Western Civilization is ‘in Decline’ Because The Church is Failing.


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The “death of truth in America,” said Jim DeMint, former Senator from South Carolina and President of the Institute for Conservative Partnership, is a direct consequence of people’s lack of faith.

He elaborated on this in his article for The Federalist.

“The American people are growing rightly skeptical of what they are told,” he wrote. “For the past two years, they’ve faced an onslaught of lies and misinformation that has left them with little faith in our institutions – from Congress to the White House and even within the Christian church.”

As an example, he recalled attending a sermon many decades ago in which the pastor, after describing Jesus’ amazing and spectacular resurrection, concluded that it didn’t matter whether it was really true, just that Christians believed it was true.

DeMint believed it was a one-in-a-million remark until he saw a tweet from Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia, who is pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, saying, “The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves.”

That made him question how American Christians had been so far removed from Christianity’s basic truths. The response he discovered was that many had misled themselves into thinking that “truth is relative.”

Speaking of the examples he provided, he said that what he saw to be a delusion arising inside the Christian church has now spread across society, resulting in the death of truth in the United States.

“Today, we see it manifesting itself in our norms, education system, media, and politics,” said DeMint. “Men identify as women and we accept that as truth. Does it matter that if we examined their chromosomes they would be biologically male? Not in today’s world. What has been true since the dawn of time is suddenly out the window.”

He went on to say that the same individuals who refuse to accept the irrefutable genetic proof regarding one’s sex would listen to “whatever armchair experts” think about COVID-19 and call it “science.”

DeMint drew attention to the double standards that apply when people who raise concerns about the effectiveness of mask requirements, lockdowns, non-FDA-approved vaccines, are immediately labeled “anti-science.”

He also made a point of criticizing politicians who falsify election integrity laws, as well as large companies that kowtow to such states for fear of boycotts.

The core of all these is what DeMint accurately stated: “If you want to know the reason for the death of truth in America, look no further than the decline of Americans who choose to live their lives based on the values laid out in the Bible.”

It’s not only America, but the whole western civilization is collapsing because the Christian Church is failing too.

“The fall of the church is due to the fact that it has become unmoored from truth – following the culture instead of leading it,” said DeMint.

While politicians and judges have systematically eroded America’s Judeo-Christian values, major Christian groups have been relatively quiet. It is now illegal to preach or bring Bibles into schools, Christians are imprisoned for attempting to exercise their faith, and biblical morality is now deemed as hate speech.

DeMint believes there is only one answer to all of this shambles. That is for the Christian church in America to repent, and then to have the guts to take the lead.

Personally i believe that change won’t just be found in the church, it will be found in the homes of millions of Americans. Those who cherish the moral and ethical guidance provided by the Holy Bible will be rewarded by God while those who have turned their cheek to him reap what they’ve sewn. Take a look into superposition and it’s relation to all things defying God in my recent article. This is an organized movement by satan himself, and over half of the nation is divided over this illusion.

Sources: ChristianityDaily, TheFederalist, HNewsWire

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  1. Edward O'Hara on October 9, 2021 at 1:23 am

    The true church is not to blame. They are living lives exemplary to the faith. It’s the very visible apostate church you’re referring to. It started many centuries ago when Roman Catholicism’s false doctrine of original sin and sin nature came along. Truly a form of godliness that denies it’s power. Not only does it not set free those who believe in it. It actually binds them to sin.

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