UK Permits Facial Recognition Tech To Be Used On Innocent Persons Who “May Be In Danger”. Welcome To 1984.


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New UK police guidance that could put innocent people on facial recognition system watchlists has been slammed by civil rights groups.

On Tuesday, the College of Policing released a handbook for police in England and Wales, claiming that the use of live face recognition technology is “legal and ethical.”

Face recognition technology can be used to discover “those who are missing and possibly in danger; find people where intelligence suggests they may represent a threat to themselves or others; and arrest people who are wanted by police or courts,” according to authorities.

The guidance, however, is a “atrocious policy and a hammer blow to privacy and liberty in our country,” according to Silkie Carlo, director of the privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch.

“With this Orwellian surveillance technology, we warned about mission creep, and now we see that this new policy allows innocent people to be put on facial recognition watchlists.” Victims, potential witnesses, people with mental health issues, and possibly friends of any of those people are all included. “It’s a heinous policy that strikes at our country’s privacy and freedoms,” she remarked.

A tiny number of police departments have already implemented the technology. Welsh police tested futuristic equipment in December that can identify wanted people in real time. Officers will be able to identify the identification of a wanted suspect on their mobile phones nearly instantaneously, even if the subject provides incorrect or misleading information.

“Guidance released for police today is clear that live facial recognition should be used in a responsible, transparent, fair, and ethical manner and only where other, less intrusive approaches would not achieve the same outcomes,” said David Tucker, head of crime at the College of Policing.

“Police will be able to use the technology to catch some of the most dangerous criminals, such as stalkers, terrorists, and those who the public wants off our streets.” It will be utilized openly, and unless a critical threat is proclaimed, the public should be informed about its use ahead of time via force websites or social media,” Tucker added.

“We hope that anyone who are concerned about this technology will be reassured by the thorough protections we’ve laid out as standards for police officers who want to use it, which are based on a consistent and unambiguous legal and ethical framework across all police forces,” he added.

This isn’t some far off initiative that couldn’t possibly find its way to your back door. The road to a technocratic dystopia is already being paved in the united states with increasing collaboration between the tech sector and the tyrannical democratic party.

At a tense House Judiciary Committee meeting on March 16, Democrats renewed their drive for an injection of domestic counterterrorism resources for the Justice Department, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security, with Republicans pushing back.

At the March 16 markup, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) praised the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, claiming that it is necessary to combat white supremacy.

“The Department of Justice has a variety of statutory authority to prosecute domestic terrorists, including white supremacists, but it is evident that the Department has not pursued a sufficient number of these cases,” Nadler stated.

“This bill would provide the Department of Justice with the tools it needs to track, identify, and prosecute domestic terrorist cases, as well as the data it needs to focus on the most serious threats.”

Nadler claimed that the House passed domestic counterterrorism legislation by voice vote in 2020, but that the bill “languished in the Senate.”

Republicans, for their part, were adamantly opposed to the law, questioning the necessity to give multibillion-dollar federal bureaucracy more power and resources.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) cautioned his Democratic colleagues that national security measures intended to combat terrorism are frequently utilized to oppress domestic populations instead.

“The gravest threat to our country, in my opinion, is the inward turning of those national security authorities that we had intended for terrorists in faraway regions against our own people.” And now that you’re in power, my friends, you’re attempting to weaponize these institutions against individuals who oppose your worldview,” Gaetz remarked.

“However, keep in mind that today, when the DOJ and FBI are both left-leaning, it may seem nice. They used to be right-leaning, though. He claimed that “the FBI used to be fundamentally a white nationalist institution.”

“With some of these same authority, they attacked Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey, and Malcolm X.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s decision in October to open an investigation into violence at school board meetings, according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), is proof that the threat to his constituents is real.

Jordan pointed out that Garland’s decision was influenced by a letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA), which described protesting parents as domestic terrorist threats and urged the FBI to apply PATRIOT Act legislation. The National Basketball Association has now apologized and retracted the letter, but Garland has refused to recant his memo or stop the federal investigation.

“What these folks accomplished last fall will be placed in place by this bill,” Jordan added, referring to the school board debacle.

In response to Jordan, Nadler stated that the NSBA had apologized for the letter, and questioned why Republicans were discussing it.

“You’re making my case for me,” Jordan explained to the chairman, indicating that his issue is with Garland for continuing to undertake a federal probe.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) offered an amendment to the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act to address Garland’s current investigation. The amendment would prevent the FBI from tracking incidents involving school board violence. The FBI has been documenting all of these cases with the internal tag EDUOFFICIALS, which functions similarly to a Twitter hashtag and indicates that law enforcement agencies are working together on several investigations.

Nadler voted against the proposed amendment, claiming that it was pointless to have a carveout in the measure for a single probe. Other Democrats emphasized the importance of looking into school board threats and other related issues.

Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) said one of the reasons he’s fighting for this bill is because a school in his district received a bomb threat last week. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-NY) accused Republicans of being “soft on terrorism” as long as terrorists are on their side.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) reacted by referencing John Cohen, the Department of Homeland Security’s counterterrorism chief, who told legislators last November that his agency had discovered no evidence of growing violence against educators.

“We contacted state and local law enforcement agencies.” At school board meetings and in educational facilities, there have been a few occasional incidents of violence. However, according to the information we got, state and local law enforcement were not seeing much activity,” Cohen said in November.

The markup was suspended around 1:30 p.m. to allow several legislators to attend a White House signing ceremony, and it was not resumed until the publishing of this article.

The U.S. government is covertly recruiting Google, which maintains access to swaths of Americans’ personal data and information, to surveil their web searches, a new report from Forbes suggests.

For years, the federal government has quietly demanded that the Big Tech search engine company hand over user data on anyone who conducts online searches using key terms. In 2017, a Minnesota judge OKed a warrant directing Google to expose user data for anyone in Edina who searched a certain fraud victim’s name. In a similar request in 2020, investigators demanded the Silicon Valley giant reveal information about “anyone who had searched for the address of an arson victim who was a witness in the government’s racketeering case against singer R Kelly.”

In the most recently publicized warrant, which was accidentally unsealed by the U.S. Department of Justice last month and then quickly resealed, the government reportedly demanded to see the personal account information and IP addresses of anyone who searched for a possible kidnapping and sexual assault victim’s name, “two spellings of her mother’s name and her address over 16 days across the year.” It is unclear just how many users, including innocent Americans, were included in the data Google unveiled to federal investigators.

Google defended its compliance in a statement but simply claimed that users’ private data is protected by the company only if law enforcement doesn’t request it.

“As with all law enforcement requests, we have a rigorous process that is designed to protect the privacy of our users while supporting the important work of law enforcement,” a Google representative told Forbes.

Google has also been a key player in the government’s plot to track down people present on Capitol grounds on Jan. 6. According to Wired, the federal government has sustained 45 criminal cases that use Google geolocation data “to place suspects inside the US Capitol on January 6.” Wired not only notes that Google’s participation in the FBI’s reliance on geolocation is “at a scale not publicly seen before,” but that there were “at least six [warrants] where the identity of the suspect appears to have been unknown to the FBI prior to the geofence warrant.”

“They also reveal that within days or weeks, the FBI had access to personal information about many of their owners, including at least the account name, email, and phone number. None of the legal experts WIRED spoke with had heard of another case where the personal data for devices in a geofence warrant had been unmasked at this scale,” Wired reported.

Google also complied when the FBI wanted other data related to Jan. 6, “including recovery numbers and emails, and dates on which the [Google] accounts were created and last accessed.” Obviously we can see that there is some good justice to be served when it comes to the power of technology, however it’s not such a good thing in light of the current political tension. Proverbs 22:16 says “Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty”. Concerned patriots of this country are being alienated and made to look like a threat while the masses sleep. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and in the world around you.

responsible for China’s advanced military systems, notably its hypersonic nuclear missiles, against which we have no defense.

According to The Washington Post, this innovative delivery system was made using “small chips devised by a Chinese firm called Phytium Technology utilizing American software and fabricated in the world’s most advanced chip factory in Taiwan, which hums with American precision machinery.”

As terrifying as that sounds—and the danger cannot be overstated—hypersonic China’s missile development is only the tip of the technological iceberg.

The theft of technology by the Chinese regime is so widespread that it affects almost every field of study, including artificial intelligence (AI), bioengineering, robotics, nanotechnology, and other next-generation science.

Of course, there are other highly effective methods of technology theft that have served China well, such as cybertheft hacking techniques, the deployment of spyware in routers, networks, and other equipment, and simply talking to people about what they do and how they do it, with a focus on the US national security community.

In reality, the CCP has relied heavily on LinkedIn, the primary social media platform for business experts, to obtain technological data.

The United States, however, is simply one of many Western countries targeted by the CCP through LinkedIn.

For example, Germany and France both discovered thousands of LinkedIn targeting efforts in 2017 and 2018 to offer interviews for non-existent jobs in order to collect technological data and processes from interviewees.

Since China opened its doors to the United States—or, perhaps more properly, since the United States opened its doors to China—that has very much been the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) modus operandi.

For years, Beijing’s Thousand Talents Plan has proven to be as effective as any other strategy of acquiring innovative technology from the US.

This single scheme has allowed China to steal, bribe, and/or hire some of America’s most brilliant technological and bioengineering minds and bring them to China.

The logic is both straightforward and deadly.

Why go through the lengthy, costly, and arduous process of inventing technology when you can simply steal it, especially if you can buy the scientists who are developing new scientific advances as they occur?

Dr. Charles Lieber, former chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, was one of those “high-talent” scientists.

Lieber was the main investigator of Harvard University’s Lieber Research Group, which received more than $15 million in taxpayer funds for research projects. However, Lieber worked as a “strategic scientist” at Wuhan University Technology (WUT) and kept it a secret.

It’s easy to see why. He was paid $50,000 per month plus up to $150,000 in living expenses under his WUT work agreement, and he was given $1.5 million to build a new WUT research laboratory.

Lieber and two “colleagues” were apprehended at Logan Airport in Boston while attempting to carry 19 vials of biological research specimens to China. Zaosong Zheng, a former scientist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, was one of his colleagues. Another was a Boston University researcher who was also a People’s Liberation Army lieutenant.

Lieber was found guilty of concealing his WUT affiliation and involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan in December 2021.

But, given that the US is aware of China’s actions, what is the administration’s response?

According to the MIT Technology Review, Biden’s administration has launched a “China Initiative” to investigate cases of theft, bribery, recruiting, and other illicit activities by Beijing that target American technology.

To say the least, there are a few obstacles. The first step is to define the issue. There is no definition of a “China Initiative” case in the Department of Justice.

That could explain why just roughly a quarter of the cases have resulted in convictions. It’s tough to recognize a problem if you don’t know what it is. This isn’t a promising start.

The cunning yet bellicose tactics used by the CCP to attain technology have been effectively ignored by the Biden administration, and the Trump administration alike. They’ve put a band-aid on an issue that cannot be clearly defined and we’ll surely see the results of such insubordinate leadership in the near future. Biotechnological innovation, quantum computing, and Artificial intelligence will be studies no longer belonging to the American people. If war ensues, we’ll likely never gain access to any of the technology; Rendering the globalist elite with near “Godlike” capabilities in comparison to the common man. In the event that China engages in wartime activities, they’ll no doubt consider utilizing their plethora of genomic data collected with rapid antigen test kits to engage in biological warfare.


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