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A Long Journey Home Book Cover

A Thrilling Ride

Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed, and complete the journey. Click Here to Purchase on Amazon.com!

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Or have you already been sealed to God by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption? And do you really know the difference?

I ask this because many have been deceived to worship Moloch who is a false god described for us in Leviticus18, Amos5, and Acts7. While being led to believe they are worshipping the one true Creator God who authored the scriptures. The Creator that tells us in those scriptures who He is and how we can know Him.

If we are really able to listen to what is being taught in most "christian" churches today we will find that they are actually teaching what bears a very strong resemblance to the worship of the false god Moloch. Instead of the God described in the Bible whose word they are purporting to be teaching. And it is directly because of this that so many who believe they are Christians are taking a c-shot that leads to eternal death.

Many who call themselves christian have already made the connection between the worship of Moloch and abortion. As both are a form of the child sacrifice Moloch demands from his worshippers. But, what they have failed to see is the connection between the worship of Moloch and what the doctrine of original sin teaches about God, Jesus, and the atonement.

The connection between the worship of Moloch and the doctrine of original sin is that  their most defining characteristic is that these both proclaim that the bloody death of the innocent was necessary to appease his wrath. I want to make this point very clear.

Again. One of the main defining characteristics of the worship of Moloch is the bloody torturous death of the innocent to appease his wrath. And one of the defining characteristics of the doctrine of original sin is also the belief that the bloody and torturous death of the innocent was required to appease God's wrath.


By this deception satan is able to make the strong delusion that is coming upon the world more palatable to many who claim to be christian. Palatable because from the beginning they have not trusted in the true God to love the truth. But, instead take pleasure in the unrighteousness of trusting in a false god. One who demands the bloody death of the innocent to appease his wrath. Moloch.



The purpose of Jesus' sacrifice under the law is explained by Jesus Himself in Mt.5:17,18 as being necessary for the law to pass away. Because His life and His death would fulfill the law. And only when it passed away could a New Covenant where there is no law, but only the leading of the Holy Spirit by His love, come to power. A covenant where only the belief in Jesus to know Him brings eternal life.

This was to make the way for justification without works(Rom.4:5). And so that only one sin, one that has nothing to do with works, would be what separates man from God. Jesus said that sin is "They believe not on me" in John16:9. And it's no coincidence that this is the only sin Jesus said He sent the Holy Spirit to reprove the world of.

So satan outdid himself when he got so many to believe that the cross represents the bloody death of the innocent that was required by their god to appease his wrath. Because the Bible never once makes such a claim.

This is why to so many who call themselves christian the demands of Moloch sound familiar. It is because they have been deceived by the doctrine of original sin. And if you have, then your doctrine paints the true God with the very same brush that defines the worship of the false pagan god Moloch. A deception that is being used to lock you into Moloch's deadly embrace.

An embrace that will lead to the strong delusion Paul spoke of in 2Thes.2. A deception that is also now causing so many who believe they are christian to not only accept, but willingly wait in line for, the c-shot that is being used to develop and mark men for Moloch. For satan himself. Making the way for the "falling away" Paul spoke of in 2Thes.2:1-3.

Because it is satan himself that is pushing those in leadership who follow him to make the c-shot a requirement for the people of the world to participate in normal activities like church, school, going to market, ball games, concerts, night clubs, etc..... Even though in the Nuremberg trials this kind of coercion was made punishable by death.

I also believe that it is these series of c-shots people are now being given that is the method by which satan is creating his army. An army that by the time antichrist comes on the scene, because they have been so changed by those shots, it will cause them to willingly fight against God and His armies when Jesus returns at the end of the great tribulation. A series of shots that I believe will develop into the mark of the beast.

And now word comes out that a very "special shot" has been prepared- https://rumble.com/vtfpmu-devolved-vol-2-two-sides-of-the-same-coin.html?mref=nmtun&mc=4m0ok- by the so called "white hats" for the purpose of immunizing people against "covid" and all of it's so called "variants" with just one shot. A shot that was supposedly developed by operation warp speed in secret while the deep state has been pushing their series of shots.

But, since we know that no corona virus has ever been isolated to prove that it even exists. Which means that covid was never the pathogen. And that the real pathogen is the c-shot itself. Then the question is, what is this "cover all cure all" shot really going to be used for?

I submit the very real probability that it is going to be used for the purpose of building satan's armies as well. And this "cover all cure all" shot to be offered by the "white hats" when it is offered at some point after they return to power will be the mark of the beast that worship of Moloch has set people up for. Time will tell.

Some might say Moloch worship was just Satan's way of counterfeiting the true worship of Adonai. And that this is why we see these similarities. But, in actuality and in all practicality nothing could be further from the truth. Because in fact, there could not be a greater departure from the truth than for one to believe the true Creator God ever required a sacrifice for the appeasement of His wrath.

Some might say that Isaiah53 is a perfect picture that shows that the true purpose of the sacrifice of Jesus was for the appeasement of God's wrath. But, again nothing can be further from the truth. Because Is.53 shows us that it was not the people of God who believed this. Rather, it was and remains today only those who do not know God who will come to this conclusion.

For it was they who do not know God who said, "we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." But to the contrary, Isaiah says those who believe this do so only because "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way." Vs.3,6. So Isaiah says this is believed only by those who have "gone astray". Not those like Isaiah who trust in the true God.

Like all believers in the true God, Isaiah knew that He is not the kind of hateful god like Moloch who would demand a sacrifice to appease his wrath. But, rather God is a loving and gracious God who because of love devised a plan that would have He Himself join with His creation in their death. So that He could conquer their death by His resurrection.

A death that was just like ours in every way, made possible by taking on Himself the same flesh all men have as Heb.2:14, 1John4:1-3, and 2John1:7-11 plainly say He did. Made of the same seed Abraham, David, and Adam were as Heb.2:16, 2Tim.2:8, 1Cor.15:45,46 show. But, those who have been deceived to worship Moloch can not see this difference.

Which is why the apostle John defines Him as love, not hate, in 1John4. And the events surrounding the flood in Gen.6 show to those who know Him, not wrath, but His love. Because the events surrounding the flood show us to what great lengths God is willing to go to save mankind from sure annihilation. The events of Sodom and Gemorah show us the same. And all the deliverances God performed for His people Israel as well.

So not only must those who have been deceived to worship Moloch while thinking they were worshipping the Creator turn from Moloch to the true and living God. But, knowing Him also means they must learn to define these terms anew as God defines them.

For example, we see in Judges2:16 God's definition of justice. Here God says justice is deliverance by telling Israel this is why "the Lord raised up judges, which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them."

Otherwise they will find that they are not worshipping the true God, but instead the false god Moloch. And will end up hearing the words "away from me you that work iniquity for I never knew you you."

Grace must then be understood to be God's love in action, not unmerited favor, just as the Bible shows it to be in John3:16,17. Love that caused Him to become a man to join with man in our death as Heb.2:14,15 says He did. So that we could join with Him in eternal life by the resurrection that conquered our death for us. And justice then must be understood as deliverance for those being oppressed from the oppressor shown in Judges2:16.

Do you now see how the doctrine of original sin perverts our understanding of who the true God is? And how because they are deceived many are taking the c-shot because they believe that is what "Jesus would do"? And how that believing this doctrine actually forces men to worship Moloch that God forbid Israel to worship?

Because for those who are deceived by the doctrine of original sin, taking the c-shot is just another step down that road of deception. Because the strong delusion is for all who have not come to a love for the truth. But, instead have taken pleasure in unrighteousness. An unrighteousness that is their taking pleasure in not knowing Jesus by being deceived to believe they actually have.


Because they have actually come to a faith in Moloch, not Jesus. The false god that demands the bloody death of the innocent for atonement of their sins. A perversion of who God is. Who Jesus is. And the true purpose of the atonement.

And by doing so have believed the doctrine of the spirit of antichrist John spoke of in 1John4:1-3 that was already then in the world. Who John also said was to come. So that it is that spirit who not only convinces them to worship Moloch through the deception of the doctrine of original sin. But, is also convincing them to take the series of c-shots that will culminate in the mark of the beast. To make them satan soldiers in his armies that will fight against Jesus when He comes as I shared in part1 of this series of messages.

So if you have been deceived by the doctrine of original sin, which is a doctrine that promotes the worship of Moloch. A doctrine that has convinced you that the atonement was God's requirement of the bloody torturous death of the innocent to appease His wrath. Then you must turn from that idol to serve the living and true God as Paul instructed in 1Thes.1:9. To avoid the deception of the strong delusion that is coming upon the earth.

You must trust in and come to know the true God of the Bible and His Son who joined with you in your death, so that by faith in His resurrection, you could join with Him in His life. He did not die for you by dying in your place. He died for you by joining with you in your death.

It is not the appeasement of wrath that brings God's blessing of eternal life. It is His unconditional love for us that does. It is His love for us that provides for us eternal life when we confess Jesus is Lord and believe He has raised from the dead. Therefore, if you have been deceived into the worship of Moloch you must repent from it and trust in the true and living God.

Confess Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. Turn from the lie that He suffered and died at the hand of God to appease God's wrath. And know the truth that it was simply because He is love that He chose to join with you in your death. So that by His resurrection you could join with Him in His life. Do this, and you will not fall to the temptation coming upon the whole world to take the c-shot and the mark of the beast.

Do this... and I will see you there or in the air!

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Source: Edward O'Hara


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By Edward O'Hara | March 1, 2024 |

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By Edward O'Hara | January 8, 2024 |

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By Edward O'Hara | April 24, 2023 |

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A Long Journey Home Book Cover

A Thrilling Ride

Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later date. Once you begin, cancel your schedule, put your phone on silent, find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed, and complete the journey. Click Here to Purchase on Amazon.com!

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By Edward O'Hara | May 3, 2024

Iniquity. What is it when Jesus uses it in Mt.7:21-23 saying “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that…

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By StevieRay Hansen | May 3, 2024

Chick-Fil-A’s Donations To SPLC… Nearly all of the writers of the New Testament predicted that changes would occur in key beliefs after their deaths. That person would “fall away” and…

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Watchman Says Homosexuality Is Not Like Other Sins. To All the Homosexual-Affirming Churches, I Warn You with Tears… You Preach a Different Gospel and Serve a False Jesus!

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HNewsWire: The homosexual sin virus violates all of God’s rules, while I’ll try to be sensible in my fight against destruction, I will also be a warrior for Christ -which…

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The B.E.A.S.T. Is Built. It Appears Trump Will Be a Big Part of the Great Tribulation.

By StevieRay Hansen | May 3, 2024

HNewsWire: Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: over-criminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent-victimless-crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for…

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HNewWire: Massive government overreach and a particularly heinous type of mass delusion that its psy-experts purposefully disseminated under the pretext of so-called “public health programming” No, according to Politico, when…

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