U.S. Northern Border Supply Chain is Being Crippled in the Name of Omicron.


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Industry insiders fear that the federal government’s vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers will exacerbate already-strained supply lines, resulting in grocery store shortages.

On Jan. 10, Sylvain Charlebois, professor and senior director of Dalhousie University’s Agri-Food Analytics Lab, tweeted, “Ottawa’s plan to require all truckers entering from the United States to show proof of vaccination starting Jan. 15 cannot happen at a worse time,”

“I’m not sure Canadians are aware of how fragile our food supply chain is right now, due to Omicron.”

In mid-November, the Liberal government declared that all truck drivers entering Canada will need to be completely vaccinated by Jan. 15. Truckers had been spared from the regulation until then since they were deemed essential service providers.

However, on the evening of Jan. 12, Canada Border Services Agency spokesperson Rebecca Purdy informed The Canadian Press that if Canadian big-riggers are immunized or have only gotten one shot, they will not be required to quarantine upon re-entering the country.

However, on Jan. 13, the federal government backed down on Purdy’s claim, stating that the original rules will remain in place. “Let us be clear: This has not changed. The information shared yesterday was provided in error. Our teams have been in touch with industry representatives to ensure they have the correct information,” said Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino in a joint statement.

Melissa Lantsman, a Conservative transportation critic, claims that the mandate for truckers will disrupt supply chains and have a negative impact on Canadians’ lives.

“Today’s reversal on the reversal by the government will only make Canada’s cost of living crisis worse by driving the price of basic essentials like groceries up,” she wrote on Twitter after the ministers’ statement on Jan. 13.

“When Canadians need more certainty, they get less. This is a mess. “

On Jan. 13, in an interview with CP24 Tonight, Charlebois claimed the vaccine mandate for truckers is equivalent to stopping a person’s “blood flow.”

“If you cut anything, if you disrupt that flow, that fluidity,” he continued, “you’ll end up with empty shelves and higher food prices.”

“Unfortunately, because on our side, we actually buy for well over $21 billion worth of food products [from the] U.S. every single year, and almost 70 percent of it actually goes through the border on wheels with truckers, and so there’s a lot of business, and a lot of that business happens between November and March.”

The order, which takes effect on Saturday, Jan. 15, will require Canadian truckers to “meet requirements for pre-entry, arrival, and Day 8 testing, as well as quarantine requirements,” according to the ministers’ joint statement.

If non-Canadian truckers crossing from the United States do not have proof of immunization or a genuine medical contraindication to the COVID-19 vaccinations, they will be turned back.

According to Charlebois, checking every truck at land borders will cause delays in everything from transit to warehousing to distribution, as well as raise food prices.

“When you slow things down with supply chains, it will end up costing more, costing more for consumers in the end,” the professor told CP24.

“We were expecting food prices to go up by as much as 7 percent in 2022. This could actually put the inflation rate at a much higher level for 2022 as a result of this disruption, unfortunately.”

The last-minute reversal by Ottawa, according to Ron Foxcroft, chairman and president of Fluke Transportation, puts the trucking industry in “peril.”

“Before March 6, 2020, our industry was about 18,000 drivers short, and now the numbers are closer to, in Canada, about 23,000,” he said in an interview with Global News’ “On Point with Alex Pierson

“That alone is a big problem. Now you throw in the pandemic, and now you throw in this gong show today. “

Foxcroft agreed with the host that the mandate will effect not only thousands of truckers, but also every Canadian who requires basic products in the future.

“We truck essential services, things that go into grocery stores, big box stores, pharmacy stores,” he explained. “The average person has to depend on that, the average person has to eat.”

However, if more truckers decide to leave the industry permanently, Canadians will bear the brunt of the consequences.

“Finally, we’re going to have shelves empty—and forget the price, I mean, it’s going to hurt the little guy, it’s going to hurt everyone in Canada,” Foxcroft predicted.

When the vaccine mandate goes into effect, Stephen Laskowski, president of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, agrees with Foxcroft that vaccinated truckers will be sidelined.

“We’re a reflection of Canadian society. Right now about 15–16 percent of Canadian society isn’t vaccinated. We can expect that a minimum of 10 percent of these drivers not to be vaccinated,” he and Charlebois stated in an interview with CP24 Tonight on Jan. 13.

Meanwhile, on January 22, the United States plans to implement similar restrictions on Canadian truckers. The CTA has been alerting the Canadian and US governments that now is not the time to implement the mandate, according to Laskowski.

“Both Ottawa and Washington appear not to heed our warnings,” he stated.

“They are not heeding the warnings of other members of the supply chain, our customers, and we’re about to understand those consequences on Saturday.”

This sort of manipulation shows the bellicose nature of our “leaders” by crippling our supply chains and using “data” to validate the idiotic measures themselves. Common sense has left the stratosphere, mass incompetence is at large and it starts with these globalist occultists. Read Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset book, the World Economic Forum has already paved the way for totalitarian leaders to take advantage worldwide. Bigger money is at play however, in comparison to these elected sell outs in various countries signing legislature to persecute their citizens.

The internet has proved to be a place in which you can tune into various frequencies in search of a perspective that best fits your narrative. I could make up an argument on the fly and back it up with facts pertaining to my argument. With that being said, the news about COVID-19 is terrifyingly polarizing. There is a spectrum, by which all narratives of the COVID-19 agenda are carefully presented to anyone conducting research. The opposing sides of the spectrum are those who are sold on the COVID-19 pandemic, and those who aren’t sold at all.

But it becomes extremely important that we listen to our gut, when we notice that someone is eyeballing something that rightfully belongs to you. Our civil liberties are merely gods gift to man interpreted by men of power. No man, woman, government, organization, forum, or anything will prosper as a weapon against God. With that being said, when our God given rights are at stake, it is probably best to question the integrity of those who propose the removal of such rights. In summary, if you’re not a “conspiracy theorist” you probably aren’t asking very many questions about the world around you.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Hosea 4:6

A White House official stated on Tuesday that the US will donate around $308 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, as well as extra COVID-19 vaccination doses.

The United States remains “the single largest donor of humanitarian aid in Afghanistan,” according to National Security Council (NSC) spokeswoman Emily Horne, and the latest donation brings American aid to the impoverished country and Afghan refugees in the region to nearly $782 million since the war’s chaotic end.

“The new humanitarian assistance by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will directly flow through independent humanitarian organizations and help provide lifesaving protection and shelter, essential health care, winterization assistance, emergency food aid, water, sanitation, and hygiene services in response to the growing humanitarian needs exacerbated by COVID-19 and healthcare shortages, drought, malnutrition, and the winter season,” Horne said.

Meanwhile, one million COVID-19 vaccine doses will be delivered to the country under the global vaccine sharing program COVAX, bringing the total number of vaccines donated by the US to 4.3 million.

The United Nations issued a multi-billion dollar financing appeal on Tuesday to avert a humanitarian and economic crisis in the country, and the confirmation of the newest US donations comes at a critical time.

“Today we are launching an appeal for $4.4 billion for Afghanistan itself for 2022,” United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said at a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, adding that the plea is the largest ever in humanitarian assistance for a single nation.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, 22 million Afghans inside the country and 5.7 million outside its borders require humanitarian aid following the Taliban terrorist group’s takeover in August.

Griffiths warned that if the international community does not act quickly to assist the country, the agency will seek for “ten billion dollars” next year.

“This is a stop-gap, an absolutely essential stop-gap measure that we are putting in front of the international community today,” he said. “Without this being funded, there won’t be a future, we need this to be done, otherwise there will be outflow, there will be suffering.”

The international community provided about 80% of Afghanistan’s previous government’s budget. That money, which is now unavailable, was used to fund hospitals, schools, factories, and government ministries.

Following the Taliban’s takeover of the country, international assistance was blocked and billions of dollars of Afghanistan’s assets overseas, principally in the United States, were frozen.

The decision by the US and the international community not to recognize the Taliban-led government, which ruled under a strict interpretation of Islamic law from 1996 to 2001, has put Western powers in a bind over how to provide adequate aid without giving the Taliban legitimacy or putting money directly into its hands.

Due to a lack of funds, the country’s poverty has risen, and aid organizations have warned of an impending humanitarian disaster. State personnel have not been paid in months, including doctors, teachers, and administrative government servants. Banks, on the other hand, have limited the amount of money account holders can withdraw.

As humanitarian agencies seek to help those in need, the US Agency for International Development has urged the Taliban to enable “all aid workers, especially women to operate independently and securely.”

I cannot imagine how many ways this could go wrong, the UN alone requesting 4.4 billion dollars for “aid” that will assuredly end up being misplaced in every way possible. By all means, feet on the ground to provide aid for those who need it is imperative. But these extremely large sums of money like 308 million that Biden just threw on the table without asking anyone. Are we forgetting that he’s the reason that we’re in this situation in the first place? Keep him away from Afghanistan and let cognizant people take care of it. Not to mention Martin Griffiths, (UN) Under-Secretary-General for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, taking it upon himself to demand $10 billion American dollars for humanitarian aid next year if they don’t adhere to his requests.

It looks like a communist administration because it is one; Why is society paralyzed? Find your courage in the word, Matthew 5:44 says: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Satan is building his own army just like God. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus tells his apostles they have been given power over unclean spirits, and sends them out to spread the word. We hold power over unclean spirits and our prayer can move mountains. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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