The sexually perverted will always find a way-child sex dolls are the new future for pedophile


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There are numerous biblical principles that definitely apply to this sin. One such principle is the Bible’s view of the sin of fornication. The word translated “fornication” has the same idea in both the Hebrew and the Greek. The Greek word is porneia, from which we get the English words porno and pornography. The word in Scripture refers to any illicit sexual activity, and this would have to include the abhorrent acts of a pedophile—including the gathering and trading of obscene or indecent pictures of young children. People who use this type of pornography usually graduate from looking to actually doing, bringing great harm to children. Fornication is among the “lusts of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16–21) and among the evil things that come from the heart of a man apart from God (Mark 7:21–23).

Pedophiles share the characteristic of being “without natural affection” (Romans 1:312 Timothy 3:2). The phrase “without natural affection” is translated from one Greek word, which means “inhuman, unloving, and unsociable.” One without natural affection acts in ways that are against the social norm. This would certainly describe a pedophile.

In addition, there is a principle found in Jesus’ words about children. Jesus used a child to teach His disciples that childlike faith is necessary for entrance into the kingdom of heaven. At the same time, He said that the Father has concern for all of His “little ones” (Matthew 18:1–14). In that passage, Jesus says, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6, KJV). The word offend in the Greek means “to cause one to stumble, to put a stumbling block or impediment in the way, upon which another may trip and fall, to entice to sin, or to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey.”

These definitions of the word offend can easily be applied to the actions of a pedophile. Of course, the principle of not harming a child can be applied to a wide range of child-abusive actions, and Matthew 18:10makes the case against anyone who would bring any type of harm to a child.

Robots are becoming smarter and more agile all the time. They already work in hospitals and restaurants, help us around the home, and cater to our needs. But some of these robot personal assistants are going to be more personal than others. Sex doll manufacturers and independent roboticists are now designing and building humanlike robots that people can have sex with.

It will be awhile before these robots really look or act like people. But the sex toy industry — worth billions of dollars globally — is primed for penetration by robots. One of the early entries into this market is an animatronic head named Harmony that’s infused with artificial intelligence to give it a personality and the ability to “learn” about its human partner. Harmony will connect to the silicone body of a RealDoll, a life-sized sex doll that’s been around for 20 years.

The first sex robots won’t be able to caress, grab, or thrust against their human lovers. But more intelligent, more mobile, and more realistic robots will soon become available, which may challenge our view of sexual interactions with machines. Some believe that sex robots will enrich people’s lives as emotionally and sexually available companions. Others will find sex robots perverse or worry that they will erode the relationships between people.

“There’s a knee-jerk reaction to either laugh at it or ridicule it or just go, ‘Oh that’s gross,’” says Matt McMullen, CEO of Abyss Creations in San Marcos, Calif., the company behind RealDoll. “It’s not about replacing people. It’s more about creating an alternative for those that desire it.”


Realistic sex dolls have been used in private for years. Some even staff a bordello that recently opened in Spain, but they can’t really interact with users.

“Right now they’re still more dolls than robots,” says Julie Carpenter, a research fellow in the Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. “None of the available models are very intelligent or even mobile,” she added in an email.

The dolls are not lively company, and can’t banter with or remember details about the people who have sex with them. “They’re non-participants,” McMullen says. “They don’t have any kind of personality or substance other than [what] the user might be imagining.” He’s planning to change that with Harmony.

Harmony can move its lips and eyes, turn its neck, and mimic various human expressions. More importantly, it’s connected to a mobile app through which users can program its personality and choose how much to dial up 18 different traits, including being “kind,” “intellectual,” “shy,” “jealous,” and “adventurous.” Harmony’s AI also lets it converse with users and learn about their quirks and interests. Its mood even shifts depending on whether or not it’s treated well.

A worker inspects a RealDoll
A worker inspects a RealDollAbyss Creations LLC

The AI is “essentially creating the illusion of the more you interact, the more you get to know each other,” McMullen says. “As human beings, we crave that connection…so I think that companionship is going to be a bigger draw, frankly, than the sex part.”

RealDoll is taking pre-orders for Harmony and hopes to start building the first round late this year. The highest-end models of Harmony will have a vision system that allows them to recognize faces and objects, read expressions, and follow people with their eyes. This advanced version will cost around $10,000 (versions without this technology may be closer to $5,000). Buyers will be able to tailor Harmony to their tastes by selecting among different faces.

Most sex dolls are made with straight men in mind, but Abyss Creations and TrueCompanion are also working on male counterparts. “Right now the market is showing a pretty limited view of what a sexual image is, and I think that that’s going to broaden over time,” Carpenter says.

It hasn’t been easy to make Harmony convincing. One challenge has been getting the robot’s lips to move in time with her voice. Also tricky are the subtle shifts that keep her facial expression in tune with the conversation she is engaged in. But Harmony’s creators don’t want to make her too lifelike yet because people often get creeped out by robots that look almost — but not quite — human, a phenomenon called the uncanny valley.

“There’s something a little off-putting sometimes when it’s too realistic,” McMullen says. With time, people should become used to seeing humanoid robots out in the world. And when that happens, sex robots can become more realistic in appearance, he says.Harmony can mimic human expressions while engaged in conversation.Abyss Creations LLC

And future sex robots won’t be confined to talking heads. McMullen plans to add sensors to various body parts of dolls so future generations of Harmony will be able to sense touch and motion and react.

RealDoll isn’t the only company working on sex robots. In Las Vegas, Roberto Cardenas of Eden Robotics is developing a prototype named Eva that he says can perform more than 20 sexual acts. Then there’s Roxxxy, the talking mannequin that True Companion has been supposedly revamping since her disappointing debut in 2010. Details about what she can do are sparse, but the company claims that she will be able to sense touch and mimic orgasm.

Eventually, sex robots may come with lifelike skin, bodily secretions, and the ability to mimic breathing. “Soon there will be sex robots that can sweat, emit body heat, hold a conversation, and of course, move and walk,” Carpenter said in an email.


When mobile, humanoid sex robots do arrive they won’t be cheap.

“We might actually see a boom in robot brothels early on because it will be a less expensive way for people to experiment,” Carpenter said. But once the price comes down, it will become easier (and likely more common) for people to bring a sex robot into their home.

Such a robot may be dedicated to pleasure — or sex might be just one feature a robot personal assistant offers. Sex robots could be sent to deployed troops, and perhaps be operated remotely by human partners back home. Some experts think sex robots could even reduce human trafficking, although the robots may be too expensive to buy and maintain to dissuade traffickers.

So who is going to buy these things? Some people are likely to be intrigued by the idea of sex with a robot, or just a nonjudgmental, tireless partner. Others may be lonely because they have trouble connecting with people or because they live in remote areas that offer few human companions.

“As human beings, we crave that connection… so I think that companionship is going to be a bigger draw, frankly, than the sex part.”

Meanwhile, activists against sex robots fear that users might neglect their human connections in favor of their robotic paramour, or treat people the same way they treat an owned sexual machine.

Alternatively, sex robots might bring people closer together. Couples might call in a sex robot for threesomes, or people who have struggled socially could use sex robots to practice bonding with others.

“We subconsciously treat robots like living things, so our interactions with them have the potential to influence our behaviors in both helpful and harmful ways,” Kate Darling, a researcher at MIT who specializes in robot ethics and human-robot interactions, said in an email. We don’t yet know what these effects might be because no one has had a chance to study them.

People may even fall in love with their robots, and as they become more humanlike and intelligent, some may want to bring their companion out in public or tell their friends that they have a crush on a certain sex robot. Over time, Carpenter says, etiquette will evolve to guide these situations.

And whether companies that make sex robots might collect information without users’ permission is still a concern. “A lot of people wouldn’t even want their Google searches to be made public, let alone a company gathering data on what they enjoy doing with their sex robot,” Carpenter says. “Or if that data’s hacked and held for ransom…that would be pretty traumatic.”

As with drones and self-driving cars, the technology will likely arrive before there are laws in place to govern it. Source


Voice recognition technology has made it easier to design AI that can help Harmony and other robots interpret what people are saying and fire back a response. However, AI continues to struggle with natural speech and is probably more than 25 years away from actually simulating a person, as are self-aware sex robots so realistic we can’t tell them apart from people.

But the first wave of sex robots is not far off. In the next five years, we’ll have a better grasp of sex robots’ capabilities, McMullen says. And as humanoid robots become common in all areas of society, sexual companion robots will likely become more normal as well.

“If you have a movie like “Her” come out, it’s extremely popular, everybody gets it…they have empathy for the protagonist who falls in love with a completely disembodied AI,” Carpenter says. “But then if you bring up the idea of a sex robot people will comment that it’s appalling, that they would never be with a sex robot, they can’t imagine doing it…I think that that attitude is going to change as the robots become available.”

More than a dozen child sex dolls are being seized at Britain’s borders every month, with prosecutors using a Victorian law to crack down on the sick trade.

Customs officials have reported stopping 230 items suspected to be child sex dolls from entering the country in the past 18 months, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said.

While there is no specific offense of possessing the dolls, prosecutors are being told to go after suspects under existing laws, such as the Customs Consolidation Act of 1876, which bans the import of indecent or obscene articles.

The CPS has identified the law prohibiting the import of illegal materials, along with the Customs and Excise Acts of 1979, as part of a new effort to close a legal loophole under which there is no specific offense for possessing the dolls.

Now anyone caught trying to bring in the dolls, which are manufactured to allow adults to engage in sex acts with them, could be jailed for up to seven years.

This was how Brian Leach, 62, from Maidstone in Kent, ended up being handed a 28-week jail sentence last month.

He was arrested after ordering a 3-foot-tall doll from China, which was worth $650, before admitting the importation offense as well as making indecent images of a child.

Despite his claims that the doll was to be a companion, police said the package included accessories “which clearly indicated it to be an object for sexual gratification.”

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has welcomed the new measures and hoped it would “clamp down” on distributors and act as a “deterrent” to potential buyers.

“There is no ambiguity that they are designed to depict children and their purpose is to stimulate sex,” a spokesperson said.

“We have serious worries that adults who use sex dolls could become desensitized and their behavior would become normal to them so that they go on to harm children.”

Investigations have also started with a suspect being caught with a doll, before being charged with separate offenses.

On Wednesday, Donald Styles, 61, from Newton Abbot in Devon, was jailed for 18 months for possession and making indecent photographs.

Styles claimed he’d purchased the 3-foot doll from China for an art project after it was intercepted at customs.

Police raided his home and found 149 films and images of child abuse, including rape.

A judge said his story was “ridiculous” and jailed him for 18 months.

“There is no place in society for these dolls. Importing them is a crucial flag to potential offending against children,” National Crime Agency specialist operations manager Hazel Stewart said.

She added that 20 of 26 recent offenders convicted over child sex dolls were also found with indecent images of children. Source

The House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that aims to ban the importation and transportation of child sex dolls.

The “Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act,” is a bipartisan bill sponsored by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY.)

Even aside from the goofy name, the bill is odd. It’s very short, but makes a lot of big, broad claims. Its name focuses on robots, but humanoid—and child-shaped humanoid robots—aren’t nearly as widespread as their analog doll counterparts. It’s probably not the worst idea to ban child sex robots, but the bill makes a few claims that would seem to be impossible to prove, namely that “dolls and robots not only lead to rape, but they make rape easier by teaching the rapist how to overcome resistance and subdue the victim.”ADVERTISEMENT

Read more: Does Anyone Really Want a Male Sex Robot?

The bill also claims that “dolls and robots are intrinsically related to abuse of minors, and they cause the exploitation, objectification, abuse, and rape of minors.”

“Right now, a few clicks on a computer can allow a predator to order a vile child sex doll,” Donovan said in a press release. “This is not only disturbing—but also endangers the most innocent among us. Once an abuser tires of practicing on a doll, it’s a small step to move on to a child.”

There isn’t a lot of evidence to support the claims made in the bill, and some researchers have tried to make the argument that child sex dolls could be used—or at least should be considered—to potentially rehabilitate pedophiles.

“There is no research,” David Finkelhor, a professor of sociology and the director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, told me in an email. “But who’s going to vote against it? It is very likely that people who buy these also have child porn and are at greater risk to commit hands on offenses, but whether the dolls in themselves promote offending or change norms is not clear.”

Read more: Eagerly We Await the Coming of the Sex Robots

There are currently no laws against child sex dolls or robots in the US. In the UK, it’s illegal to import a child sex doll, but not illegal to own one. Any discussion of rehabbing pedophiles is going to be controversial, but some therapists say we should consider prescribing child sex dolls to them as a way to satisfy their desires safely. Society doesn’t have a good way of talking about pedophilia, so many people attracted to children don’t seek treatment at all, because of the stigma attached to it. Others try to self-treat, which has its own potential problems.ADVERTISEMENT

I asked Donovan’s office what research or experts they consulted in writing this bill. His press secretary pointed me to an op-ed written by Donovan, an Atlantic article about child sex doll maker who is an advocate for rehabbing pedophiles using dolls in which a behavioral expert draws the conclusion that sex dolls could reinforce bad behavior, and a paper by law and psychology experts that builds a case for making child sex dolls illegal.

Again, it’s probably not a terrible idea to ban child sex robots, but in this case, the House voted unanimously on a bill that makes hyperbolic claims that are not currently supported by scientific research, because it pulls on heartstrings—and that’s worrisome. It also raises questions about how sex dolls, robots, and artificial intelligence will be regulated in the future, and whether legislators are ready to consider the nuances of sex with humanoids.

“It seems that technology is likely to present us with a lot of these dilemmas in the future—ways of indulging odious anti-social impulses and sexual fantasies without anyone actually being directly harmed,” Finkelhor said. A bill like this could make it harder for researchers to do future work on treatment options, he said.

Legislators should take steps to pass laws that prevent children from getting abused, but it should do so with language that is precise, and that considers the actual reality of the situation. We’ve seen what happens when vague bills make their way through Congress on the merit of being “for the children,” and it’s not good.

StevieRay Hansen
“Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?”

For those people who don’t believe God exist and waste so much time trying to convince everyone else he doesn’t exist…

Justice is a word that stands alone, adding anything to it demeans it….

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

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Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….


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  1. Ann Bradley on June 4, 2019 at 12:16 am

    Dear God🙏🏻

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