VAERS “Back-loads And Throttles” Death Data Again–The Hidden Agenda of the Mainstream Media and Social


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Media and Their Part in Covid Skeptic Censorship…

More people will die from the Covid Kill Shot vaccine than from Covid!!!

hundreds of thousands of covid vaccine injuries backlogged and not yet entered into vaers

In January of 2021, Dr. Rose utilized her skills as a computational biologist and began analyzing data in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). Each week, she downloaded publicly-available data sets from VAERS, comparing inputs week-to-week.

She discovered that vaccine injury reports went missing from one week to the next. Each week, the data is updated in the VAERS system. She found that some of the data is overwritten, vanished from the system. She also found that “hundreds of thousands” of covid vaccine injury reports were backlogged and did not appear in a timely manner to alert healthcare professionals to serious issues with the vaccine.

After analyzing missing data in the VAERS system, Dr. Rose came to the conclusion that serious adverse events and fatalities following covid vaccination are much higher than what is recorded in the VAERS system.

Some issues are under-reported by a factor of thirty-one, and other, more common side effects can be under-reported by a factor of one hundred.

By September, Dr. Rose attended the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting, bringing attention to under-reporting problem in the VAERS system.

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If you haven’t received the vaccine yet, don’t… do… it… Please don’t give it to your children or young adults of any age. You may give them a disease and possibly shorten their lives. No one should presume the right to do that for another human being. Most importantly, no one should force YOU to receive a dangerous and experimental shot, either for yourself or your children. Stand up! Transfer your precious little ones from any school if they insist on enforcing a mask mandate, which in itself is a form of child abuse.

If you have not noticed, those in power accuse others of the nefarious things they are doing themselves. This is likely the directive at the Ministry of Truth, “Take the script and flip it.”

Quick analysis showing 411 of 724 new reported DEATHS are from jabs January or older! It’s a genocide being covered up by throttling information being published to public domain! We are now at ~2500 deaths published deaths Jan or older or in Simpleton speak… only the first ~36 million doses rolled out to the public by Jan. 31st. It’s a genocide!!!

VAERS - YouTube

Albert Benavides offers his latest update for our readers. Albert is uniquely qualified to put VAERS data under the microscope and reveal the hidden truths Big Pharma and corrupt politicians don’t want you seeing.

Albert has over 25 years working as a professional systems data analyst, auditor and manager. Board certified with the American Academy of Professional Coders and CPCMedical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder (CPC). Successfully managed a medical billing department within the largest privately owned medical diagnostic laboratory in California and now gaining prominence as a respected VAERS data analyst exposing COVID19 vaccines adverse reactions in the official Adverse Events Reporting System.

COVID-19 Vaccine Training Modules

Please follow Albert on:
Bitchute, Lbry, BrandNewTube, Vimeo, GAB, MINDS, MeWe, Minds, Twitter, Brighteon,—Focus-of-Fetal-Demise-and-Death:b


At Principia Scientific International we have a dedicated team of volunteers devoted to our non-profit mission to expose the truth behind junk science. Also, many thousands of honest scientists, medical professionals and researchers worldwide are assisting teams of top international lawyers to end the mass genocide perpetrated via Big Pharma’s fake vaccines.

In Germany 1,000 medical doctors are united under ‘Doctors for Information’, which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc. They made a shocking statement during a national press conference:  The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A Swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ 

As with climate change and government lies about ‘man-made global warming’ our scientists and researchers are seeing massive fraud behind the COVID19 ‘deadly’ pandemic. We have supported freedom of information (FOIA) requests to leading western governments, which have admitted they do NOT possess any gold standard isolate of the virus. Moreover, mortality rates around the globe have remained steady or below average, thus affirming COVID19 exists only in the minds of corrupt politicians, vaccine peddlers and biased media hacks.

We have been lied to in a massive international conspiracy among eugenicists and the global elite. A corrupt and psychopathic billionaire class has infiltrated leading science institutions, our education systems, corporations and media with a shared purpose of mass de-population, destroying small/medium sized businesses and the middle classes – all for wealth re-distribution and tamely permitted by the brainwashed masses who are pliant and scientifically illiterate.

Together we must resist this war on humanity and defend our inherent natural right to self-determination and freedom from tyranny.

Pay special heed to the following facets:

  • Conflicts of interest issues in this Pandemic
  • How the Pandemic exposed problems at the very top of the public health system
  • The malign influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Vaccine development
  • The hidden agenda of the mainstream media and social media and their part in COVID skeptic censorship.
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Well, in a functioning democracy like we had just a few years ago, demands like “put on your face mask” would be impossible to make. A politician might prefer that you wear a mask outdoors, but he could not make you do it. At best, he would have to ask you nicely. He’d have to show you the science and then try to convince you to follow his advice, one adult to another. The onus would be on him to make his case, the onus would not be on you to obey the command.

But over the course of the corona plandemic, the opposite happened. It was inverted, and it happened because large groups of people failed to resist it from happening… so, it kept happening. And as it did, it became more unreasonable and more disconnected from science day by day.

As of tonight, for example, more than 15+ months after we first told you about the spread of this weird new virus in China, the State of Michigan now requires children as young as two to wear a facemask while in “public spaces” and in places like camps or daycare centers. That is not a suggestion, it is an order. All these so-called requirements are.

Source: HNewsWire principia-scientific

Please do not post HNewsWire articles on Gab, Parler, Fakebook, Reddit or Twatter social media platforms. We are not comfortable with their anti-Christian — anti-American Nazi philosophy.

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

“My job is protecting children. It has taken me from big cities to rural outposts, from ghettos to penthouses, and from courtrooms into demonic battlefields. But whatever the venue, the truth remains constant: Some humans intentionally hurt children. They commit unspeakable acts—for their pleasure, their profit, or both.” ~ StevieRay Hansen, CEO Of The 127 Faith Foundation



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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