Two of Satan’s Most Trusted Soldiers, Gates


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And Epstein Traded Advice on Bill’s ‘Toxic’ Marriage (Jeff’s Pedo Image Rehab During Secretive “Men’s Club” Gatherings)

A former Jeffrey Epstein insider claims that Bill Gates was a regular at the notorious pedophile’s $77 million Manhattan townhouse, where Epstein held “men’s club” – type gatherings for his closest pals (documented by his home’s alleged network of spy cameras, we’re sure).

For Gates, “Going to Jeffrey’s was a respite from his marriage. It was a way of getting away from Melinda” according to one of two insiders, who came forward to the Daily Beast to break what we’re guessing is the first rule of elite pedo-lair club.

According to the report, Gates and Epstein traded advice over their respective problems, while Gates ” met a rotating cast of bold-faced names and discussed worldly issues in between rounds of jokes and gossip—a “men’s club” atmosphere that irritated Melinda.”

Gates used the gatherings at Epstein’s $77 million New York townhouse as an escape from what he told Epstein was a “toxic” marriage, a topic both men found humorous, a person who attended the meetings told The Daily Beast.

The billionaire met Epstein dozens of times starting in 2011 and continuing through to 2014 mostly at the financier’s Manhattan home—a substantially higher number than has been previously reported. Their conversations took place years before Bill and Melinda Gates announced this month that they were splitting up.

Gates, in turn, encouraged Epstein to rehabilitate his image in the media following his 2008 guilty plea for soliciting a minor for prostitution, and discussed Epstein becoming involved with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. -Daily Beast

According to one of the insiders, Epstein and Gates “were very close.”

A spokesperson for Gates (fleet of attorneys) told the Beast “Your characterization of his meetings with Epstein and others about philanthropy is inaccurate, including who participated. Similarly, any claim that Gates spoke of his marriage or Melinda in a disparaging manner is false.”

“Bill never received or solicited personal advice of any kind from Epstein— on marriage or anything else. Bill never complained about Melinda or his marriage to Epstein,” the rep continued.

According to the Beast, “Melinda Gates was furious over Bill’s relationship with Epstein, and was put off by the creepy financier upon meeting him in September 2013, after the couple accepted an award at a New York City hotel. Melinda’s anger, people familiar with the matter said, eventually led to the demise of Bill and Epstein’s friendship.”

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal just reported that Melinda began consulting divorce attorneys in October, 2019 – right around the time it was revealed that Bill and Epstein were pals. What’s more, Microsoft board members wanted Bill gone in late 2019 after an internal investigation revealed that Gates had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a female Microsoft employee.

Bill and Melinda Gates announced earlier this month that they were ending their 27-year marriage because, according to Melinda, the marriage was “irretrievably broken.” She had been working with attorneys since at least 2019 to end it according to the Journal. And while the couple hasn’t revealed what prompted the split, the Journal also reported that Bill’s dealings with Epstein was a ‘source of concern.’

The Daily Beast continues:

People close to Bill Gates told The Daily Beast that the deterioration of their relationship could be seen in Bill and Melinda’s body language. The couple used to interact with “more laughter and ease,” said one friend of Bill, who added that eventually, “being around them was like arriving at a summit.”

“It wasn’t like arriving at a dinner with a couple or something; it was more like two heads of state,” the friend added. “So that’s why Epstein could have been a factor [in their split], but was it the factor? That I fundamentally don’t believe.”

The friend said the couple’s strictly regimented existence as billionaire philanthropists supplanted the more normal life and levity they enjoyed in younger years. “Bill is far less comfortable being out in the world,” the person said. “For Bill, it was just so rare he was allowed to do normal things, which I think he really craved.”

To Bill, such “normal” things included meeting new people over dinner at Epstein’s home—a break from the tech mogul’s tightly choreographed schedule of events where he’d be seated at the head table with the most prominent guests.

“He likes nothing better than to get together and debate or lecture people, or tell everyone what he’s doing with the polio vaccine. He has an ability, unlike any other person I’ve ever met, to lecture to a table of people without stopping for an hour,” said one insider. “Anyone that gave him a stage for a performance and said, ‘Bill, come talk to us about what you’re passionate about,’ that would be something he would enjoy.”

Meanwhile, we’d still like to know how Gates adviser Boris Nikolic (pictured below), was named as a fallback executor in an will Epstein amended days before his August 10 death in a Manhattan jail cell

Come to think of it, maybe someone should ask Larry Summers if he was ever in Epstein’s “men’s club” at the Pedo lair.

“A shocking meeting was organized by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller at the New York home of the president of the Rockefeller University in 2009. Other guests of this meeting of billionaires were: Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey. None of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were: to perform massive abortions in the third world, and massive eugenics methods (electronic warfare, chemical warfare, and biological warfare) in the first world, in order to reduce the world population from 7 billion to 1 billion, in an effort whose consequences would far exceed the lifetimes of the participants, and meant to be their “legacy” to the world. Whoever may have to die in the process was (and is) not their concern.”

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Evil men (Bill Gates) plot against the godly and viciously attack them. The Lord laughs in disgust at them, for he knows that their day is coming. Evil men (David Rockefeller) draw their swords and prepare their bows, to bring down the oppressed and needy, and to slaughter those who are godly. Their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken. The little bit that a godly man owns is better than the wealth of many (Epstein) evil men, for evil men (tech mogul’s) will lose their power, but the LORD sustains the godly. The LORD watches over the innocent day by day and they possess a permanent inheritance. They will not be ashamed when hard times come; when famine comes they will have enough to eat. But evil men will die; the LORD’s enemies (Elites) will be incinerated– they will go up in smoke. Evil men borrow but do not repay their debt, but the godly show compassion and are generous. Surely those favored by the LORD will possess the land, but those rejected by him will be wiped out. SRH…

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If you haven’t noticed, those in power accuse others of the nefarious things they are doing themselves. This is likely the directive at the Ministry of Truth—take the script, and flip it.

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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