We Are Watching a Re-Run, It’s Hard to Believe the People of This Country Are Going to Allow This Plandemic to Play Out for the Second Time


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Steve Quayle interviewing Pastor Henry Gruver. Henry is a friend of The Joseph Plan

It is time to make sure you are living your life– In Jesus and not just doing the Christian dance of simply “Believing”!!!

The world is changing very quickly and the forces of evil are gathering and gaining power. Everywhere one turns one can see evil rising in strength and the world adopting the ways of Satan. I don’t have to explain the signs that are all around us. One simply needs to turn on the television or go to your favorite news site on the internet and it is way too evident.

Events are about to unfold that are going to shake the world. Our faith is about to be tested.

Is America, once God’s great beacon of light to the world, about to be judged for its sinful ways? Discern the times.

Houston Official Warns ICU Beds ‘97% Full’ As Florida, Cali Report New COVID-19 Records…


  • Italy reports negative deaths for first time after revision
  • NY to delay reopening of gyms, movie theaters in some areas
  • Northeastern states order visitors to quarantine
  • Houston ICU units at 97% capacity
  • Arizona reports drop in new cases
  • Fla. reports jump in new cases
  • More counties in Fla. move to require facemasks
  • NYC beaches will reopen in July
  • 2020 NYC Marathon cancelled
  • Cali posts new record for daily cases
  • Global COVID deaths top 475k
  • Cases top 9.2 million
  • US cases near 2.5 million
  • Deaths top 120k
  • 27 states see cases increasing
  • Australia sees another cluster
  • Beijing says latest cluster is contained
  • China has done 90 million nucleic acid tests
  • UK moving to relax restrictions
  • MLB’s shortened season will move ahead
  • WHO warns Africa testing capacity improving

* * *

Update (1340ET): California public health officials just released the real number of new cases (the number we reported earlier is compiled by California media), which, like the numbers reported earlier, represent a record daily jump. That’s ~500 cases more than last week.


Meanwhile, a magnitude 6 earthquake just rocked the central part of the state.

* * *

Update (1320ET): For the first time, Italy has reported negative daily deaths

Typically, revisions like these result in hundreds, if not thousands, of previously uncounted deaths being added to the rolls.

* * *

Update (1240ET): After announcing his plans to ask travelers from hard hit states to quarantine for 2 weeks when traveling to the tri-state area, Cuomo just announced that he would delay plans to reopen gyms, malls, movie theaters and other businesses in parts of the state where they were expected to reopen on Friday.

The delay will allow a closer examination of how the virus travels indoors via ventilation. Some parts of upstate NY were set for those businesses to reopen Friday.

* * *

Update (1140ET): As a stream of non-stop negative COVID-19 headlines pushes stocks lower, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have all just declared that travelers visiting their states will once again be required to shelter in place for 2 weeks, the first in what many fear will be more restrictions on travelers from other parts of the country.

* * *

Update (1130ET): What was supposed to take 11 days has instead taken…a lot less time than that.

Not even 24 hours after Houston City officials warned that hospital capacity in the state might be overwhelmed in 11 days if cases continue at their current level, a city official on Tuesday warned that intensive-care units in the city are presently at 97% capacity.


The announcement comes days after Texas surpassed 4,000 new cases for the first time, and just a day after Texas Children’s Hospital, the largest pediatric hospital in the US, began taking adult patients to free up bed space in Houston.

Tuesdays do tend to be bad days, with reporting sometimes being “lumpy” as states clear weekend backlogs. But at this point, the trend is overwhelming.

* * *

Update (1120ET): Arizona reported just 1,795 new infections involving the novel coronavirus, along with 79 additional deaths. That’s down from yesterday’s record spike of 3,591.


* * *

Update (1035ET): Florida has reported another record increase in daily new cases. The Florida Department of Health reported that there are 5,511 new coronavirus cases in Florida today. The previous record was 4,049, set this past Saturday.


It also saw new hospitalizations climb by 256, or 1.9%, to 13,574, the biggest single-day increase in numbers in a month. On a rolling seven day-basis, they reached 1,185. The biggest was 265 on May 21.

Source: Fox 35

The latest numbers from the Florida Department of Health show that there have been 109,014 cases of COVID-19 statewide, resulting in 3,281 deaths. The state’s positivity rate, meanwhile, has climbed to 15.9% of all tests up from 10.8%.

A growing number of counties, particularly in the southern part of the state where Palm Beach just adopted the policy, officials are requiring that masks be worn in public.

On the bright side, the state reported just 44 deaths, a sign that deaths in the sun belt states seeing a surge in cases haven’t been rising nearly as fast as the total cases. Despite this, a 17-year-old Florida resident became the state’s youngest coronavirus-related death, according to state health data reported today.

Workers at Disney World in Orlando, which is set to reopen next month, have gathered to sign a petition asking the company to delay its reopening.

Gov DeSantis is expected to make a “major announcement” this afternoon at 2:30pmET. The gov has been facing more pressure to apologize for saying mostly Latino farm workers are spreading the virus, claims that appear to be unfounded. The governor has offered no indication to expect he might roll back or delay the reopening plan in the state.

We now await data from Arizona, Texas and South Carolina , along with a few other states.

* * *

Update (1015ET): New York City has officially cancelled the 2020 New York marathon, which is typically held in the fall just before the start of the holiday season. This year’s race was set for November.

On the other hand, mayor de Blasio said the city’s beaches would reopen for swimming next month.

Meanwhile, a team of Goldman analysts has set a line for when states might cave to pressure to slow the reopening, or reverse it: “.. we think a decline in hospital capacity below 20% could pressure states to consider slowing or reversing reopening. According to the CDC, Alabama and Maryland currently have 23% of ICU beds available .. and Arizona has 25% available ..”

* * *

Update (0955ET): For the second day in a row, California has shattered a daily record for new cases, reporting more than 6,600 infections on Tuesday, after reporting more than 6k on Monday, leaving the state with its second consecutive record for the largest single-day count since the outbreak began.

Stocks aren’t happy.

* * *

A pullback in risk assets on Wednesday has swerved the spotlight back to the burgeoning global coronavirus crisis, a resurgence in global cases driven primarily by the US, Latin America and a handful of Asian or Eurasian countries including India and Russia (and several of their neighbors).

Most alarmingly, the US is on track to seeing the average number of new infections reported daily eclipse the highs from the “peak” of the outbreak back in April, when New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut saw the number of patients hospitalized and in the ICU hit their peaks. While deaths have lagged amid evidence that the rising case counts in the US are being driven primarily by young people acting irresponsibly, in roughly a week, the US will eclipse the 50k cases per day mark, at which point a surge in deaths and more severe cases will be virtually inevitable.

At this point, the alarming surge in new cases seen along the sunbelt states from Florida to Arizona on to California is clearly being driven by loosening restrictions on the economy, as states that waited the longest to close down have also been among the first to reopen. At first, it looked like this strategy had been vindicated as Georgia appeared to have dodged the feared second wave. But the state has since seen its daily case counts move back into record territory: Arizona, California, Texas and Mississippi all reported record increases in new cases yesterday, along with other states.

A staggering 27 states are now seeing cases increase, according to the NY Times.

Per WaPo, 33 states and US territories have reported a higher rolling average than last week. But even as case numbers climb, the federal government is poised to turn off the taps for federal funding to boost testing in hard-hit states like Texas. We suppose that’s what Trump meant when he said he “wasn’t joking” about trying to slow down the testing.

As a team of analysts from Fundstrat put it: “The rise is across multiple states, and while testing is higher, the synchronized rise across states is the bigger driver. The trend in cases is not good, and at face value, should be alarming.”

But it’s not just the US and Brazil. Germany reported 712 new cases of COVID-19, an increase of more than 200 from the number reported yesterday as Germany struggles with an outbreak at a meatpacking plant, while Tokyo reports 55 infections, its highest daily tally since May 5.

Localized lockdowns have been adopted in Germany (in the area surrounding the meatpacking plant which also happens to be located in Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia), and Israel as well as PM Benamin Netanyahu uses the lockdown and the pandemic response more broadly to try and protect his interests during his ongoing legal troubles.

As some EU members reopen their borders to intra-bloc tourists, Brussels is weighing whether to keep Americans out past July, when the bloc will begin to reopen its borders to countries where the virus isn’t widely spreading. The US clearly doesn’t meet this criteria, and President Trump showed Europe no similar consideration when he barred travelers from the Continent as well as Great Britain a few months back.

China’s policy of responding to every new outbreak with overwhelming force (while its propagandists work to blame it on the US and the West) has managed to successfully contain an other outbreak. The latest outbreak in Beijing has now been contained, Lei Haichao, head of Beijing Municipal Health Commission, said during a briefing on Wednesday. The virus spread very fast and a large number of cases emerged in a short period, Lei said. Beijing reported just seven additional local coronavirus infections for June 23, down from 13 the day before, per the NHC.

NHC officials told WaPo that they’ve conducted more than 90 million nucleic acid swab tests since the pandemic began.

Even in Australia, the state of Victoria saw 20 new cases in the past 24 hours and one man in his 80s died, bringing the national death toll to 103, weeks after the country reopened on the view that the outbreak had been successfully quashed.

As the UK moves to lift most of its lockdown restrictions by July 4, the WHO declared Wednesday that all African countries have now developed laboratory capacity to test for the coronavirus, according to Dr.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the organization’s director general, who celebrated the advance in testing capacity.

“The most recent one million cases of COVID-19 were reported in just one week,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a virtual conference on COVID-19 vaccine development and access across the continent.

Though cases have picked up slightly in recent weeks, Africa has largely surprised health officials by avoiding the devastating outbreaks that many had feared.

Globally, the number of coronavirus cases topped 9.2 million, while the global death toll topped 475k. In the US, cases neared the 2.5 million mark, while deaths topped 120k.

As we reported last night, Texas Children’s Hospital began admitting adult patients, as hospitalizations have soared in Harris County in and around Houston. Meanwhile, Gov. Greg Abbott urged Texans to stay inside to avoid spreading the virus, finally acknowledging that “the safest place for you is at your home,” he said Tuesday.

Finally, Major League Baseball announced Tuesday on Twitter that its back-and-forth with the players’ union has been resolved and that athletes were reporting to training camps, despite a handful of infections at a Phillies spring training camp in Clearwater.

Is this about to happen to this great nation? Discern the times.

See the posts on interviews with Henry about his vision about the nuclear attack upon the US. Over the next months or a year, are we looking at war and wide spread destruction of the United States. God has protected this country for over 200 years. He has had His hand of protection over America, but it appears to be now approaching. Are you living your life under the protective Wings of the Lord.

America was established as a Christian nation. That fact cannot be denied.

This “Land of the Free” has been blessed beyond the dreams of 80% of the world’s population. It has been one of the richest countries the world has known. Because of its spiritual condition however, that seems to be all about to change.

Why? Because the people of this country and much of the world have adopted the sinful ways of Satan as their accepted and lawful norms of society. Society has taken the Ten Commandments out of our schools and courtrooms as a result of our revolt against God.

God’s judgment may soon be poured out upon this once great country. Americans rebelling and electing Mr Trump has brought this nation back from the brink of destruction, and has done so against what seemed impossible odds. The miraculous election of Donald Trump seems to be giving it a grace period. A time for the citizens to make a decision to come humble themselves and come home to Jesus. God is providing this country the opportunity to come back by his undeserved grace. But there are so many evil leaders entrenched in our government and the condition of our churches is so dismal and pathetic that there seems to be very little chance.

We all must pray for America urgently. Pray that she and her citizens wake up out of its slumber and grab the moment. Now is the time for salvation. Now is the time to get this country back on course. 

Discern the times! Are you ready? Are you spiritually fit and prepared?

Pray that the people pray for America. Pray for a massive revival. Pray and plead the Blood over President Trump for his and his family’s safety and protection. Regardless of your political persuasion.

The time is very short. There is a huge spiritual war going on… today. Without a huge revival everything is about to change. We are about to be living in a different world. A much more evil world. Are you ready? Are you spiritually prepared? This ministry has been called to help you develop the type of “Enduring Faith” that can help you during these perilous times of the end.

Mat 24:13  But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

It is totally evident that the end times are upon us and that NOW is the time for each of us to do a deep, soul searching, and self examination of our personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus Christ. Yeshua! It is time for each of us to make sure we are a born again, saved Christian and living our lives IN Jesus and not just dancing in and out of some church, being a name only Christian.

None of us wants to be disqualified from God’s protection and love during these times coming upon the world..

It Is Time To Get Right With God! Has the Spiritual War been brought into your family?

This is your Final Warning to “Examine Yourself”!

It’s time to take your Spiritual Condition Inventory

So much of Churchianity has been lying to us. So many preachers have caved and adopted the ways of society.

It is our prayer that this Spiritual Condition Inventory will be of help to all in identifying and freeing oneself from all the fleshly sin in our life, that may be oppressing you or worse. For the Word of God says in Gal 5:21

…that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Read verse 21 again, it’s important.

Society has adopted many of the “Works of the Flesh” as OK or approved standards for living. Christians are commanded by God to hold themselves to a higher standard. We are asked to live a life by God’s rules of righteousness.

If you are living a lifestyle that is outside the Ten Commandments or are a slave to any of the “Works of the Flesh”, found in Galatians chapter Five—

This may be your “Final Warning”! Things are about to get real, real serious. A Spiritual War on Steroids is breaking out.

He loves all His children and His biggest desire is for each of us to be saved. That especially includes you. You are not the exception and Jesus is here to help you.

If God is forced to pour out His judgment on this land, All Hell Will Be Cut Loose.

If you say you believe in Jesus, please believe these Words of God.

When truly saved and infilled by the Holy Spirit, a person cannot be a slave
to any of the “Works of the Flesh”. At least not without suffering severe consequences and I question if the guarantee of salvation is possible when one is engulfed in these types of sinful ways. We can be in danger of losing the covering and protection of God during these final days. We don’t want to be one of the ten virgins left behind for the marriage Feast.

One reason Jesus Christ had to be crucified, shed His Blood and die on that cross was because He knew none of us could achieve salvation on our own merits. None can be good enough on one’s own power. Only the power of the cross and the blood sacrifice are enough to give us the grace we needed to repent of our sins and receive forgiveness and salvation.

Your Spiritual Condition can be measured by comparing your life to what the bible refers to as the “Works of the Flesh”. 

The “Works of the Flesh” are all from Satan. These Works are your:

Here are two video’s of Steve Quayle interviewing Pastor Henry Gruver. Henry is a friend of The Joseph Plan and one of God’s spokesmen to the nations. In the below video’s Henry discusses his vision about the destruction of over a dozen US cities and the spiritual condition of this world of ours.

The World Is In Big Trouble, for Those That Believe We Will Go Back to Some Sense of Normal Life Here on Earth, You Will Be Sadly Disappointed, Seven and Half Years of Hell on Earth Which Began January 1, 2020

“Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and honesty has been outlawed” (Isa. 59:14, NLT)…We Turned Our Backs On GOD, Now We Have Been Left To Our Own Devices, Enjoy…

While Mainstream Media Continues to Push a False Narrative, Big Tech Has to Keep the Truth From Coming out by Shadow Banning Conservatives, Christians, and Like-Minded People, Those Death Attributed to the Coronavirus Is a Result of Those Mentioned, They Truly Are Evil…

Source: HNewsWire thejosephplan.org

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, HNewsWire.com
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

In police-state fashion, Big Tech took the list of accused (including this site), declared all those named guilty and promptly shadow-banned, de-platformed or de-monetized us all without coming clean about how they engineered the crushing of dissent, Now more than ever big Tech has exposed there hand engaging in devious underhanded tactics to make the sinister look saintly, one of Satan’s greatest weapons happens to be deceit…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

For those of you who care, Google and your favorite social media platforms have misled you, and now we all pay a heavy price for trusting the ungodly, Google and company, They knew exactly what they were doing, removing our history while preparing you to accept the New World Order playbook, Enjoy.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “We Are Watching a Re-Run, It’s Hard to Believe the People of This Country Are Going to Allow This Plandemic to Play Out for the Second Time

  1. StevieRay. This is very troubling, what I am about to share with you. I ask that you research and confirm it. Most will not accept it.
    Dmitru Dudiman spoke exactly what Gruver spoke, about American cities destroyed by fire, 20 years before Gruver. Dudiman suffered great hardship and was tortured for Jesus, far beyond anything Gruver ever imagined. Deep analyses of the Book of Ezekiel, which Gruver uses as one of his foundations and proofs that God gave him these things, gives very troubling insights. Ezekiel has some very important problems concerning it’s validity.
    No future physical “temple” rebuilt in Jerusalem can ever be “Ordained” of God, and therefore no “Ordinance” can ever be followed concerning it, as Ezekiel is interpreted to contend in it’s final chapters. This renders the final chapters of Ezekiel “re-arranged” at the very least, “re-written” or “outright false”. Take your pick. JESUS IS THE TEMPLE and the purpose of it, being the FINAL SACRIFICE. In either case, concerning Ezekiel, whether it was re-arranged or re-written to suit the agenda of the Pharisees who forced it into the canon around 300 BC, at the objection of Torah scholars that contended it conflicts with the Torah, it can in no way be valid for a Christian to rely upon, in light of Revelation 21 concerning the “temple” which IS Jesus. The 12 gates and healing trees and waters found in Ezekiel are those in New Jerusalem, which has NO TEMPLE (other than Jesus Himself) and NO ANIMAL SACRIFICE, which arrives at the END of the thousand year reign of Jesus on earth. Further, Jesus is now KING of KINGS, and LORD of LORDS, and no “Prince”. No animal sacrifice will EVER be accepted by God again, for ANY purpose whatsoever. Where does this leave Ezekiel? Where is it found that Jesus or any Apostle ever quoted Ezekiel, since it is so important? Ezekiel only fits the false narrative of the arrival of a false Armageddon and false Messiah – and false Israel. Only a “Remnant” will be saved of those falsely calling themselves “Israel”, which are Judah (House of Judah). TWO Tribes are not “Israel”, especially those who were ALWAYS called Judah/Judea. Jesus calls them “JUDEA” in Matthew 24, at the time of the arrival of the man of sin. Revelation shows us exactly who stands before God’s throne, being called His Elect. They are those who wash their robes and make them white in the Blood of the Lamb. NONE OTHERS are found there. The contention that this absolutely wicked false “Israel” that rejects the Blood of the Lamb, will be saved by God, is another outright LIE. This is another LIE of Ezekiel, which speaks NOTHING of our Lord and savior Jesus. Yet we have embraced it as truth, just because it was included in the Canon. Is this why Revelation gives the warning to those who would add or subtract from it’s Words? Is it telling us it is possible also? Matthew 24 has been altered considerably by the Vatican, can be proven in a much earlier version actually found in the dead Sea scrolls. In ways that hides their lies.
    The entire point I am making is that those who use the Book of Ezekiel as a foundation to “God” giving them insights, must be a LIAR, since Ezekiel must be a lie. It has to be. Either JESUS is the Temple or Ezekiel’s temple is. It can not be both. This is very troubling, since we have relied upon Ezekiel all of our lives, but the TRUTH is the TRUTH.
    God will never again Ordain any other temple besides Jesus Himself. This makes Ezekiel invalid, unless it is speaking of the 2nd temple, in which case it was re-arranged, but it also added the 12 gates and healing waters which adds another more evil dimension coming from satan himself, who would only be privy to such. It was therefore more than re-arranged. It was planted to deceive.
    Ezekiel is in direct conflict with Revelation 21. This also exposes those who profess to have received Words from God, who can not possibly have done so, who use Ezekiel as that proof. It only serves the future purpose of the Pharisees, which are those who are the “brood of vipers” Jesus spoke of. Same ones still running JUDEA (fake Israel) today. Talmudic Jewish Doctrine is the Synagogue of satan. It will be destroyed, quite contrary to what Ezekiel 38 appears to say. “Those who be in Judea, flee to the mountains” is yet to come, at the arrival of the man of sin. It will be destroyed. It is only assumed he will arrive in Judea. The Vatican is where it will take place. They have prepared for the arrival of this man of sin – Horus #7. His throne appears as within the Shrine of Osiris/Baldacchino. They have a “daily sacrifice”. It is all there. It is all unto the deception. “The very Elect would be deceived if it were possible”. The utterly blasphemous obelisk ejaculating the cross from it, symbolizes it perfectly, hidden in plain sight exalted in the center of St. Peter’s Square. The “rebirth of Osiris” as Christ will not take place in a FAKE rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, which can NOT be a “holy place” or “temple of God”, since IT CAN NOT BE ORDAINED OF GOD. “Standing where it ought not” means somewhere else. The Vatican is where he will be revealed and call himself God, where it is plain to see, where CHRISTIANS will be deceived. Where he can do the most damage. Why would satan want to destroy those he already owns? The Vatican is already called a “holy place” and “temple of God” by those who truly love Jesus, that believe it to be that, who are the majority of those who worship there today. it is only the Leadership that is false. “Evil men crept in unawares”. It will also be called a “holy place” and “temple of God” by the FAKE MESSIAH that arrives there shortly, aka son of perdition.
    People think they are safe because the so-called FRAUD 3rd temple has not been rebuilt, which rejects the BLOOD of the LAMB. Their minds will twist around in strained contortions when it happens at the Vatican, and they will not recognize it. That is the purpose of the deception. Will be easier to say he is Christ. “He did not arrive at the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, therefore he is not the anti-Christ – this is PROOF!”, is what will be said.

    Do the research. Very troubling to find this as such, but it can be no other way. If you have another explanation, it is very welcome.
    (Hope I did not make too may errors in writing)
    God Bless you StevieRay.

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