Christian Persecution Continues, Canadian Police Arrest Another Pastor For Holding Worship Service Outdoors.


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Canadian Pastor Tobias Tissen
(Photo : Twitter) Canadian Pastor Tobias Tissen

Canada reportedly heightened its anti-Church efforts as another pastor–this time from Steinbach, Manitoba–was arrested for holding worship services outdoors.

CBN News said Church of God Restoration Pastor Tobias Tissen was arrested on October 18 during a traffic stop after months of avoiding the police. Tissen was issued a warrant of arrest in May that prohibits him from preaching to more than five people during outdoor gatherings.

The bail hearing for Tissen was scheduled for October 19 but it was rescheduled at a later date since he objected to the restrictions imposed by the authorities on his duties as a preacher.

Previously, Canadian Pastors James Coates of Alberta, Tim Stephens of Calgary, and Artur Pawlowski have been arrested by police for conducting worship services in violation of the COVID-19 restrictions.

In an interview with Fox News, Tissen revealed that church leaders are being attacked by the police based on his own experience of being prohibited from holding worship services. Tissen disclosed that he and other churches have filed lawsuits against Manitoba for its extreme restrictions on COVID-19.

“They had these conditions that I wasn’t allowed to attend any gatherings that were in contravention of COVID-19. And that would automatically prohibit me from going to church and preaching. And I could not agree with that,” Tissen said.

“(There is a) fight between good and evil, and they’re targeting those public figures that are in the lead who are fighting against the evil,” he added.

Tissen shared his reflection on the Bible in line with what is currently happening now. He cited Paul’s letter to the Ephesians who underscored the reality of spiritual warfare Christians are beset with. He also likened Canada’s COVID-19 restrictions against religious practices as an overreach of “Caesar” in godly things, citing the passage on it in the Bible.

“In Ephesians, it says that we’re fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places and principalities and powers. That’s it, right now, what we see. And they’re after all of us who are giving to God what belongs to God and to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. But now, Caesar wants that which belongs to God. And as Christians, we just cannot. We cannot comply with that,” Tissen emphasized.

Tissen was released from jail October 21 and announced it in his Twitter account. Tissen pointed out his reunion with his family was something he have so-longed for, calling it a “blessing.”

The post included a 34-second video of him coming out of detention as his wife hurriedly approached him with a hug and kiss. The video then showed his two very young children hugging him next. As of writing, the video clip had been viewed 8,900 times and received 335 likes, 60 retweets, and 4 quoted tweets.

“What a blessed moment this was! Was waiting for it for about 45 hours,” Tissen remarked.

But despite the post not trending, Tissen’s arrest last week has brought attention to the world, especially to other Christian leaders who expressed support of him. One of the religious leaders that gave him support is Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham who expressed concerns over Canada’s decline from being a “freedom-loving people” to one of “disturbing” COVID-19 restrictions that are “some of the world’s strictest.” Graham urged people to “pray for Tissen and his church.”

“What’s happening in Canada should concern freedom-loving people everywhere. It is extremely disturbing as it relates to pastors and churches being targeted,” Graham said.

“Earlier this month the Canadian Prime Minister announced some of the world’s strictest COVID-19 vaccine mandates. By the end of the month, all employees in any federally-regulated industries are required to be vaccinated or face termination,” he added. “And, unbelievably, anyone who wants to travel by plane, train, or ship must also be vaccinated. Where’s this going to end?”

The moment that this funny business comes to America, we’ll have to curl up into ourselves. We’re not soulless rats in a maze, we’re children of God. We’ve uncovered plenty of historical and theological evidence to back our claims. Christians are silent, baring witness to what is to come. Because they can’t separate the worldliness from themselves. Spreading the gospel and educating yourself on the traps that satan has set for humanity to back your claims is how we can save people.

By no means is this an easy feat, considering they want to restrict out door preaching. So perhaps it’s time for the church to adapt. We need to separate ourselves, and embrace the tides that are inevitably going to divide the people. Once separated, we need to come together in worship & education. The veil that satan has put before us can be lifted with the wisdom God will provide.

Nehemiah 9 says: “On the twenty-fourth day of the same month, the Israelites gathered together, fasting and wearing sackcloth and having dust on their heads. Those of Israelite descent had separated themselves from all foreigners. They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the wickedness of their fathers.”

Why did Israel Separate themselves from the others? They separated because the foreign nations were leading them into sin. James 1:27 says: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” If they were not living separately, they would be tempted to intermarry, worship their gods, and be drawn into all types of sin.

This is why the nation of Israel fell under Solomon, He married many foreign wives who influenced him to worship their gods. His stumble brought the exile of Israel. A person trying to live for God and walk with the world is a double-minded man. James 1:7-8 says that this person will receive nothing from God. We must be single minded because it is the “pure in heart” who will see God. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Sources: ChristianityDaily, BibleHub




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