Watchman Yes, There Are Generational Curses, but These Can Be Broken Through Humble Confession and Repentance. Demonic Powers Can Bind One Generation and Carry Their Evil Influence to the Children and Grandchildren

Their Evil Influence to the Children and Grandchildren(1)


It is said that disobedience to God causes a generational curse to be carried down from one generation to the next. If divorce, incest, poverty, wrath, or other wicked patterns run in your family, you're probably a victim of a generational curse. The Bible claims that decisions have an impact on these curses. We have a choice between life and blessings and death and curses, according to Deuteronomy 30:19.

The biggest impact on our growth, including the formation of our sinful habits, comes from our families. There are also others who claim that curses from families or generations are carried down through generations. Exodus 34:7 states that God "punishes the children and their children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generations," which is where this concept originates.

It's clear that sinful tendencies are inherited by families, whether or not they result in spiritual curses. Everyone sins, but our families also influence our patterns of sin in the same ways that society, race, and gender do.

Many of the characteristics and inclinations we get from our parents don't always have a good impact on us or other people. A generational curse occurs when we pick up a wicked habit or belief that has a detrimental impact on our lives or the lives of people around us. Is it possible to end this vicious cycle of suffering? It is the darker side of behavior that has been passed down through the generations.

In the end, no matter how hard we try, we can never change our parents. The person with the ability? Jesus. Giving them up to the Lord is the best way for us to honor our parents if they are not safe physically, spiritually, or emotionally.

We can pray for them in order to honor them from a distance. Sometimes, losing a relationship is necessary for someone to understand they need to make changes. For someone to turn to Jesus for their own healing, they might need to lose their relationship with a child.

The things the enemy has tried to exploit in our life to keep us bound begin to heal as we mature spiritually. We must parent our own children differently from how we were raised as part of the healing process.

In spite of the nagging in my own heart, as a parent, there are particular scriptures that I have taught my kids. Throughout the years, despite my best efforts to ignore it, it has occasionally surfaced.

Respect your mom and dad.

I've tried my best as a believer to instill a biblical perspective in our kids and to show the Lord through our love and protection of them.

I would guess that a large portion of our friends and churchgoers aspire to parent in a very similar manner. Generally speaking, it has been simple to not only impart that idea to our children, but also to allow them to observe it exemplified in the lives of individuals who surround us.

To be completely honest, though, when I have said those things, there has always been a thought or feeling in the back of my mind.

What does it mean to pay tribute to parents who did not embody Christ? As followers of Christ, how do we keep the commandments found in both the Old and New Testaments while attempting to find a way to move past the upsetting experiences from our past?

I believe that I carried this strain for a long time, letting the enemy inflict guilt and humiliation on me. I have on multiple occasions let those emotions lead me into circumstances that have put me in far more misery than before.

I couldn't reconcile how I could end the cycle of abuse in my family and still honor my parents, who were obviously not living for the Lord, even though I knew it was what God desired.

I brought that sorrow and strain to the Lord, and He gave me some insights that I believe would be beneficial to you as well.

1. Our reading must be filtered via our understanding of Jesus.

Jesus spoke extensively on abuse, treating others with respect, and being a good representative of God. It was assumed that the parents were also under the Lord's submission when the commandment was given to revere them.

There there is no issue with honor if someone is obedient to the Lord. where someone wants respect without first honoring Christ, that is where the difficulties arise. Jesus never supports cruelty.

His desire is for the broken to be whole again, for prisoners to be set free, and for our interpersonal connections to serve as a living example of His love. In the New Testament, Jesus also models and imparts sound boundaries.

2. Giving our parents over to the Lord is the greatest way we can show them our respect.

In the end, no matter how hard we try, we can never change our parents. The person with the ability? Jesus. Giving them up to the Lord is the best way for us to honor our parents if they are not safe physically, spiritually, or emotionally.

We can pray for them in order to honor them from a distance. Sometimes, losing a relationship is necessary for someone to understand they need to make changes. For someone to turn to Jesus for their own healing, they might need to lose their relationship with a child.

3. The Bible commands us to safeguard our children.

The things the enemy has tried to exploit in our life to keep us bound begin to heal as we mature spiritually. We must parent our own children differently from how we were raised as part of the healing process.


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Breaking the "generational curses" that have afflicted some of our families involves doing just that. Generations of families have been affected by the enemy through addictions, abuse, mental illness, etc.

We have a biblical duty to safeguard our children, even from our own parents, even though it can be challenging. This can entail avoiding close proximity and preventing some of the same factors that impacted us from affecting them.

Nothing about this is simple. Some folks might not comprehend. Even well-intentioned advice from non-abusive households can occasionally be harmful.




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