Xi’an Residents Fighting Starvation During Lockdown.


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Since China’s anti-COIVD-19 program imposed a strict lockdown, causing food scarcity for more than twenty days, Chinese people in Xi’an city have continued to seek foreign assistance.

After the abrupt lockdown in Xi’an, 62-year-old decoration worker Liang Yanping from Hubei and his coworkers were locked down in an unfinished house without heating, a stove, or any furnishings, according to a Jan. 11 report in the state-run China Youth Daily. Only three boxes of instant noodles kept them alive for three weeks throughout the coldest part of the year. The workers were praised for being the “loveliest people” who did not cause any trouble for Xi’an and merely asked for a meal during the New Year festival, according to the story.

Through another citizen’s inability to get to the hospital for a sudden bone dislocation, the report implicitly validated the difficulty of accessing medical assistance during the lockdown.

According to the Washington Post, a bleeding pregnant woman sat at the door of Xi’an Gaoxin Hospital waiting for medical assistance before miscarrying due to a lack of timely treatment.

“we can never see vegetable delivery by the authorities,” Ms. Le, a resident of Yangjiacun neighborhood in Yanta district in Xi’an city, told the Chinese-language Epoch Times. “we were given a phone number of a vegetable deliverer, but the phone was always turned off and didn’t get through.”

According to Le, her living community compound was left with only a QR code for a group chat and a “just for show” volunteer following the lockdown.

Officials are “only responsible for power, not for people,” according to Le. People outside of China “need to see the real life of ordinary people in Xi’an, and not be confused by the illusion shown by the authorities.”

On Jan. 9, Du Weilong posted on Weibo (China’s version of Twitter) that she resides in the Xi’an high-tech Gaoxin zone and has been locked down at home for nearly 20 days, with the exception of performing nucleic acid testing.

“I only received vegetables once, 2 potatoes, 2 onions, one cabbage, and two white radishes” she said, adding that she had not received any other food.  “What do we eat? Are we going to be starved to death at home?”

“Why can’t we, the people, receive them?” Du questioned the authorities’ propaganda about veggies being transported to Xi’an from other cities across the country. “It’s everyone who is starving.” she added.

Du believed that by enlisting the support of social media users, they would be able to obtain food and “not die of hunger at home.”

Mr. Chen, a resident of Xianyang city, which is 31 kilometers (19 miles) east of Xi’an, told the Chinese-language Epoch Times on Jan. 10 that a few days before, when he finished work and was heading home in the evening, he was suddenly cut off by a tin fence erected on Wangxian road, which runs along the eastern border of Weicheng district.

The defense and control personnel had built up a barrier a few hundred meters distant on the other side, and individuals who had exited that side were similarly barred from entering or leaving.

Chen said he and more than 200 individuals were trapped in a “emergency blockade” that encircled the two borders for over one kilometer.

When they explained that they were out getting 48-hour nucleic acid certificates and just wanted to get home for a hot lunch, the security personnel over the gate remained silent.

There was an ambulance and a truck with a banner stating “fight the epidemic, protect people’s livelihood, overcome the difficulties together” in addition to the inhabitants who were unable to return home. “It’s very ironic,” Chen added.

The throng waited for 10 hours till 3 a.m. in the frigid evening of 4°C (39.2°F) until they struck an arrangement with epidemic prevention officers that they could finally go home, but that they had to stay at home and not come out again after that.

That’s what it looks like when you give the government the slack to disrespect its people. It’s all about money and control. This defense and control personnel are likely only there because they have steady pay and they get to be the bullies not the bullied. “fight the epidemic, protect people’s livelihood, overcome the difficulties together” said the banner on the vehicle blocking people from returning home; To prevent the spread of a virus from one side of a fence to the other mind you. An excuse to interfere is all the authoritarian regime needs to impose itself upon its citizens. With that being said, watch closely how people of power choose to use said power in the context of COVID measures. With that insight, you’d probably assume that the Wuhan virus is objectively a means for governments across the world to impose restrictions and exercise authoritarian rule over their people.

To break with China’s status quo, we must let go of the delusion that the CCP is a genuine political party. The Chinese people are entitled to democracy and freedom from the oppressive CCP. Xi has decided to choose his “leaders” based on how egregious their capabilities are when given the power to oppress percentages of the population. These are the actions of feeble minded men, who seek to live for the world. They’ll never let go of the power they’ve attained willingly.

It should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention to global politics that this is happening. However, one could speculate and say that tensions across the board are running higher than ever for the Chinese Communist Party. Something has got to give, America is no longer able to turn a blind eye from persecution due to the rapid spread of information in this digital age. The question remains, who will stop the CCP from committing further violations against human rights, and how much longer until that takes place? The people could surely rise up and put a stop to it, but i guess we’ll have to see if the CCP will be able to survive the tumble it’s currently Taking. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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