Watchman’s Daily Devotional: The Journey Is Full of Trials. Those Trials Cause Grief, but They Also Accomplish a Purpose. They Prove Our Faith, Like Precious Metal Is Purified by Fire. They Burn out the Impurities of Our Worldly Ideas and Misguided Doctrines

Biblical Tribulation(3)

1 Peter 1:6-8 6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,

Peter is discussing the paradox of the Christian life. We have a promising future awaiting us. The strength of the divine is sustaining us until we reach our destination. He mentions that this leads to great rejoicing. If you're not filled with joy, you may not have fully appreciated the amazing things ahead of us or recognized the strength that sustains us along the way. Happiness should be the distinguishing characteristic of every believer.

The paradox lies in the fact that the journey is fraught with trials. Adversity may bring sorrow, yet it serves a greater plan. They demonstrate our faith, much like valuable metal is cleansed by fire. They purify our worldly ideas and correct our misguided doctrines.

How can we find joy in the midst of difficult trials that bring us sorrow? We can observe that they are fulfilling a role. We witness our faith becoming more robust and refined. We eagerly anticipate our Savior's magnificent return and understand that it is truly worthwhile. Receiving his approval will be more than worth it. As we look forward to the future and the love of our Savior guiding us, we are overwhelmed with a joy that cannot be put into words, even as we face temporary challenges.

Reflect on this: You may be currently facing a challenge, recovering from one, or about to encounter one. Great! The experience will challenge and strengthen your faith, leading to the rewarding acknowledgment from Jesus. Matthew 25:21a Embrace that day with unwavering belief and experience overwhelming happiness.


The Great Tribulation

It is our belief that the Great Tribulation referred to in the New Testament Book of Revelation (chapters 6-11) is unfolding before our eyes. In the near future, we will devote the "Tribulation" tab on our "Trending" menu to this emerging reality. As people continue to unplug from mainstream media, our commitment is to present the truth and encourage our audience to understand current events from a Biblical perspective. Click here to begin the journey.

The Watchman

In the Bible, the Watchman is responsible for keeping watch and warning others of potential danger or impending judgment. The role is mentioned several times in the Old Testament, particularly in the book of Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 33:6, God says to the prophet Ezekiel, "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand." Click here to begin the journey.

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