Total Suspension Of Individual Freedom, Tributaltion


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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NYPD Officer Brutalizing Bystander During ‘Social Distancing’ Arrest Sparks Outrage

We’ve been covering the NYPD’s ‘War on Barbecuing’ since news first broke that the NYPD – presumably at the behest of Mayor de Blasio – was ordering 1,000 more cops to patrol the city’s parks and public space to crack down on any ‘social distancing’ violations with tickets, summonses and arrests.

The same mayor who once dismissed the threat posed by the virus is flexing his muscles after the ultra-orthodox Jewish community in Williamsburg openly defied him last week by gathering for the funeral of a Rabbi, prompting Hizzoner to threaten a crackdown (eliciting an immediate backlash and accusations of anti-semitism).

On Sunday, ABC 6 shared a video of a New York City cop arresting a man and violently taking him down over an alleged social distancing violation.

The video, filmed by a bystander, showed the plainclothes officer, who was not wearing a protective face mask, slapping 33-year-old Donni Wright in the face, punching him in the shoulder and dragging him to a sidewalk after leveling him in a crosswalk in Manhattan’s East Village.

Wright was allegedly filming the officer making an arrest for a social-distancing violation before he turned on the bystander instead and threatened to taze him then attacked him, while another bystander filmed the incident.

I saw the video from the Lower East Side and was really disturbed by it. The officer involved has been placed on modified duty and an investigation has begun. The behavior I saw in that video is simply not acceptable.1,266Twitter Ads info and privacy769 people are talking about this Source: ZeroHedge

Park Ranger Thrown Into Lake In Texas Over ‘Social Distancing’ Enforcement

There’s been an increasing number of incidents between law enforcement and antsy Americans eager to get back outdoors after being sick of ‘stay at home’ and state-wide lockdown measures. But often individuals’ desire for a rapid return to normal is butting up against continuing social distance requirements still in place in most states, even those already opening up their economies. 

A viral video showed one such recent tense encounter in Texas, when a park ranger attempted to break-up a large group of young partiers at a large city park and nature area. It happened at the Commons Ford Metropolitan Park in Austin, Texas. A group on Lake Austin was reportedly unlawfully drinking and smoking on the grounds when a ranger approached and ordered them to “disperse” also due to people apparently not standing six feet apart.

That’s when things got physical, resulting in the officer being pushed or thrown into the water, according to widely circulating footage:

Though the laughing group of what appeared to be college students took it as a prank, police later apprehended and arrested a 25-year old man for assault on the ranger. The man initially tried to run away as the ranger struggled to get out of the water.

It illustrates a rising trend of frustrated citizens coming up against local law enforcement eager to see safe distancing between patrons. 

The Austin-American Statesman described the scene

“Keep that 6 feet of distance with each other,” the ranger says.

Some in the crowd are heard saying “will do” and “I got you, man” before the ranger is pushed into the water.

Hicks could have “caused the ranger to strike his head on the dock as he was falling,” the affidavit says.

Other onlookers came to the ranger’s aid and even apologized for the young man’s behavior.

The culprit was later charged with a felony for assault on a law enforcement officer.

Likely there will be many more such encounters in various contexts across states in the coming days, as more and more Americans begin taking matters into their own hands and defying state and local distancing orders. 

A park ranger who was trying to disperse a crowd on a sunny Thursday at Lake Austin says he was pushed into the water. Police say a 25-year-old has been arrested in the case. Video surfaces of park ranger pushed into Lake Austin, suspect arrestedA man was arrested Thursday after he allegedly pushed a park ranger trying to disperse a large crowd into Lake

National Guard Deploys In Baltimore As City Enforces Restrictive Curfew


  • NYC Mayor de Blasio says “we are now the epicenter of the crisis.”
  • Staffer for VP Pence test positive; White House says “no close contact”
  • China reports no local infections for 2nd day in a row
  • Global case total passes 250k
  • Hong Kong reports largest daily jump in cases on record as travelers revive outbreak
  • NY rolls out restrictive new measures
  • NY case total tops 7k
  • Italy says Army will help enforce lockdown, effectively declaring martial law; might extend lockdown through early May
  • Spain death toll cracks 1,000
  • Italy reports another 627 deaths
  • National Guard spotted in Baltimore as 2nd death recorded in Baltimore County
  • Confirmed cases in US pass 14k
  • Drive thru testing site in NJ’s Bergen County has a line that’s over 1,000+ cars long
  • Switzerland bars all gatherings of more than 5 people
  • Greenwich cases spike as Darien shutters COVID-19 testing clinic
  • Trump says no plans for national lockdown
  • Germany to pass ‘shadow’ budget on Monday
  • EU suspends budget rules
  • Bavaria becomes first German state to impose ‘lockdown’
  • Johnson says UK can defeat virus in 12 weeks if ‘we work together’
  • Treasury now moving back both filing & payment deadlines for 2019
  • Novartis will donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support global response
  • NBC News employee succumbs to virus
  • Dr. Fauci says social distancing should continue for several weeks
  • MTA confirms it has 23 sick workers
  • US, Mexico agree to shut southern border
  • China makes first purchase under ‘Phase 1’ trade deal
  • Altria chairman & CEO tests positive
  • Military confirms 35 American troops infected in Europe

TRAVEL PAPERS AND ELECTRONIC TRAVEL PERMITS ISSUE WORLDWIDE “Travel Papers” & The Pandemic Patriot Act 2.0 On March 17th, a few days before New York issued a shelter in place order, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority issued “travel papers” to their employees to prepare for a potential coronavirus curfew. The NY Daily News reports: If non-emergency travel is restricted, workers can show law enforcement officials the letter if they’re stopped on the way to work. “This letter along with current New York City Transit identification identifies this individual as an essential employee who is required to travel during the curfew imposed due to the Coronavirus emergency,” states the letter, which is signed by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Police Department’s acting chief Joseph McGrann. “Please give this individual due consideration during this crisis.” It seems like the DoJ is itching to suspend the Constitution. Jordan also is issuing “permits” for moving around during the curfew. With regard to the movement permits currently in place to those whose work nature requires so, they will be canceled as of next Thursday evening and will be replaced with electronic permits.

The mechanism for obtaining them will be announced later. The government warned against movement permits forgery or giving permits to others to use them. By far, the biggest surveillance state is now China. Eight of the top 10 most surveilled cities in the world are in China, according to Comparitech, as the world’s No. 2 economy rolls out an unparalleled system of social control. Facial–recognition software is used to access office buildings, snare criminals and even shame jaywalkers at busy intersections.

China today is a harbinger of what society looks like when surveillance proliferates unchecked. But while few nations have embraced surveillance the way China has, it is far from alone. Surveillance has become an everyday part of life in most developed societies, aided by an explosion in AI-powered facial–recognition technology. Last year, London police made their first arrest based on facial recognition by cross-referencing photos of pedestrians in tourist hot spots with a database of known felons. A few months earlier, a trial of facial–recognition software by police in New Delhi reportedly recognized 3,000 missing children in just four days. In August, a wanted drug trafficker was captured in Brazil after facial recognition software spotted him at a subway station. The technology is widespread in the U.S. too. It has aided in the arrest of alleged credit-card swindlers in Colorado and a suspected rapist in Pennsylvania. On December 17, 2019, the New York Times ran an article on the state of surveillance tech. China is ramping up its ability to spy on its nearly 1.4 billion people to new and disturbing levels, giving the world a blueprint for how to build a digital totalitarian state. Chinese authorities are knitting together old and state-of-the-art technologies — phone scanners, facial-recognition cameras, face and fingerprint databases and many others — into sweeping tools for authoritarian control, according to police and private databases examined by The New York Times. Once combined and fully operational, the tools can help police grab the identities of people as they walk down the street, find out who they are meeting with and identify who does and doesn’t belong to the Communist Party.

The United States and other countries use some of the same techniques to track terrorists or drug lords. Chinese cities want to use them to track everybody. In the world of “mark of the beast” surveillance, everyone will be considered a terrorist until proven ‘not guilty’ through having voluntarily accepted an implanted tracking device. Israel is using the coronavirus outbreak to implement China’s draconian surveillance. The average phone has 14 sensors collecting data on its owner’s ‘micro-environment,’ says systems engineer whose firm is helping the Israeli government. Coronavirus phone tracking doesn’t just tell governments more or less where their citizens are, but can also show the phone owners’ “micro-environment” and provide a treasure trove of information about their physical surroundings, a systems engineer behind key technology being used in the battle against the spread of coronavirus has revealed.

He said that Neura [his company] is working with health organizations in several countries, and “helping” the government in Israel, though he agreed only to discuss his company’s work in general terms without going into the specifics of its role in Israel. processes build a highly accurate picture of exactly where an infected person has been. It uses precise levels of ambient light and other characteristics of the environment, along with information like what WiFi networks and Bluetooth devices were available at what signal strength, regardless of whether or not the person in question was connected. Motion sensors are a giveaway if people were in the same car or on the same bus or train. Neura’s algorithms trawl the cellphone information collected by governments and determine who else was in an identical setting — something that can normally be determined even if a phone was in a pocket or a bag. When there is a match, authorities see it on their systems and can choose to place that person in quarantine. “We are finders of needles in haystacks,” said [vice president of Neura] Shaashua, whose technology is normally used by companies that want artificial intelligence to improve customer relations.

He said his company knows nothing about the people whose smartphone data it analyzes, not even their names or phone numbers. Governments tell the company who has the coronavirus by flagging up their phone with an “anonymized token,” and a similar token is used by Neura to identify the phones of people who may need to be quarantined. He said that this same “anonymized” data is setting the tone of what national leaders are saying to their citizens. Neura takes the raw data and gives authorities a picture of how citizens have been behaving — how much they have been moving around, to what extent they are gathering and in what scale of the crowd, and what kind of environments they are in.

It can even provide statistics on how far people are staying from others, to determine how well social distancing rules are being observed. In other words, electronic surveillance is now a leash on every citizen in every country where this technology is being used! Data that Neura processes is proving useful not only to government health ministries and health organizations that are sending people into quarantine but also to political speechwriters, he indicated, with the messaging delivered by leaders seen by the public on evening newscasts and elsewhere potentially guided by the picture of national behavior gathered from the day’s cellphone data. “It helps decision-makers to understand what messaging works and what messaging doesn’t,” he said, adding that it can be used far beyond politicians’ speeches, in all aspects of the public campaign. In a state that uses tracking, if a leader rebukes people for going to beaches and parks it won’t be based on photographs or social media reports, but rather based on data from phones that recognize beach-like or park-like environments, Shaashua said. This is not the mark of the beast but its predecessor. The mark of the beast is the voluntary permission people will give to their state to track them in exchange for the privilege of surviving. Those who fail to give permission will be stalked, imprisoned and killed. Rev 2:10 Don’t be afraid of the things which you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested; and you will have oppression for ten days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Update (2145ET): Earlier this week, the Military Times confirmed that some 2,000 national guard soldiers had been called up across 23 states, with more on the way.

In Baltimore, military vehicles were spotted on the street.

Peter R. Quinones@PeterRQuinones


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1,2753:33 PM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy698 people are talking about this

FOX Baltimore@FOXBaltimore

Military vehicles spotted in downtown Baltimore, near the stadiums…

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7685:10 PM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy697 people are talking about this

After thousands of Baltimorians violated a curfew imposed by Gov. Hogan as states around the country crackdown on the outbreak.

Meanwhile, the second coronavirus death in Baltimore County (part of the suburbs north, east, and west of the city) was confirmed about an hour ago, according to local media reports.

Governor Larry Hogan@GovLarryHogan

A second Marylander has lost his life as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. On behalf of our entire state, we send our heartfelt condolences to his family and to all those who loved him:

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As states crackdown around the country, with increasing legal penalties for people who put the public welfare at risk by venturing outdoors for no reason, or not taking the proper precautions, Baltimore appears to be readying for a crackdown as some residents steadfastly refuse to follow curfews.

“As the number of positive cases in Maryland continues to dramatically rise, we need everyone to take this seriously. This is a public health crisis like nothing we have ever faced before – we are all in this together, and we will get through this together,” Hogan said in a statement.

Rumors reported on social media and elsewhere have hinted at the possibility of more restrictive measures, and, in some cases, something closely approximating martial law, with the national guard deployed in the streets. Though, to be fair, that’s already the reality in New York, Maryland, and nearly two dozen other states.

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Update (1940ET): CTGN reports that China reported 41 new coronavirus cases on Friday, but for the second consecutive day, all of the cases were foreigners who allegedly contracted the virus abroad and carried it to China.

And for the third day in a row, no new cases were confirmed in Hubei Province.

Just in case you were curious about how they did it…


On Friday, 41 new #COVID19 cases were reported on the Chinese mainland, all imported from abroad. With seven more deaths, the total number of deaths now stands at 3,255.

No new cases have been confirmed in #Hubei Province for three consecutive days.

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466:38 PM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy24 people are talking about this

…basically, President Xi harnessed the power of patriotic socialism and led the valiant Chinese people to victory against the unseen, yet all-consuming foe. Around the world, more than 250k cases have been confirmed, and the WHO pointed out that it took more than three months to reach 100,000 cases worldwide, but only 12 days to log the next 100,000.

As millions of Americans panic about the possibility that their governor could hand down a ‘shelter in place’ order at any moment, across the country, panic buying continued on Friday. In Connecticut, where the outbreak in Westchester County has already started to bleed across the border into wealthy suburban Fairfield County, a haven for the Wall Street elite. A local news website reports that 53 cases have been confirmed in the town of Greenwich, one of the wealthiest zip codes in the country, and an area that’s virtually synonymous with wealth and privilege.

Too bad their neighbors closed that testing clinic.

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Update (1850 ET): An official working for Vice President Pence has tested positive for the coronavirus, his office announced Friday, becoming the first known positive test to date for a White House staffer, although the admin is quick to downplay the risk to the executive branch:

“This evening we were notified that a member of the Office of the Vice President tested positive for the Coronavirus.”

“Neither Pres. Trump nor VP Pence had close contact with the individual. Further contact tracing is being conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines”, a spokeswoman says.

Steve Herman@W7VOA

According to @VPPressSec:
“This evening we were notified that a member of the Office of the Vice President tested positive for the Coronavirus. Neither President Trump nor Vice President Pence had close contact with the individual”905:39 PM – Mar 20, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy120 people are talking about this

Separately, following the tragic death of an NBC employee, Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott and President Jay Wallace informed staffers that a Fox Business employee in New York has also tested positive for coronavirus. Here’s the note that just went out.

Update (1750ET): NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed that the city now has 5,151 confirmed cases of COVID-19 – which accounts for a third of the US cases and half of NY State’s cases (17,041 nationwide and 7,102 in New York state).

New York City “is now the epicenter of this crisis,” exclaimed de Blasio.

Update (1320ET): As Italy’s worst outbreak spirals further and further out of control, Italy is reporting 5,986 new cases of coronavirus and 627 new deaths on Friday, raising the countrywide total to 47,021 cases and 4,032 dead, as the total number of cases in Europe surpasses the total ‘officially’ confirmed in China.

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If you’re curious about how things are looking on the ground in Italy, this Channel 4 report is chilling.

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Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

Update (1240ET): In an alarming video that shows just how huge demand is for COVID-19 tests, a drive-thru testing site in Bergen County has a line that’s “several thousand cars long”.

A Total Lockdown on a National Level Is Coming to Israel, and Then America, For Now, It’s Just a Debates–Next ‘Total Suspension of Individual Freedom’

The “Israeli Model” Soon To Be Reality Across the West Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic, America Has Fallen Into the Hands of the Wicked. Tribulation In Play.

Our social media platforms continue to hide the truth from the American people. The blood of people are on their hands enjoy reprobates…

Those interested in the Great Tribulation should understand those travel restrictions will occur. This plague is an example of travel conditions at a time when you will want to travel to safety in the wilderness but you can’t…

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More Than 70 Million Americans Have Been Locked Down So Far, And This Is Just The Beginning…

It seems like just yesterday that I was warning that the same sort of lockdowns that were occurring in Italy and China would soon be instituted here, and now it is actually happening.  As you will see below, more than 70 million Americans have already been locked down, and more states will likely follow suit in the days ahead.  Of course, our politicians are attempting to put a positive spin on their directives by referring to them as “shelter-in-place” orders, and they are promising us that they are only “temporary”.  But less than 300 Americans have died during this pandemic so far, and many medical experts are warning that this is only the very beginning of this crisis. 

As long as the number of confirmed cases and the death toll are both rising at an exponential rate, these “shelter-in-place” orders will remain in effect, and Americans will become increasingly frustrated about having to remain in their own homes.

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On Friday, two of the biggest states in the entire country decided that it was time to shut virtually everything down

The Governor of Illinois has announced a stay at home order, making it the latest state to shut down after New York and California as President Trump refuses to issue a national quarantine in the battle against coronavirus.

On Friday, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a total ban on non-essential businesses and warned there would be strict fines for any businesses that do not comply. It will go into effect on Sunday evening and is indefinite.

But of course, some businesses will remain open.  The following is a list of some of the businesses in New York that are exempt from the order

  • Hospitals and medical services
  • Grocery Stores
  • Pharmacies 
  • Government workers 
  • Mass transit 
  • Some food services and restaurant delivery 
  • News organizations 
  • Cuomo said he does not know if laundromats apply 

The effectiveness of such an order is definitely open to debate.  As thousands upon thousands of New Yorkers circulate through local grocery stores and pharmacies, it is inevitable that the virus will continue to spread.

But at least doing this is better than nothing.

These orders by the governors of New York and Illinois came about 24 hours after California instituted similar measures

The stay home order is in place till further notice.

All dine-in restaurants, bars and clubs, gyms and fitness studios will be closed, according to the order. Public events and gatherings are also not allowed. Essential services will stay open, however, such as pharmacies, grocery stores, takeout and delivery restaurants, and banks.

This means that in just those three states alone, approximately 70 million Americans “are now under stay-at-home orders”

It means that between the three states, 70 million Americans are now under stay-at-home orders.

They are being told to only go out for exercise, to the grocery store or to seek medical care, and can pick up take-out from restaurants – so long as those restaurants can keep themselves afloat. Many have already closed their doors.


In addition to California, New York, and Illinois, the state of Connecticut has decided to lock down its citizens starting on Monday night, and Pennsylvania has ordered all businesses that are not “life-sustaining” to completely shut down.

We haven’t reached the point of a total “national lockdown” just yet, but it will surely start to feel like it as one state after another issue similar orders.

I am really struggling to find the words to describe how utterly devastating that this is going to be for the U.S. economy.  The number of people filing for unemployment benefits is absolutely exploding all over the country, and financial markets have been plunging as investors anticipate the economic nightmare that is coming.  For much more on this please see the article that I just posted entitled “This Was The Worst Week For The Stock Market Since 2008, And “Jobless Filings Are Growing Geometrically”.

Andy Puzder@AndyPuzder

What’s happening in the US economy in one chart. Year-over-year change in seated diners at restaurants for 38 states, as provided by OpenTable. The median state is down 95%. Hopefully, today’s Republican Senate bill will help before these restaurants are gone.

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2146:46 PM – Mar 19, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy192 people are talking about this

Many are hoping that the lockdowns that are being instituted now will last for only a few weeks and then life can start to get back to normal.

But Italy has already been locked down for an extended period of time, and the number of people dying in that country just hit another daily record

Italy has recorded its highest day-to-day-rise in the number of deaths of people infected with the new coronavirus.

Civil Protection Chief Angelo Borrelli said Friday the country recorded 627 more deaths in the 24 hours since Italy surpassed China on Thursday as the nation with the most COVID-19-related deaths. The total now stands at 4,032.

And many Americans are simply too stubborn to follow these lockdown orders.

In fact, many Americans are too stupid to even use basic common sense.  Just check out the following example

The latest incident occurred in the Washington exurb of Purcellville, Virginia, some 55 miles from the White House.

According to a Purcellville Police Department report, “An incident occurred at a local grocery store involving juveniles reportedly coughing on produce, while filming themselves and posting it on social media.”

Are you kidding me?

Coughing on produce and then posting it on social media?

Some people will do anything to get attention.

I really do hope that more Americans start taking this pandemic seriously.  The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. will pass the 20,000 mark this weekend, and we just learned that a member of Vice-President Mike Pence’s staff has tested positive

A member of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff has tested positive for coronavirus, the White House said Friday, marking the first such infection within the top rungs of the administration.

Katie Miller, a spokeswoman for Pence, did not identify the staffer, nor did she say specifically where the individual worked. Pence is leading the administration’s coronavirus task force and has been a regular presence at the president’s side in recent weeks.

This pandemic is going to change life in America permanently, and the truth is that COVID-19 is just one element of “the perfect storm” that is now upon us.

Economic activity is coming to a screeching halt all over the nation, anger and frustration were already at extremely dangerous levels before this pandemic started, and if these lockdown orders stretch on for many months to come it is only a matter of time before we see tremendous civil unrest start to erupt.

Everything that we have been warning about for so long is starting to come to fruition, and the days ahead are going to be extremely challenging for all Americans.

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Jesus said that the last days would be preceded by several things: many false Christs would come, deceiving many; we would “hear of wars and rumors of wars”; and there would be an increase in “famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:5-8). Today’s news is full of false religions, warfare, and natural disasters. We know that events of the tribulation period will include all that Jesus predicted (Revelation 6:1-8); current events seem to be a build-up for greater trouble ahead.

The coronavirus is now spreading across the world with confirmed cases now in 37 countries and growing every day.

Yes, an Armored BCT either returning or on its way to the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin in the Mojave Desert.


Summary: The Ugly World that Will Get Uglier, Tribulation in Play

  • NYC Mayor de Blasio says “we are now the epicenter of the crisis.”
  • A staffer for VP Pence test positive; White House says “no close contact”
  • China reports no local infections for 2nd day in a row
  • Global case total passes 250k
  • Hong Kong reports largest daily jump in cases on record as travelers revive outbreak
  • NY rolls out restrictive new measures
  • NY case total tops 7k
  • Italy says Army will help enforce lockdown, effectively declaring martial law; might extend lockdown through early May
  • Spain death toll cracks 1,000
  • Italy reports another 627 deaths
  • Confirmed cases in US pass 14k
  • Drive-thru testing site in NJ’s Bergen County has a line that’s over 1,000+ cars long
  • Switzerland bars all gatherings of more than 5 people
  • Greenwich cases spike as Darien shutters COVID-19 testing clinic
  • Trump says no plans for national lockdown
  • Germany to pass ‘shadow’ budget on Monday
  • EU suspends budget rules
  • Bavaria becomes the first German state to impose ‘lockdown’
  • Johnson says the UK can defeat virus in 12 weeks if ‘we work together’
  • Treasury now moving back both filing & payment deadlines for 2019
  • Novartis will donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to support the global response
  • NBC News employee succumbs to the virus
  • Dr. Fauci says social distancing should continue for several weeks
  • MTA confirms it has 23 sick workers
  • US, Mexico agree to shut southern border
  • China makes first purchase under ‘Phase 1’ trade deal
  • Altria chairman & CEO tests positive
  • Military confirms 35 American troops infected in Europe
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Coronavirus (“Chinese virus”) kills the oldest and has no respect for authority
Many of the most powerful people in the world are old, and coronavirus does not discriminate based on social status. Deaths are now hitting at high levels (not of death but of status), which can change the political conflicts of our world:
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Now a global pestilence has erupted, and in Luke 21 we were specifically warned to watch for “pestilences” in the last days.

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Have NOT Got The Memo Yet, “Pestilences” Has No Cure

The Coronavirus Was Most Certainly Produced by Crazy (Un-Godly) Men in Laboratories, WGO and CDC Knew All Along That the Coronavirus Was a Bioweapon, There’re in Charge?

If a mandatory vaccination program were to be implemented again in the U.S. for (“Chinese virus”) COVID-19, the government would have to reassure the public its previous negligence of such side effects would not be repeated, an unlikely scenario after the corporate breach of trust exposed on Wall Street in recent years involving large pharmaceutical firms. Regardless, Big Pharma is already partnering with the U.S. Army to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus which would have to be tested and evaluated before licensing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended for use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), both of which partner with the WHO whose largest financial contributor is the U.S. government.

Bill Evil Gates and The “Chinese virus”

Biblical, Biblical Prophecy, CDC, Coronavirus, disobedience, Food Shortage, Hospitals, infections, outbreak, pandemic, Pestilence, Public Health, revelations, StevieRay Hansen, Triblution, virus

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

3 thoughts on “Total Suspension Of Individual Freedom, Tributaltion

  1. And I failed to mention what they plan for the cattle to do when 5G is up and running and suddenly begin to see people with the “virus” EVERYWHERE (how convenient, wink wink) They already have a “vaccine” at the ready! Imagine that!!! The brainwashed crowds will RUN TO GET THE VACCINE!! Losing their composure and giving away their power to satanic tyrants. They want us to be hysterical and trembling with fear so that they can “save us” from their 5G induced genocidal “virus” WEAPON by jabbing us with their deadly vaccine that contains a nano-parasite that GREATLY increases the abillity for 5G to control you.. It will spread out into your body like an octopus and change your dna. They will be able to read your mind and monitor you like lab rat. If enough idiots comply with this BS, they will take away our right to buy and sell without it. DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE!! If enough people PUSH BACK/IGNORE THESE ASSHATS AND BLATANTLY REFUSE THEIR “MARK” (VACCINE)…. their sinister scheme will crumble to the ground. TOTAL CONTROL OF US IS WHAT THEY ARE AFTER! STOP PLAYING INTO THEIR HANDS…TURN OFF THE TELL A LIE VISION AND DELETE ALL THE LAMESTREAM PROPAGANDA’S CORONA-BABBLE FROM YOUR YOUTUBE FEED . THERE, DONE. There’s no question that the continuing COVID-19 psyop is a fully premeditated (false flag psyop) act of bioterror which has several goals, none for our benefit
    Problem, Reaction, Solution>>>Create the Problem, Get the desired Reaction (fear and panic), Implement the pre-planned Solution: A cashless society of fully controlled “vaccinated” slaves. USE YOUR BRAINS PEOPLE!!!

  2. The “virus” is a red herring. It’s 5G weaponized frequencies. Notice that Wuhan China had just gotten 5G right before the “virus” pandemic. Italy also had 5G up and running. Indonesia had no 5G and no virus. Netherlands had no 5G and no virus. DO THE MATH! It is phased array weaponry being sold and disguised as primarily a communications system when the frequency bands it uses (24GHz – 100+GHz including MMW [millimeter waves]) are the very same ones used in Active Denial Systems, i.e. crowd control.
    Even mainstream Wikipedia describes Active Denial Systems as directed energy weaponry; it disperses crowds by firing energy at them, causing immediate and intense pain, including a sensation of the skin burning. And there’s also this:
    Meanwhile, many scientific documents on the health effects of 5G have verified that it causes flu-like symptoms. This article reveals the various connections behind the coronavirus phenomenon, including how 5G can exacerbate or cause the kind of illness you are attributing to the new virus. It uses interferometry (and hence, phased antennae arrays), to cause a kind of biological EMP, shutting down the bio-electrical systems of organisms… like birds in flight (think of all the birds that have dropped dead from the skies the past few years!). This is what they don’t want us discussing and why they must control the narrative!
    When you awaken to the fact that our entire system is ran by Cluster B psychopaths in suits, then all the “wackadoodle” stuff begins to make perfect sense in the perverted way of these Machiavellians running our system.
    They are installing 5G in all the schools they have closed down under the pretense of this “virus”…And I believe that’s what they are doing in all the “lock down” areas as well. It’s all a HUGE DECEPTION!! This 5G is a phase array crowd control weapon/depopulation weapon to cull the elderly and sick disguised as a communications system!!
    “With adequate health Care and my Vaccines, we can look at a reduction of population of 10-15%” ~ Bill Gates in 2014 (To which he received a standing ovation! )
    The “quarantines” are so they can install 5G in all the business, restaurants, schools and street lights without anyone seeing them doing it. Evil vipers are very sneaky. Whenever the govt seems to “care” you can be SURE they are up to something. And it never goes back to the way it was.
    This entire thing is a HUGE DECEPTION! They need the public to react like herded cattle so they can take complete control over them. This angers and frustrates me to no end. People are under STRONG DELUSION no longer able to think critically. God has not given us a spirit of fear, it’s satan! If they would ignore them and just laugh at their theatrics it would go away, They are sealing their own fate by “complying” with this BS.

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