Watchman Says the Enemies Are: CNN, FOX, MSLSD,ABC,NBC, CBS. Ever Talking Head of Fox News, and Other Prominent Figures in the Mainstream Corporate Media Are Dangerous


Watchman,Anderson Cooper, a Proud Sodomite, is the typical elitist propaganda pusher masquerading as a journalist, which is why he had nothing to say when presented with the facts about a long-running CIA program lately.

The video clip below contains all of the information you need to know about Cooper and his colleagues in mainstream corporate media. While they may or may not support various politicians, they can always be counted on to serve as "partners" with the administrative state's unelected powers.

So, yeah, Operation Mockingbird exists. It was discovered at hearings given by U.S. Senator Frank Church almost 45 years ago.In 1975, the Church Committee was a United States Senate select committee that investigated abuses by the three-letter agencies, the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS. These agencies, along with many more that did not exist in 1975, have only increased in size, scope, and control over our lives since then.

Senator Frank Church, shown here in 1975, presided over Senate hearings on the misuse of authority by federal agencies.Even those who lean left On July 12, 2017, The Daily Beast released an article headlined How the CIA paid and threatened journalists to do its mission. Much of the Daily Beast's information comes from Carl Bernstein, another well-known journalist who covered Operation Mockingbird in a Rolling Stone article in 1977.

A brief snippet from the Daily Beast piece follows: Bernstein disclosed the inner workings of Operation Mockingbird, in which numerous journalists, including Pulitzer Prize winners, worked for the CIA, producing bogus stories to propagate agitprop and giving intelligence. Other journalists were threatened and blackmailed into working with Mockingbird, and many were provided false or manufactured information about their conduct to gain their support for the CIA's purpose. The show was never formally canceled.


The video clip below tells you everything you need to know about Cooper and his colleagues in the mainstream corporate media. While they may support or not support various politicians, they can always be counted on to work as “partners” with the unelected powers who make up the administrative state.

So, yes, Operation Mockingbird is a real thing. It was revealed during hearings held by U.S. Senator Frank Church more than 45 years ago.


This history of abuse by three-letter agencies should be taught in every high school and institution in America, but it isn't. You must go looking for it.CNN's Anderson Cooper is undoubtedly aware of Bernstein's reporting on Operation Mockingbird.However, if we listen to Cooper, we are made to assume that Operation Mockingbird is a big joke.Cooper's only contribution to the conversation in the above video clip was, "You're being ridiculous."

Mockingbird Media - PROOF

It's hardly even worth mentioning.

Cooper discredits all honest journalists. Because of people like him, I'm ashamed to call myself a journalist in 2023. He and his ilk have permanently tainted the meaning of the word. They should resign in shame for causing so much harm with their inaccurate and misleading reports. But they'll never do it. They are overpaid and have gotten hooked to the access they have to the wealthy and powerful. If they ever started broadcasting the truth, the wealthy and politically connected elites in Washington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Paris, and London would cease inviting them to all the elegant cocktail parties.

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