc5e32523c

Referencing the COVID 19 opportunities, one of the founders, and current executive chairman, of the WEF Klaus Schwab recently wrote:

A sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable. To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.

Capitalism requires a reset because the model of closed shop crony capitalism, operated by the global parasite class for centuries, has reached the limits of growth. Therefore they need to create a new economic paradigm (the Great Reset) both to further centralise and consolidate their power and to fix their failing business model.

These governors and politicians are caught up in their own destruction, the Plandemic Of ALL Scamdemic has turned on its creators and will wreak havoc…

Following the 2008 banking collapse, while the people were forced to suffer austerity to bail out the banks with a form of highly selective crony socialism, the parasite class simply carried on piling up the debt.

In the Basel Capital Accords III, supposedly designed to stop the wild market speculations of banks which caused the collapse, they effectively reduced the liquidity (capital reserve) requirements for banks, allowing them to lend even more.

This process of allowing banks to create FIAT currency out of nothing has inevitably led to a global debt of approximately $260 trillion, which is more than three times the size of the planets GDP.

However, this is small potatoes compared to the scale of the financial products derivatives market. Estimated to be somewhere between $600 trillion to more than $1 quadrillion. While some say this is only the notional amount of the debt tied up in derivative contracts, the fact remains this is all debt.

Cumulatively, there isn’t enough productivity on Earth even to service the interest on these debts, let alone pay them. Ultimately this is debt owed to the oligarchs who control the world’s system of central banks. It is a Mickey Mouse system allowing monopolists to seize assets using their own funny money.

While the power to create all FIAT currency, out of nothing but debt creation, has afforded them immense economic and political control, 2008 demonstrated that their usury fraud can, and certainly will, collapse. Hence the Great Reset. Responding to a pandemic, or saving lives, has nothing to do with it.

The process of transition, laid out by the WEF as the Great Reset, builds upon the sustainable development goals of the U.N’s Agenda 2030. Founded upon the generational eugenicist ideology of the NWO oligarchs, the new global governance system will be a technocracy.

While Technocracy, rule by technocrats appointed or elected for their particular expertise, may sound appealing to some, the model proposed relies upon the destruction of nations states to be replaced by a distant global technocratic order that serves only the interests of its founding oligarchs and financial benefactors.

This technocratic system was outlined in 1974 by former US ambassador Richard N. Gardner, member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, in his article The Hard Road To World Order:

Never has there been such widespread recognition by the world’s intellectual leadership of the necessity for cooperation and planning on a truly global basis. Never has there been such an extraordinary growth in the constructive potential of transnational private organizations – not just multinational corporations but international associations of every kind in which like-minded persons around the world weave effective patterns of global action…

The hope for the foreseeable future lies, not in building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction… but rather in… inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis… providing methods for changing the law and enforcing it as it changes and developing the perception of common interests…

In short, the “house of world order” will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down …

…but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.

The institutions of limited jurisdiction, such as the IPCC and WHO, are already in place directing national government policy across the world. In Britain, it is the role of the UK State to deliver the obligatory policy changes in order to erode national sovereignty and create the global governance technocracy. All globalist states are essentially unconstitutional and treasonous.

The common interest, determined by the technocrat class at the behest of their corporate oligarch paymasters, is currently replacing individual liberties and freedoms. The human being is becoming little more than a unit to be managed and directed and, where necessary, disposed of.

Inalienable human rights are being ignored utterly in pursuit of the common interest.

The global COVID 19 crisis is a catalysing event which has been misused to bring about the Great Reset. In order to convince the people to comply with their orders, the UK State has inculcated the population into a state of fear.

States around the world have practised social engineering using deception, by proselytising an unquestioning faith in an illusory form of science (scientism), behaviour modification, unlawful regulation and propaganda. They have used their obedient MSM to convince their peoples that the threat of COVID 19 is significantly greater than it actually is.

In Part 2 we will focus on the deception of the UK State. However, the same can be said for all other globalist states that have similarly responded to the claimed pandemic.

COVID 19 has been exploited in order to replace our inalienable human rights with an enforced obligation to obey public health orders. Public health has become biosecurity and there is no longer any such thing as a healthy human being. All humans are now biohazards and biohazards must be controlled or removed from society for the common good.

With the British people living in unwarranted fear, the UK State has been able to introduce draconian anti-democratic (quite literally) legislation.

In other circumstances this would have been impossible without significant revolt. Terrorising the public was essential to convince them to believe that the State had to remove all their rights and freedoms in order to keep them safe.

Initially deceiving the public that the “emergency measures” would be temporary, further behaviour modification was then used to force people to comply with a lengthening list of totalitarian regulations. The objective was to move people towards passively accepting the dictatorship of a surveillance state re-branded as “the new normal.” Thus far, it appears most people have been sufficiently frightened to meekly accept their enslavement.

Throughout the Great Reset transition, the public face of the globalist project has been Bill Gates. However, while Gates has used his wealth to seize control of global public health policy, he is just the current front man for World Order 2.0. It is the technological possibilities presented by the 4th Industrial Revolution which the architects of the world order are capitalising upon.

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For example, while there is no evidence that COVID 19 can be spread by handling cash, the MSM have repeatedly floated the ideaThis is no surprise. the BBC are among the many media organisations directly funded by the BMGF.

Pilot schemes, such as the BMGF backed West African Wellness Pass, are already underway. By linking biometric identification, along the lines of the BMGF funded, Rockefeller and U.N backed ID 2020, with cashless payment systems, all transactions can be centrally controlled in the rapidly approaching cashless society.

When your biometric identity includes your vaccine immunity status, there will be no necessity to legislate to make vaccines “compulsory.” Thus avoiding any contentious public debate. As long as you fully comply with your orders, you will be allowed controlled access to social and economic activity.

Systems like immunity passport and vaccine certificates will be used to control freedom of movement, the right to work and to access services and the community. As described by world order spokesman Bill Gates:

Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”

While vaccines may not be compulsory you won’t realistically be able to participate in society, employment, run a business or receive benefits, without the appropriate vaccine or immunity status.

The BMGF have already invested more than $21 million in an MIT project to create a microneedle vaccine delivery system that will inject a reactive die under the recipients skin which can then be scanned by a reader. This pattern will act like an indelible bar code tattoo, enabling the global authorities to monitor and control your whereabouts and behaviour.

The New Zealand State has already decided to remove people from their homes and place them in quarantine facilities (detention centres controlled by the military).

With an estimated population of 5 million and just 22 alleged deaths from COVID 19 in the entire country (a population mortality risk of 0.0004%), and no deaths at all for nearly three months, clearly these measures are not a response to any genuine threat from COVID 19.

Having complete control over the testing and attribution of disease status affords the biosecurity State the power to potentially remove and detain its political enemies and dissenters without trial. Those ordered to enforce biosecurity, in the “new normal,” have exactly the same degree of authoritarian power that was invested in similar rights abusers such as the Gestapo and the Stasi. Does history ever teach us anything?

This quarantine policy in New Zealand is designed to maintain the level of fear and accustom the population to dictatorship. It also appears to be a provocation that may encourage insurrection and revolt. With a monopoly on violence and the use of force, violent uprisings invariably benefit the authoritarian State. It allows them to claim legitimacy for an even more oppressive “crack down.”

Thus far, the global response to COVID 19 has deviated little from the Rockefeller’s suggested Lockstep scenario in their 2010 report Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.

Like Event 201, this is another example of the quite extraordinary prescience of the people who form global governance policy. They can not only predict, in almost perfect detail, what the media will discover and report, but also nature itself.

Removing the “infected” from their homes and incarcerating them in detention centres mirrors the policy suggestion of Dr Michael Ryan from the WHO. While New Zealand is the first nominally democratic state to raid family homes and remove people by force, it certainly won’t be the last. The UK State has already given itself the power to do so in the Health Protections (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020.

World economic activity will be administered by biosecurity States and based upon sustainable development goals. This new, centrally planned, global economy will be restricted only to permitted businesses.

Prior to his departure as governor of the Bank of England, in lockstep with the Great Reset, Mark Carney warned that companies that don’t follow the correct sustainability policies, “will go bankrupt without question.” In other words, lines of credit, without which business cannot hope to function, will be limited only to those who adopt the approved polices.

This new economy will have very limited employment. Carney’s successor Andrew Bailey has already stated that it would be important not to keep people in “unproductive jobs” and that job losses, as a result of the COVID 19 crisis, were inevitable.

They would not have been inevitable had globalist State’s, like the UK, not responded to the crisis by shutting down the world’s productive economy.

The preposterous spin of the bankers and carefully chosen economists that the UK will simply bounce back from an unprecedented 20% drop in GDP is absurd. With official UK unemployment of 2.7 million, more than doubling in a single year, these numbers are merely the tip of a very large, looming iceberg.

There are currently an additional estimated 7.8 million British workers furloughed. That scheme is due to end in a couple of months. The management consultancy firm McKinsey & Company estimate that 7.6 million UK jobs are at risk.

This will, as ever, disproportionately impact the lowest paid, with analysis suggesting that more than 50% of those at risk of unemployment are already in jobs paying less than £10 per hour.

These are the unproductive jobs and livelihoods Bailey wants to get rid of. Across Europe and the Americas staggering levels of unemployment are seemingly unavoidable. It is not unreasonable to envisage at least 6 million long term unemployed in the UK. With the same pattern common to many developed nations, the social, economic and health impacts of this are almost beyond comprehension.

Many have long been warning, that the toll taken by the Lockdown response to the supposed COVID 19 pandemic will be far worse than the disease itself. This awful prospect is becoming increasingly apparent.

There is no reason to believe official UK COVID 19 statistics, something we’ll discuss in Part 2. However, even if we accept that more than 41,000 people have died as a direct result of COVID 19, this sad loss is likely to be relatively inconsequential compared to the loss of life as a direct result of the UK State’s Lockdown policy.

It is important to recognise that the global lockdown response was a political choice made to create the economic condition for the Great Reset. It was not unavoidable, and there is no evidence that lockdowns make any difference to COVID 19 mortality. South Korea, Japan and Sweden did not impose full lockdowns and all have better COVID 19 outcomes that the UK.

Research by the UK Department of Health, the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the government’s Actuary Department and the UK Home Office estimates that 200,000 people could die as a result of re-orientating the NHS, to treat COVID 19 and little else, and from the economic effects of Lockdown polices. Unfortunately, this “worst case” scenario appears conservative.

An example of the derisory “scientism” used to terrorise the population, in April the University of Glasgow published a study estimating average years of life lost (YLL) for individuals who allegedly died from COVID 19. Saying these were alleged deaths does not imply that no one died from COVID 19, only that we really have no idea how many.

Nonetheless, using quite bizarre methodology, the Glasgow researchers managed to calculate that the median YYL due to COVID 19 was 13 years for men and 11 years for women. This study was based upon analysis of the outbreak in Italy, but was cited by the UK MSM to scare the British. More than 59% of supposed COVID 19 decedents in Italy were over 80 years old.

Current median life expectancy in the UK is 80 years for males and 83 years for females. Nearly 60% of those who have died from COVID 19 in the UK were over 80 years old and 20% were over 90 years old.

Analysis from the National Records of Scotland (NRS) shows that median age of death, supposedly from COVID 19, was 81 for men and 85 for woman. Statistically indistinguishable from quite normal mortality.

The University of Glasgow researchers are funded by the Wellcome Trust who are the tax exempt philanthropic foundation of the multinational pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. The University of Glasgow are also grant recipients of the COVID 19 Therapeutics Accelerator established by the Wellcome Trust, Mastercard and the BMGF.

The Wellcome Trust and the BMGF want the world to be vaccinated with their experimental COVID 19 vaccines. Despite the fact that decades of trying have failed to produce a successful vaccine against SARS, or indeed for any coronavirus strain, and that usually vaccine development takes at least 10 years, GSK and the BMGF are among those who, for some apparently inexplicable reason, are confident they can produce a successful vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 in a matter of months.

Obviously there is a huge conflict of financial interest at the heart of the University of Glasgow’s spurious claims about YLL’s. Pointing out this fact makes you a conspiracy theorist. Though ignoring it requires either a considerable degree of gullibility or a wilful intent to deceive.

Between 2001 and 2016 economic and social deprivation in England consistently accounted for a genuinely alarming 9.3 year average reduced life expectancy (YLL’s) for males and, by 2016, shortened women’s lives by 7.4 years. The economic devastation that will be wrought by the entirely unnecessary Lockdown policy of the UK State, and others, measured in YLL’s, will dwarf those lost to COVID 19.

This is the price we will all pay for the parasite class’ determination to bring about the Great Reset and change the world’s economy and society to one centrally planned and controlled absolutely by them. They are currently spending billions globally on propaganda to convince us to accept their “new normal.”

They require our consent if their plans are going to work. This means, in order to scupper them, all we need to do is refuse to comply.While peaceful protest is an important unifying right, ultimately it is what we do every day that will make the difference. There is a nasty, fascist authoritarianism building in the UK, and elsewhere. Yet all we need to do in order to defeat it is refuse, en masse, to follow its orders.

Unfortunately, the UK State are among those throwing everything at convincing us to believe their frankly ridiculous, scientifically illiterate, COVID 19 propaganda narrative. We only need wander to the local supermarket and witness the faceless, muzzled majority to know the deception is working.

We are faced with an existential choice. We can either give up any childish pretensions that we live in a free and open democratic society that values liberty and plurality of opinion, and accept the fascist dictatorial rule of a global technocratic parasite, or we can exercise conscious resistance and refuse to comply with the orders of the State.

In Part 2, we will dissect the mechanism of the UK State’s scamdemic. While Lockdown policies originate at a global level, by looking at how the UK State has implemented them, and the deception they have used to convince the public to accept them, the true nature of the scamdemic can be revealed.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.

“People who grew up with the Internet saw what a wonderful thing it was for free expression, giving everyone access to a global audience. That’s been completely flipped on its head, and now it’s one of the most tightly controlled, manipulated places to find information that you could imagine. It’s a complete 180 from what it used to be, and that’s incredibly sad, because it was, initially, this challenge to old information gatekeepers, this place of free expression, of democratized information, and now it’s just controlled by a handful of increasingly authoritarian ideologically partisan tech companies that haven’t been held to account by officials in D.C. and aren’t bound by any regulation preventing them from who censoring people or interfering in elections.”

Technology companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter and growing increasingly sophisticated in anticipating, intercepting, and suppressing information with the likelihood of going viral



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.


  1. Patrick Galasso on August 31, 2020 at 4:43 pm

    Businesses allowed to open required to burden financial responsibility of testing and contact tracing.
    As outlined in federal guidelines, businesses will now be required to conduct temperature-taking of employees, rapid COVID-19 testing of those suspected of infection, and widespread disinfection efforts in workplaces. They will be responsible for monitoring workforce for indicative symptoms, and not allowing symptomatic people to physically return to work until cleared by a medical provider. Businesses will also be required to develop and implement policies and procedures for workforce contact tracing following employee COVID+ test.
    It seems to me this burden will be allot easier for those large corporations and chain stores who are more able to benefit from scale and pass on to the consumer the added cost. Small business owners already operating on small margins will be less able to manage a new federal mandate requiring them to spend huge sums of money in order to conduct business.

  2. David Templeton on August 31, 2020 at 7:02 am

    I was hoping Trump would help, but I was wrong. I guess the snake adage he told was right.
    I lost faith in him when he failed to investigate the voting fraud during the mid-terms.

  3. peter on August 31, 2020 at 4:15 am

    The whole two party system is a clown show to distract the masses from the true enemy. you get crap in one hand and poop in the other. The sabatean frankists (Soros types) against the chabad lubavitchers (Trump types)

  4. Blather on August 31, 2020 at 2:03 am

    This phony Wuhan virus being carried on and on for months now shows how effective it is becoming. These people just can’t begin to show you how they LUST for .POWER AND CONTROL. A certain madness has gripped them and their true colors are beginning to show.

    This is about putting a BOOT on your neck and an iron FIST in your face and the phony virus was the perfect vehicle to deliver their dreams come true. To give you the nightmare they think YOU deserve. Demoncraps and the left had NO love for you, your liberties, your freedom, or your God. They want to see your country go down in flames after all you gave them.

    • peter on August 31, 2020 at 4:12 am

      “If voting mattered it wouldn’t be allowed”, Clemens?

    • Patrick Galasso on August 31, 2020 at 4:41 pm

      Continued expansion of surveillance and diagnostic test capacity along with rigorous contact tracing.
      Now that the attention has been changed from hospital beds and ventilators, we are now focused on testing being a critical factor in returning to normal.

  5. Sue on August 31, 2020 at 1:49 am

    “Following the 2008 banking collapse, while the people were forced to suffer austerity to bail out the banks with a form of highly selective crony socialism…”

    Although I agree with most of this, one thing not true is “austerity” was not instituted in the USA. In Greece, yes, but not in the U.S.
    The Fed just kept hitting “print” on their money creation machines. I’m sure it’ll work out just fine (not).

  6. csaaphill on August 30, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    Sorry but Trump is playing right into this either by design or ignorance. As this article stated that Riots and upheaval play right into the hands of the Authoritarian state You all are doing that by calling for law and order in Portland, Seattle, and elsewhere. And playing into Satan’s hands.
    And this won’t stop it either if this is the reason to show this? OR just as a Watchman? But and it may be somewhat true that Vaccination won’t have to be compulsory, but there are bills now, one in NY that actually came out In OCT of last year, just about the same time 201 was in the making. It’s call A99.
    It has also been reintroduced earlier this year. I looked it up on the NY bill site page and it’s true. It says in the text of the bill that anyone just being suspected of Covid19 can be detained and once detained your only way out is to take the Mark of the Beast. Or be tested and Vaccinated.
    Ok, there is language in it that says you can apply to have your voice heard and that the Gov which is Cuomo has from 5 days up to 60 and or 90 days to let you out. But and if you don’t know they won’t for you may come back into contact with someone with it so they won’t take that chance. Most will say yeah but they will let you have your hearing, but that doesn’t mean they will let you out after that. Or most will say but it’s for the good of mankind.
    There is language at the bottom that says they can’t or won’t be able to force you to take medicine without a court order but nothing about not being able to forcibly vaccinate you or have you tested it only says medicine in the language. Of course, all states will have their wording into their own bills and may or may not be better worded but still.
    You won’t stop it with Trump you won’t delay it through Trump Trump is only a pawn in Satan and God’s War. That’s been the deceit for a long time now. “Well, come NOV we will vote them out” OR we can make our own destiny and so vote, etc… Votings been a lie. When you shall see the abominations that make desolate then run to the hills. OR wait and see and if you’re strong enough to be isolated fro months or years on end from your family and think you can outweigh them then…? You will either be marked or die that’s your only choice.
    remember also family is your enemy as well, for scripture has said that. For mothers will be against their daughters fathers against sons etc…
    Prophecy is fulfilled especially now since we’re in the Revelations so no matter who you vote for will fulfill that.

    • StevieRay Hansen on August 30, 2020 at 8:46 pm


    • Patrick Galasso on August 31, 2020 at 4:39 pm

      Michael Matt asks the question we all want answered: Yes the virus is deadly, but won’t euthanizing the U.S. economy be even deadlier? By the way, why is the future of our country in the hands of a 79-year-old, unelected medical doctor named Fauci? Who is this guy, and what’s his agenda? Setting aside his strong Roman Catholic bent, Matt rightly discerns that what’s going on is bigger than partisan politics, Democrat vs. Republican. Michael argues that this involves international intrigue, the WHO, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Trump phenomenon and the Vatican’s globalist Pope Francis. But how? Why? What’s the endgame?

      Is this the birth of the New World Order? Or is America heading for civil war between now and November?

  7. andrew on August 30, 2020 at 7:46 pm

    comments about new zealand are untrue. there is no forceable access to private homes or relocation. this is all false.

    “The New Zealand State has already decided to remove people from their homes.”

    The author of this nonsense is not aware that there has been transmission in old peoples “retirement homes,” not private dwellings.

    The author has not read the full archived Guardian article and is not aware of context.
    This article constitutes fake new and yes it precipitates fear.

    • StevieRay Hansen on August 30, 2020 at 8:07 pm

      I don’t know who you are but I can assure you the people know the truth, do they (George Soros’s Satan Soldiers) pay you to run around on credible websites and stir up trouble and confusion? What you should do is move along the only thing to see at HNewsWire happens to be the truth.

    • Jonathan M Manson on August 31, 2020 at 7:17 am

      Too true. I live in New Zealand. I am a Trump supporter and conservative christain. However the article on New Zealand is absolute crap of the highest order.

  8. csaaphill on August 30, 2020 at 7:23 pm

    That population number is wrong. Today August 30th, 2020 the world’s population is 7.4 Billion. Not 6 Billion. it’s not been 6 billions since 2000.

  9. Patrick Galasso on August 30, 2020 at 2:04 pm

    What is the real agenda of requiring everyone to wear masks?
    In the article, Wear Your Face Mask And Savor Your CO2 Breath, Patrick Wood points to a peer reviewed paper on the National Institute of Health‘s website ( pointing in the right direction. The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction was written in 2016 by Dr. Shane Neilson, MD. He notes that “Wearing a mask reinforces fear” and that “This fear surfaces in public policy.” He concludes:

    The problem of affect in political terms is a contagious one: fear spreads among the public, leading to intensification of risk management.

    Thus, the government’s goal to encourage the continued use of facial masks is to reinforce fear so that their own risk management programs can be intensified.

  10. Ed on August 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    They are doing the same thing here in Hawaii.
    It is a US federal government program that will be nationwide soon.
    They have also started road blocks for mandatory testing in Hawaii.

  11. Proudly my name is Skip Barker on August 30, 2020 at 10:01 am

    When one regardless of who or what tries this it is your duty and right to kill them, do your duty exercise your right, An animal would not allow this, why would or should you? If the people doing the enforcing would start dying for the works of those that pay them soon this will stop. Your will is far greater than that of anyone doing it for money. Stand up as men, die on your feet if necessary better than dying on your knees, When you kill these evil beast, they will bring you and others the necessary tools to kill more, when your numbers are greatly armed, search then those that sent them and kill them, they are evil and you will be doing God’s work, and what he would want you to do. Are you any less than an animal and what it would do if attacked?

  12. Patrick Galasso on August 29, 2020 at 12:26 pm

    The Power of Fear
    Individuals looking to take advantage of, and manipulate others, have long realized the power of fear. When one is gripped by fear of a threat, real or imagined, their rational and higher cognitive capacities shut down, making them easily manipulable by anyone that promises safety from the threat.

    Whenever someone is trying to scare you they are trying to control you.

    • peter on August 31, 2020 at 4:07 am

      Doesn’t do much good to talk about what the enemy is doing and not name them. Hint, they have been kicked out of 109 countries up til now

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