Sexually Perverted Homosexuals, Whom We the People Elected:Chasten Buttigieg Leads Children in Pledge to Rainbow Flag — ‘to the Homosexual Agenda for Which It Stands’ You Should Understand Violates All of God’s Rules

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SRH: Homosexuality Violates All of God’s Rules,They Went Above and Beyond to Ensure That Your Kids Can Go Woke Just After waking… The homosexual sin virus violates all of God’s rules, while I’ll try to be sensible in my fight against destruction, I will also be a warrior for Christ -which makes me unstoppable…

HNewsWire- Chasten Buttigieg, the Fake spouse of US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, allegedly led youngsters in a vow of loyalty to the homosexual pride LGBT+E For EVIL banner in an uncovered 2019 video.

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Buttigieg instructed the little children to say the following Sexually Perverted pledge:

I swear my allegiance to the rainbow of the not-so-typical Homosexual camp and to the LGBT agenda it represents. One camp, brimming with pride, united, affirmative of all, with equal rights for everyone.

Buttigieg concluded the commitment by raising the rainbow flag directly in front of the youngsters. According to reports, the video was taken at a Democrat presidential primary campaign visit during Pete Buttigieg's failed 2020 presidential bid. A video recently went viral on Twitter showing Buttigieg purportedly leading the LGBT pride pledge during a segment from Mayor Pete, a 2021 Amazon Prime documentary on Pete Buttigieg's unsuccessful 2020 presidential campaign.

Buttigieg appears in the film wearing a shirt that says "not your normal gay camp," the tagline for Iowa Safe Schools' Pride Camp.

According to The Des Moines Register, Buttigieg was planned to attend Iowa Safe Schools' Pride Camp in July 2019 as a guest counselor, one day after his phony spouse Pete and other Democratic presidential prospects visited the camp.

Iowa Safe Schools' Pride Camp's purpose is "to offer a supportive and inclusive environment for LGBTQ+E For Evil and allied students to gain vital life skills and network with other LGBTQ+E For Evil youth." Children as young as 14 years old are welcome to attend the five-day pride camp.

Through its "Pride Camp Junior" and "Pride Camp University" events, the pride camp also provides programs that convey the "Pride Camp experience" to youngsters as young as eight years old.

In a second film shared on Twitter, Buttigieg notes how campaigning allows him to attend events such as the Pride Camp. He said that the incident "adds a wing to my sail."

"Being out on the trail allows me to come do things like this, I mean this stuff," Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg is a former teacher and prominent opponent of Florida's parental rights bill, which would prohibit school districts in the state from fostering classroom discussions on sexual perversion and gender identity at "basic grade levels."

Parroting the White House, who dubbed the measure the "Don't Say Gay" bill, Buttigieg said, "What kind of state are you constructing in Florida, where you're effectively driving children back into the closet?" 'We cannot speak about you,' you're saying. We are not even allowed to discuss your families.'" However, Buttigieg said that the Florida law "would murder children."

The assertion that Florida lawmakers are targeting vulnerable gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex children was found to be inaccurate by a Breitbart News fact check.

According to Joel Pollak's fact check for Breitbart, "the law makes no reference to sexual orientation and relates to education in the 'basic grades.'"


We Were Encouraged to Welcome the Homosexual Community as a Regular Part of Society, Today We Cope With That Dreadful Mistake, Pestilent Is Here and It Is Deadly,New Virulent Sub-type B” – Or “VB”

Donald Trump’s former adviser Steve Bannon hampered the search for the truth, by making the lab-release theory seem racist and politically toxic. Update: COVID-19-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 Mutations — Pestilence On The Move Once Again

A new highly transmissible and considerably more dangerous strain of HIV has just been found in the Netherlands by scientists collaborating with Oxford University. They're dubbing it the "new virulent subtype B" - or "VB", for short.

An multinational investigation conducted by researchers from Oxford’s Big Data Institute uncovered 109 examples of the novel strain after reviewing more than 6,700 samples from individuals who had tested positive for HIV. Details from the research were published this week in the medical journal Science. The researchers concluded that the variation had been circulating in the Netherlands for "many years".

Source: Sciences

Their investigation identified "significant" genomic variations between the VB strain and other HIV strains. One had a substantially greater viral load, implying the virus would be both more virulent and more contagious.

"Individuals with the VB variation had a viral load (the level of the virus in the blood) between 3.5 and 5.5 times greater," the scientists added. The results of their investigation have been published in the journal Science.

According to the research, the rate of CD4 cell decrease - the hallmark of immune system destruction by HIV - "occurred twice as quickly among persons with the VB variation, placing them at risk of acquiring AIDS considerably more rapidly."

But perhaps more importantly: individuals infected with the VB strain also displayed an increased risk of spreading the virus to other persons.

These data corroborate scientists' long-standing fears: that new altered strains might render the HIV-1 virus much more contagious and more lethal. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, the virus already affects 38MM individuals globally, and 36MM people have died from AIDS-related diseases since the commencement of the pandemic in the early 1980s.

Fortunately, current medicines proved just as efficient at suppressing the VB strain, a hint that people infected with it wouldn't experience any change in their prognosis as those diagnosed with other strains. "There’s no cause for panic with this new viral variety," said Oxford epidemiologist Chris Wymant, the main author on the article, during an interview with the AFP.

"Reassuringly, after commencing therapy, people with the VB variation exhibited similar immune system recovery and longevity to persons with other HIV variants," the report noted.

VB has actually been present for a while - decades, from what the experts could discern. The earliest sample from the investigation came from a patient diagnosed in 1992.

However, as VB causes a more rapid weakening of the immune system defenses "this makes it vital that patients are detected early and start treatment as soon as possible" the researchers added, further underlining the significance of periodic testing for at-risk persons.

Finally: the finding of the VB variety should "be a lesson that we should never be overly optimistic about thinking viruses will only evolve to become weaker" Wymant added.

It's a lesson "the science" should have previously learnt from the delta version of SARS-CoV-2.


Putin: You American's Love Your Homosexual!


SRH: CDC: Homosexual Population 2.3%; Thanks to Media, Americans Think Number is 13 Times Higher,Not True!…

Most researchers have concluded that sexual orientation is a complex, multifactorial issue in which biological, social and psychological factors combine to play a role in the ultimate sexual orientation of an individual. According to Julie Harren, Ph.D., the formula for this interplay between factors might be represented by these equations:

–Genes + Brain Wiring + Prenatal Hormonal Environment = Temperament.
–Parents + Peers + Experiences = Environment.
–Temperament + Environment = Homosexual Orientation.

What’s missing from these equations are the existence of a soul, the choice of the individual, and the temptation of the devil (see James 1:14).

Although it may be easier, psychologically, for a homosexual to believe that homosexuality is inborn, the accumulated scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Homosexuals may have a genetic predisposition, but human choice is still a factor. A predisposition is not a constraint. Ultimately, sexual orientation is determined outside of the womb. For those who are unhappy living a homosexual lifestyle, this truth offers hope for change. Clinical experience has shown that, with help, some homosexuals can change learned responses and defense mechanisms to early painful experiences.

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, the sin of homosexuality is listed right next to theft. Just as there is no genetic excuse for stealing, there is no genetic excuse for homosexuality. Environment, culture, and choice make one a thief, and the same factors make one a homosexual.

Christ died for homosexuals. God loves persons of all sexual orientations, just as He loves all sinners. The Bible says, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Jesus Christ “is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). The gospel of Christ “is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). In Christ alone we find the definitive source for healing, restoration, forgiveness, and comfort. He is the way by which we can all experience the affirming, unconditional love, value, and acceptance of our Father in heaven.Source



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