Watchman: When Satan Soldier Biden’s in Charge — a Demonic Presence Controls


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Joe Biden Agenda “ Joe Soldiers Claim Conservatives and Christian's Are Evil... and They Must Be Rooted Out. They Are Your Children’s Teachers. They Work at Supermarkets, Malls, Doctor’s Offices, and Many Are Police Officers and Soldiers…

A new viral video calling on liberals to form “an army of citizen detectives” to gather information on Trump supporters and report their activities to the authorities has racked up thousands of shares and millions of views in just a few hours.

The hashtag #TrumpsNewArmy is trending on Twitter as of this writing due to the release of a horrifying video with that title from successful author and virulent Russiagater Don Winslow. As of this writing it has some 20 thousand shares and 2.6 million views, and the comments and quote-retweets are predominantly supportive.


On January 20th Donald Trump will no longer be The Commander in Chief.

He will lose control of the U.S. Armed Forces and take control of a NEW ARMY.— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 19, 2021

“On or before January 20th, Donald Trump will no longer be the Commander-in-Chief: he will lose control of the Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, Special Forces and America’s nuclear arsenal,” Winslow’s voice begins ominously. “On January 20th Donald Trump will become Commander-in-Chief of a different army: this army.”

Viewers are then shown footage from Trump rallies while being told that they are looking at “radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists”.

“They are hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs,” Winslow warns.

“They are your children’s teachers. They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor’s offices, and many are police officers and soldiers.”

Winslow talks about white supremacists and the Capitol riot, warning that Trump will continue escalating violence and fomenting a civil war in America.

“We have to fight back,” Winslow declares.

“In this new war, the battlefield has changes. Computers can be more valuable than guns. And this is what we need now more than ever: an army of citizen detectives. I’m proposing we form a citizen army. Our weapons will be computers and cellphones. We, who are monitoring extremists on the internet and reporting our findings to authorities. Remember, before the Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden, he had to be found. He was found by a CIA analyst working on a computer thousands of miles away. It’s up to you.”

The viral video is being loudly amplified by popular #Resistance accounts like Majid M Padellan (better known as Brooklyn Dad Defiant) with frighteningly paranoid and HUAC-like rhetoric.

#TrumpsNewArmy is VILE.
And we KNOW who they are.

They are our teachers.
They are our neighbors.
They are our police officers.

EXPOSE THEIR TREASON.— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) January 19, 2021

“#TrumpsNewArmy is VILE,” one of Padellan’s Twitter shares of the video reads. “And we KNOW who they are. They are our teachers. They are our neighbors. They are our police officers. They are EVERYWHERE. EXPOSE THEIR TREASON.”

“Donald trump is on his way out,” reads another.

“Good riddance. But his ‘army’ is still here, hiding amongst us. They are traitors. They are evil. And they MUST be rooted OUT.”

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,” reads yet another. “But SOME people… they pledged their allegiance ONLY to trump. These are dangerous traitors.”

“After 9/11, we were told: If you see something, say something,” reads still another.

“We have TERRORISTS in our midst. Some of us KNOW these people. It is our patriotic DUTY to expose them.”

So if you were hoping that maybe liberals would chill out and get a little less crazy with Trump out of the White House, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

This is as insane and scary as I have ever seen these people get, and I was in the thick of peak Russiagate hysteria. An aggressively manufactured push to get an army of citizens spying on each other calls to mind the Stasi informants of East Germany, the patriotism-fueled digital “digging” of the QAnon psyop, and the NatSec LARPing of Louise Mensch Twitter, all rolled into one great big ball of crazy.

Veteran CIA officer and former deputy DNI Sue Gordon calls for a "9/11 Commission kind of activity" to apply "lessons that we learned in the fight against foreign terrorism" to battle domestic extremism— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) January 19, 2021

This comes out as we are being bombarded with mass media punditry from literal CIA veterans like Sue Gordon and Elissa Slotkin forcefully hammering home the message that domestic terror is the new frontier for combating violent extremism, meaning of course that new Patriot Act-like solutions will be needed. Winslow himself spent six years traveling and doing research for a novel about a former CIA operative, and if some government agency didn’t recruit him during that period they clearly should have.

This will get frightening if it keeps up. Just as a relatively low-profile lefty blogger I routinely get liberals online falsely claiming I’m a Russian agent and saying they’ll report me to the FBI, and that’s without an aggressive campaign urging them to join a powerful digital army. The fact that Winslow stays very vague about what he means by “Trump’s new army” and constantly conflates rank-and-file Trump supporters with white supremacist terrorists means people are effectively being pointed at all Trump supporters, especially when normal Trump rallies are what he points to in the video. If this takes off it can very quickly lead to a volunteer army of power-worshipping snitches against literally anyone who is critical of US foreign policy or the Democratic Party, whether they actually support Trump or not.

In fact just following the trending hashtag I’m noticing Twitter users saying this means targeting all Trump supporters, so clearly that is the message that’s being absorbed.

That #TrumpsNewArmy video is making people crazy and scary. I've been in the thick of liberal insanity right through peak Russiagate, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like this.— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) January 19, 2021

“Trumpers are pushing back so hard against this video because so many of them live in the dark, cloaked behind normal jobs and seemingly normal lives,” Winslow tweeted in promotion of his project.

Well maybe that’s because they are half the voting public, Don?

Winslow mixes in these generic comments about “Trumpers” with comments about “white supremacists”, about whom he tweets “1. We expose them. 2. We identify them. 3. We notify law enforcement. 4. We notify their employers.”

Their employers.

This is just liberals being pushed toward targeting anyone who isn’t ideologically aligned with them for destruction. I really, really hope it doesn’t take off, because it is profoundly ugly. Please don’t let the manipulators trick you into ripping each other to pieces, America. They’re only pointing you at each other so you don’t look at them.

Source: HNewsWire ZeroHedge HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire HNewsWire


StevieRay Hansen

[email protected]

Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Watchman: When Satan Soldier Biden’s in Charge — a Demonic Presence Controls

  1. Evil is called good. And good is called evil. This has always been the way of men filled with evil spirits. Seems there’s just more of them now. Must be the last of the last days. Beloved, never tire of doing what is right. Keep the faith. Pray and stand firm in the grace that through faith without works has brought you eternal life by knowing Jesus. We always have hope because we know God is in control.

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